WoRMS source details

Molnar, J.L., R.L. Gamboa, C. Revenga & M.D. Spalding. (2008). Assessing the global threat of invasive species to marine biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6(9): 485-492.
10.1890/070064 [view]
Molnar, J.L., R.L. Gamboa, C. Revenga & M.D. Spalding
Assessing the global threat of invasive species to marine biodiversity.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
6(9): 485-492.
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2014-05-19 13:30:39Z
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2023-04-03 11:34:13Z

Adriatic Sea for Acartia (Acanthacartia) tonsa Dana, 1849-1852  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771 
Adriatic Sea for Ammothea hilgendorfi (Böhm, 1879)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Antithamnion nipponicum Yamada & Inagaki, 1935  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Ascidiella aspersa (Müller, 1776)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Botryllus violaceus Milne Edwards, 1841  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Boudouresque, 2003  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Caulerpa taxifolia (M.Vahl) C.Agardh, 1817  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Codium fragile subsp. tomentosoides (van Goor) P.C.Silva, 1955  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Cuthona perca (Er. Marcus, 1958)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Desmarestia viridis (O.F.Müller) J.V.Lamouroux, 1813  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Dyspanopeus sayi (Smith, 1869)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Grateloupia turuturu Yamada, 1941  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan, 1835)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Hydroides dianthus (Verrill, 1873)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J.V.Lamouroux, 1813  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Musculista senhousia (W. H. Benson, 1842)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Ostreopsis ovata Fukuyo, 1981  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) 
Adriatic Sea for Polyandrocarpa zorritensis (Van Name, 1931)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Polydora ciliata (Johnston, 1838)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey, 1857  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846)  (origin: alien)
Adriatic Sea for Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt, 1955  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Alpheus audouini Coutière, 1905  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Alpheus migrans Lewinsohn & Holthuis, 1978  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Beroe ovatus Bruguière, 1789  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Callionymus filamentosus Valenciennes, 1837  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Cassiopea andromeda (Forskål, 1775)  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Boudouresque, 2003  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Charybdis (Goniohellenus) longicollis Leene, 1938  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Cliona thoosina Topsent, 1888  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Codium fragile subsp. tomentosoides (van Goor) P.C.Silva, 1955  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Coolia monotis Meunier, 1919  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Corbula gibba (Olivi, 1792) 
Aegean Sea for Erugosquilla massavensis (Kossmann, 1880)  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Fistularia commersonii Rüppell, 1838  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Halophila stipulacea (Forsskål) Ascherson, 1867  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Herbstia condyliata (Fabricius, 1787) 
Aegean Sea for Hydroides dirampha Mörch, 1863  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Hydroides elegans (Haswell, 1883) [nomen protectum]  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Lagocephalus suezensis Clark & Gohar, 1953  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne) F.Schmitz, 1893  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Marsupenaeus japonicus (Spence Bate, 1888)  (inaccurate) (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Melicertus hathor (Burkenroad, 1959)  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Metapenaeopsis aegyptia Galil & Golani, 1990  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Metapenaeus stebbingi Nobili, 1904  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Morone saxatilis (Walbaum, 1792)  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Myra subgranulata Kossmann, 1877  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Ostreopsis ovata Fukuyo, 1981  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Paranais frici Hrabĕ, 1941  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Pempheris vanicolensis Cuvier, 1831  (inaccurate)
Aegean Sea for Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan, 1844  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) 
Aegean Sea for Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck, 1818  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Phallusia nigra Savigny, 1816  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Portunus (Portunus) pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758)  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Potamothrix bavaricus (Oschmann, 1913)  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Sargocentron rubrum (Forsskål, 1775)  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Sphaeroma walkeri Stebbing, 1905  (origin: alien)
Aegean Sea for Spirorbis marioni Caullery & Mesnil, 1897  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Alosa sapidissima (Wilson, 1811)  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Cladophora sericea (Hudson) Kützing, 1843  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Cliona thoosina Topsent, 1888  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Ectopleura crocea (Agassiz, 1862)  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Fucus cottoni M.J.Wynne & Magne, 1991  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Garveia franciscana (Torrey, 1902)  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Heteromastus filiformis (Claparède, 1864)  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Microspongium globosum Reinke, 1888  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Mya arenaria Linnaeus, 1758 †  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Polysiphonia brodiei (Dillwyn) Sprengel, 1827  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Salmo salar Linnaeus, 1758  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Schizoporella unicornis (Johnston in Wood, 1844)  (origin: alien)
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Trochammina hadai Uchio, 1962  (origin: alien)
Alboran Sea for Amathia distans Busk, 1886  (origin: alien)
Alboran Sea for Antithamnionella spirographidis (Schiffner) E.M.Wollaston, 1968  (origin: alien)
Alboran Sea for Ascidiella aspersa (Müller, 1776)  (origin: alien)
Alboran Sea for Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot, 1891  (origin: alien)
Alboran Sea for Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Boudouresque, 2003  (origin: alien)
Alboran Sea for Codium fragile subsp. tomentosoides (van Goor) P.C.Silva, 1955  (origin: alien)
Alboran Sea for Cordylophora caspia (Pallas, 1771)  (origin: alien)
Alboran Sea for Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel, 1923)  (origin: alien)
Andaman Sea for Mytilopsis sallei (Récluz, 1849)  (origin: alien)
Arabian Sea for Bugula neritina (Linnaeus, 1758)  (origin: alien)
Arabian Sea for Ectopleura crocea (Agassiz, 1862)  (origin: alien)
Arabian Sea for Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J.V.Lamouroux, 1813  (origin: alien)
Arabian Sea for Mytilopsis sallei (Récluz, 1849)  (origin: alien)
Arafura Sea for Botryllus schlosseri (Pallas, 1766)  (origin: alien)
Arafura Sea for Cordylophora caspia (Pallas, 1771)  (origin: alien)
Arafura Sea for Diadumene lineata (Verrill, 1869)  (origin: alien)
Argentinean Exclusive Economic Zone for Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, 1995  (inaccurate) (origin: alien)
Argentinean Exclusive Economic Zone for Cryptosula pallasiana (Moll, 1803)  (origin: alien)
Argentinean Exclusive Economic Zone for Jassa marmorata Holmes, 1905  (origin: alien)
Argentinean part of the South Atlantic Ocean for Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar, 1873  (origin: alien)
Australia for Ostrea edulis Linnaeus, 1758  (origin: alien)
Australia for Spartina anglica C.E. Hubbard  (origin: alien)
 Introduced species abundance

