Foraminifera taxon details
Bolivina d'Orbigny, 1839
112101 (
Bolivina plicata d'Orbigny, 1839 (type by subsequent designation)
Aphelophragmina Loeblich & Tappan, 1994 · unaccepted
Bolivina (Bolivina) d'Orbigny, 1839 · alternative representation
Bolivina (Brizalina) Finger, 1981 · unaccepted (Nomen translatum)
Bolivina (Proroporus) Yabe & Hanzawa, 1929 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym (Subjective junior synonym Opinion...)
Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Loeblich and Tappan (1987), nomen translatum
Brizalina Costa, 1856 · unaccepted (Genetic and morpologic studies do...)
Genetic and morpologic studies do not support separate genera (e.g. Ertan et al., 2004)
Bulimina (Bolivina) d'Orbigny, 1839 · unaccepted
Clidostomum Ehrenberg, 1845 · unaccepted (Subjective junior synonym Opinion...)
Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Loeblich and Tappan (1987)
Grammostomum Ehrenberg, 1839 · unaccepted (Subjective junior synonym Opinion...)
Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Loeblich and Tappan (1987)
Grammostomum (Valvulina) Reuss, 1851 · unaccepted
Latibolivina Srinivasan, 1966 · unaccepted (Opinion of Revets (1996 and pers....)
Opinion of Revets (1996 and pers. comm.)
Proroporus Ehrenberg, 1844 · unaccepted (Subjective junior synonym Opinion...)
Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Loeblich and Tappan (1987)
- Species Bolivina abbreviata Longinelli, 1956 † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina limbata var. abbreviata Heron-Allen & Earland, 1924)
- Species Bolivina acaulis Egger, 1893
- Species Bolivina acerosa Cushman, 1936
- Species Bolivina achalzichensis M.V. Kacharava, 1958 †
- Species Bolivina adriana Longinelli, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina aduncosutura Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina advena Cushman, 1925
- Species Bolivina aenariensiformis Myatlyuk in Subbotina, 1960 †
- Species Bolivina aenariensis (Costa, 1856)
- Species Bolivina affiliata Finlay, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina alata (Seguenza, 1862)
- Species Bolivina alataformis Mehrnusch, 2000 †
- Species Bolivina alazanensis Cushman, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina albatrossi Cushman, 1922
- Species Bolivina aleksandrae Gawor-Biedowa, 1992 †
- Species Bolivina algeriana Glaçon, Magné & Muraour, 1952 †
- Species Bolivina aliformis Cushman, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina alpina Lindenberg, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina altenburgenesis Mehrnusch, 1998 †
- Species Bolivina alvarezi Sellier de Civrieux, 1976
- Species Bolivina alzeyensis Mehrnusch, 1985 †
- Species Bolivina anambra Petters, 1982 †
- Species Bolivina anastomosa Finlay, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina anglica Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina angularis Maslakova, 1961 †
- Species Bolivina angusta Pishvanova, 1960 † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina dilatata var. angusta Egger, 1895)
- Species Bolivina angusta Maslakova, 1961 † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina dilatata var. angusta Egger, 1895)
- Species Bolivina antegressa Subbotina, 1953 †
- Species Bolivina antiqua d'Orbigny, 1846 †
- Species Bolivina antiquaeformis Cicha & Zapletalová, 1963 †
- Species Bolivina apenninica Barbieri & Mosna, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina aptica Tairov, 1961 †
- Species Bolivina aquitanica Mehrnusch, 1985 †
- Species Bolivina arctica Herman, 1973
- Species Bolivina arenosa Chapman, 1895
- Species Bolivina argentea Cushman, 1926
- Species Bolivina ariana Cole & Ponton, 1930 †
- Species Bolivina arta MacFadyen, 1930
- Species Bolivina asanoi Uchio, 1951
- Species Bolivina aspera Clodius, 1922 †
- Species Bolivina astoriensis Cushman, Stewart & Stewart, 1948 †
- Species Bolivina atapica Maisuradze, 1988 †
- Species Bolivina atlantisae Cushman, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina attenuata Cushman, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina attica Parker, 1958
- Species Bolivina azerbaidjanica Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina azerbaidjanica Kadyrova, 1964 † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina azerbaidjanica Khalilov, 1956)
- Species Bolivina aziderensis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina barbarana Cushman & Kleinpell, 1934 †
- Species Bolivina barbata Phleger & Parker, 1951
- Species Bolivina barnwelli Finlay, 1947 †
- Species Bolivina bartensteini Said & Barakat, 1958 †
- Species Bolivina barthae Mehrnusch, 1998 †
- Species Bolivina basbeckensis Hofker, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina basisenta Cushman & Stone, 1947 †
- Species Bolivina bassensis Parr, 1950
- Species Bolivina beaufortana Hadley, 1936
- Species Bolivina bellatula Minakova, 1953 †
- Species Bolivina benedictensis Pierce, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina betieri Drooger, 1952 †
- Species Bolivina beyrichi Reuss, 1851
- Species Bolivina bicostata Cushman, 1926
- Species Bolivina bierigi Palmer & Bermúdez, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina bikiniana McCulloch, 1977
- Species Bolivina bilaensis LeRoy, 1944 †
- Species Bolivina binaensis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina blakei Finger & Lipps, 1990 †
- Species Bolivina boettgeri Spandel, 1909 †
- Species Bolivina brabantica Kaasschieter, 1961 †
- Species Bolivina brevior Cushman, 1925
- Species Bolivina brevis Mariani, 1893 †
- Species Bolivina breviscula Subbotina, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina britannica Macfadyen, 1942
- Species Bolivina brodskyi Mikhalevich, 1976
- Species Bolivina broussardi Howe & Roberts, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina budensis (Hantken, 1875) †
- Species Bolivina budugensis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina byramensis Cushman, 1923 †
- Species Bolivina cacozela Vella, 1957
- Species Bolivina californica Cushman, 1925 †
- Species Bolivina calvertensis Dorsey, 1948 †
- Species Bolivina campanulata Egger, 1893 †
- Species Bolivina cancellata Bermúdez, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina canimarensis Palmer & Bermúdez, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina capdevilensis Cushman & Bermúdez, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina capitata Cushman, 1933
- Species Bolivina caribaea Goës, 1896
- Species Bolivina carinatiformis M.V. Kacharava, 1958 †
- Species Bolivina carnata Subbotina, 1960 †
- Species Bolivina caspia Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina catanensis Seguenza, 1862
- Species Bolivina caucasensis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina caudriae Cushman & Renz, 1941 †
- Species Bolivina charapotoensis Cushman & Stevenson, 1948 †
- Species Bolivina chehalisensis Rau, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina chinenensis LeRoy, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina chirana Cushman & Stone, 1947 †
- Species Bolivina chlamida Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina choctawensis Cushman & Mcglamery, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina chrysalis Terquem, 1878 †
- Species Bolivina churchi Kleinpell & Tipton, 1980 †
- Species Bolivina cincta Heron-Allen & Earland, 1932
- Species Bolivina cistina Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina cochei Cushman & Adams, 1935
- Species Bolivina colemani Galloway & Morrey, 1931 †
- Species Bolivina comacostata Khusid, 1977 †
- Species Bolivina compacta Sidebottom, 1905
- Species Bolivina compta Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina concavosutura Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina concinna (Knipscheer & Martin, 1955) †
- Species Bolivina conica Cushman, 1925 †
- Species Bolivina contorta LeRoy, 1944 †
- Species Bolivina cookei Cushman, 1922 †
- Species Bolivina costata d'Orbigny, 1839
- Species Bolivina costifera Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina crassicostata de Klasz, Le Calvez & Rérat, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina crassiseptata Marks, 1951 †