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Dominant [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in Celtic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in English Channel (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in Celtic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in United Kingdom part of the English Channel (Marine Region) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in Canadian part of the Bay of Fundy (Marine Region) : Rare to common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in English Channel (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Rare to common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

United Kingdom part of the Irish Sea and St. George's Channel (Marine Region): Locally common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in Celtic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in English Channel (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in Celtic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Rare [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in United Kingdom part of the English Channel (Marine Region) : Common [details]

 Introduced species abundance

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Common [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of public/tourist amenity [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in South China Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Alters bio-geochemical/hydrologic cycles [details]

 Introduced species impact

in South China Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Romanian part of the Black Sea : Human health [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Adriatic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Sweden (Nation) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Genetic impacts: hybridisation and introgression [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Hawaiian part of the North Pacific Ocean (Marine Region) : Adverse habitat modification [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Hawaiian part of the North Pacific Ocean (Marine Region) : Water abstraction or nuisance fouling [details]

 Introduced species impact

in The Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia (IHO Sea Area) : Adverse habitat modification [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Black Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Alters trophic interactions [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Atlantic Ocean (IHO Sea Area) : Water abstraction or nuisance fouling [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Baltic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Water abstraction or nuisance fouling [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Water abstraction or nuisance fouling [details]

 Introduced species impact

in United States (Nation) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Pathogen/parasite or carrier of a pathogen/parasite [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Pathogen/parasite or carrier of a pathogen/parasite [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Alters bio-geochemical/hydrologic cycles [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Australia (Nation) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Australia (Nation) : Water abstraction or nuisance fouling [details]

 Introduced species impact

in New Zealand (Nation) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in New Zealand (Nation) : Water abstraction or nuisance fouling [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of public/tourist amenity [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of public/tourist amenity [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Adverse habitat modification [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Alters bio-geochemical/hydrologic cycles [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Norway (Nation) : Adverse habitat modification [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Norway (Nation) : Alters bio-geochemical/hydrologic cycles [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Water abstraction or nuisance fouling [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Black Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Other impact - undefined or uncertain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Atlantic Ocean (IHO Sea Area) : Other impact - undefined or uncertain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Sweden (Nation) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Ukraine (Nation) : Adverse habitat modification [details]

 Introduced species impact

in United Kingdom (Nation) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in United Kingdom part of the English Channel (Marine Region) : Adverse habitat modification [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Adriatic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Loss of aquaculture/commercial/recreational harvest or gain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in South Atlantic Ocean (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Caribbean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Adverse habitat modification [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Caribbean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Baltic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Consumes native species (predator or herbivore) [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Baltic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Atlantic Ocean (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Norway (Nation) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Water abstraction or nuisance fouling [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Alters bio-geochemical/hydrologic cycles [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Alters trophic interactions [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Adverse habitat modification [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Human health [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Human health [details]

 Introduced species impact

in The Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia (IHO Sea Area) : Alters bio-geochemical/hydrologic cycles [details]

 Introduced species impact

in The Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia (IHO Sea Area) : Consumes native species (predator ... [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Adverse habitat modification [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Baltic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Other impact - undefined or uncertain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Ionian Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Other impact - undefined or uncertain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Other impact - undefined or uncertain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Other impact - undefined or uncertain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Celtic Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Other impact - undefined or uncertain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in North Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Other impact - undefined or uncertain [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin (IHO Sea Area) : Outcompetes native species for resources and/or space [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Turkey (Nation) : Alters trophic interactions [details]

 Introduced species impact

in United States (Alaska) part of the Gulf of Alaska (Marine Region) : Outcompetes native species for resources ... [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Aegean Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Alters trophic interactions [details]

 Introduced species impact

in Black Sea (IHO Sea Area) : Alters trophic interactions [details]

 Introduced species impact

in California (State) : Other impact - undefined or uncertain [details]