- Species Bolivina crassocostata Mehrnusch, 1985 †
- Species Bolivina crenulata Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina crespinae Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina cretosa Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina cubaguaensis Bermúdez & Fuenmayor, 1966 †
- Species Bolivina cuneiformis Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina cuneiformis Pishvanova, 1960 † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Bolivina cuneiformis Kleinpell, 1938)
- Species Bolivina cuomoi Boltovskoy, 1954
- Species Bolivina currai Sellier de Civrieux, 1976
- Species Bolivina cylindracea Schwager, 1878 †
- Species Bolivina cylindrata Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina daggarius Parker, 1955
- Species Bolivina daniana Nakkady & Talaat, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina danvillensiformis Mehrnusch, 1990 †
- Species Bolivina danvillensis Howe & Wallace, 1932 †
- Species Bolivina davisi Cushman & Ellisor, 1945 †
- Species Bolivina decens Pishvanova, 1960 †
- Species Bolivina decurrens (Ehrenberg, 1854) †
- Species Bolivina decurtata Cushman, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina decussata (Brady, 1881)
- Species Bolivina densa Todd, 1957 †
- Species Bolivina densipunctata Sellier de Civrieux, 1976
- Species Bolivina dentata Brotzen, 1934 †
- Species Bolivina dentelata Subbotina, 1960 †
- Species Bolivina dentellata Tavani, 1955 †
- Species Bolivina dentilineata Bandy, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina depressula Cushman, 1923 †
- Species Bolivina dibrarensis Geodakchan, 1958 †
- Species Bolivina difformis (Williamson, 1858)
- Species Bolivina dilatabiliformis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina dilatabilis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina dilatata Reuss, 1850
- Species Bolivina dinapolii Tavani, 1955 †
- Species Bolivina directa Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina dispar Cushman & Stevenson, 1948 †
- Species Bolivina dissentiata Cushman & Todd, 1946 †
- Species Bolivina distorqueata Cushman & Todd, 1945 †
- Species Bolivina dohmi Bermúdez, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina dolgenensis Mehrnusch, 2000 †
- Species Bolivina doniezi Cushman & Wickenden, 1929
- Species Bolivina dottianna Coryell & Mossman, 1942 †
- Species Bolivina dragunensis Mehrnusch, 2000 †
- Species Bolivina droogeri Sellier de Civrieux, 1977 (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina fastigia subsp. droogeri Cicha & Zapletalová, 1963)
- Species Bolivina duisburgensis Mehrnusch, 1993 †
- Species Bolivina dunlapi Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina earlandi Parr, 1950
- Species Bolivina eburneensis Anglada, Jouval & M'Boro, 1981 †
- Species Bolivina ecuadorana Cushman & Stevenson, 1948 †
- Species Bolivina eggeri Cushman, 1938
- Species Bolivina elkensis Nauss, 1947 †
- Species Bolivina elliptica Ujiié, 1977 †
- Species Bolivina elongata Hantken, 1875 †
- Species Bolivina esnehensis Nakkady, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina etrusca Salvatorini, 1967 †
- Species Bolivina euplectella Yokoyama, 1890 †
- Species Bolivina exilicostata Finger, 1992 †
- Species Bolivina explicata Cushman & Hedberg, 1930 †
- Species Bolivina fastigia Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina ferasini Proto Decima, 1960 †
- Species Bolivina fimbriata Hasson, 1986 † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina alata subsp. fimbriata Collins, 1958)
- Species Bolivina finlayi Hornibrook, 1961 †
- Species Bolivina firma Hofker, 1955 †
- Species Bolivina floridana Cushman, 1918
- Species Bolivina floridanaformis Mehrnusch, 1993 †
- Species Bolivina foxenensis Bramlette, 1951 †
- Species Bolivina fragilis Phleger & Parker, 1951
- Species Bolivina frondalis McCulloch, 1977
- Species Bolivina fujimotoi Ujiié, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina funalis Voloshina, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina furcata Cushman & Jarvis, 1930 †
- Species Bolivina fyfei Hornibrook, 1958 †
- Species Bolivina gardnerae Cushman, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina garretti Cushman, 1935 †
- Species Bolivina gasparensis Bermúdez, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina gesteri LeRoy, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina girardensis Rankin Ms., 1934 †
- Species Bolivina gladiiformis Conato, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina gladius Garrett, 1942 †
- Species Bolivina glutinata Egger, 1893
- Species Bolivina goesii Cushman, 1922
- Species Bolivina goudkoffi Rankin Ms., 1934 †
- Species Bolivina grabenensis Rupp & Haunold-Jenke, 2003 †
- Species Bolivina gracilis Cushman & Applin, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina gramen (d'Orbigny, 1839)
- Species Bolivina granti Rankin Ms., 1934 †
- Species Bolivina guadalupae Parker, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina hamedii Yassini & Jones, 1995
- Species Bolivina hanzawai Asano, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina harangensis Cushman & Ellisor, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina hastata Phleger & Parker, 1951
- Species Bolivina hayasakai Kim, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina hebes Macfadyen, 1930 †
- Species Bolivina hebetata Cushman & Todd, 1945 †
- Species Bolivina heineae Galloway & Heminway, 1941 †
- Species Bolivina heinzmalzi Yassini & Jones, 1995
- Species Bolivina helenae Dzhanelidze, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina hentyana Chapman, 1916 †
- Species Bolivina hiltermanni Hofker, 1956
- Species Bolivina himiensis Chiji & Nakaseko, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina hinschi Mehrnusch, 2000 †
- Species Bolivina hirsuta Rhumbler, 1911
- Species Bolivina hongoensis Tai, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina hootsi Rankin Ms., 1934 †
- Species Bolivina hornibrooki Collen, 1972 †
- Species Bolivina hotosakuensis Ishizaki, 1944 †
- Species Bolivina hughesi Cushman, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina humilis Cushman & McCulloch, 1942
- Species Bolivina huneri Howe, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina hyalina Śmigielska, 1957 †
- Species Bolivina iae Maisuradze, 1988 †
- Species Bolivina ignara Cushman & Stone, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina imbricata Cushman, 1925 †
- Species Bolivina imperatrix Graham, de Klasz & Rérat, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina impolita McCulloch, 1977
- Species Bolivina imporcata Cushman & Renz, 1944 †
- Species Bolivina inconspicua Cushman & Renz, 1941 †
- Species Bolivina indansi Mehrnusch, 1993 †
- Species Bolivina indica Tewari & Srivastava, 1968 †
- Species Bolivina indopacifica Germeraad, 1946 †
- Species Bolivina inflata Heron-Allen & Earland, 1913
- Species Bolivina inflatiformis McCulloch, 1977
- Species Bolivina insueta Cushman & Stone, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina interjuncta Cushman, 1926
- Species Bolivina intorta Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina invalida Saidova, 1975
- Species Bolivina isaacsi Finger, 1992 †
- Species Bolivina isidroensis Cushman & Renz, 1941 †
- Species Bolivina israelskyi Cushman & Ellisor, 1945 †
- Species Bolivina italica Cushman, 1936
- Species Bolivina jacksonensis Cushman & Applin, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina jiattongi Wilson, 2006 †
- Species Bolivina jonesi Haque, 1970 †
- Species Bolivina jriensis Tedeschi, 1957 †
- Species Bolivina kalinini Vasilenko & Myatlyuk, 1947 †
- Species Bolivina karakemerica Morozova, 1940 †
- Species Bolivina karreri Procházka, 1893 †
- Species Bolivina kieselae Mehrnusch, 2000 †
- Species Bolivina kiiensis Asano, 1958
- Species Bolivina kinkelini Spandel, 1909 †
- Species Bolivina kleinpelli Beck, 1943 †
- Species Bolivina kodymi Cicha & Zapletalová, 1963 †
- Species Bolivina koessenensis Lindenberg, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina koreanica Kim, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina kuriani Seibold, 1975 †
- Species Bolivina kusnetzovae Antonova, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina laevigata Karrer, 1878 †
- Species Bolivina lafayettei McLean, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina lanceolata di Napoli, 1952 †
- Species Bolivina lapsus Finlay, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina lathetica Tappan, 1951 †
- Species Bolivina leonardii Accordi & Selmi, 1952 †
- Species Bolivina lepida Sliter, 1969
- Species Bolivina liasica (Terquem, 1858) †
- Species Bolivina librata McCulloch, 1977
- Species Bolivina ligularia Schwager, 1866
- Species Bolivina loetterlei Hamam, 1977 †
- Species Bolivina lomitensis Galloway & Wissler, 1927 †
- Species Bolivina longestriata Fahrion, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina longicostata LeRoy, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina louisiana Howe, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina lowmani Phleger & Parker, 1951
- Species Bolivina lucana Pirini in Mostardini et al., 1966 †
- Species Bolivina lucidopunctata Conato, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina lutea Sliter, 1969
- Species Bolivina lutosa Finlay, 1947 †
- Species Bolivina maculata Cushman & Stone, 1947 †
- Species Bolivina mahoenuica Hornibrook, 1961 †
- Species Bolivina malagaensis Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina malkinae Coryell & Embich, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina malovensis Heron-Allen & Earland, 1932
- Species Bolivina mantaensis Cushman, 1929 †
- Species Bolivina mantanzana Palmer & Bermúdez, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina maragaensis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina marginata Cushman, 1918 †
- Species Bolivina marginoserrata LeRoy, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina marielina Cushman & Bermúdez, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina marshallana Todd & Post, 1954 †
- Species Bolivina martini Pijpers, 1933 †
- Species Bolivina matanzana Palmer & Bermúdez, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina matejkai Cicha & Zapletalová, 1963 †
- Species Bolivina mauricensis Howe, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina maxima Cicha & Zapletalová, 1963 †
- Species Bolivina mediacostata LeRoy, 1944 †
- Species Bolivina medisulcata Wang & Zheng, 1981 †
- Species Bolivina melettica Andreae, 1884
- Species Bolivina merecuanai Sellier de Civrieux, 1976
- Species Bolivina microlancetiformis Subbotina, 1953 †
- Species Bolivina minima Phleger & Parker, 1951
- Species Bolivina minutaformis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina miocenica (Gianotti, 1953) †
- Species Bolivina mississippiensis Cushman, 1922 †
- Species Bolivina mitcheli Gibson, 1967 †
- Species Bolivina modeloensis Cushman & Kleinpell, 1934 †
- Species Bolivina modesta Galloway & Wissler, 1927 †
- Species Bolivina moguntiaca Bartenstein & Heinemann, 1954 †
- Species Bolivina molassica Hofmann, 1967 †
- Species Bolivina molassicaformis Mehrnusch, 1989 †
- Species Bolivina moldavica Didkovskiy, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina monilifera Galloway & Morrey, 1931 †
- Species Bolivina moodysensis Cushman & Todd, 1945 †
- Species Bolivina moravica Cicha & Zapletalová, 1963 †
- Species Bolivina mornhinvegi Cushman, 1935 †
- Species Bolivina mtubatubanensis Biesiot, 1957 †
- Species Bolivina mulleri Kleinpell & Tipton, 1980 †
- Species Bolivina multicostata Cushman, 1918
- Species Bolivina multifida Saidova, 1975
- Species Bolivina nackenheimensis Mehrnusch, 1990 †
- Species Bolivina nagaoi Asano & Murata, 1958 †
- Species Bolivina nairi Sellier de Civrieux, 1976
- Species Bolivina naphtalanica Kadyrova, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina neocompacta McCulloch, 1981
- Species Bolivina nisporenica Didkovskiy, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina nitida Brady, 1884
- Species Bolivina nobilis Hantken, 1875
- Species Bolivina notabllis Eremeeva, 1961 †
- Species Bolivina nuda Terquem, 1882 †
- Species Bolivina obliqua Barbat & Johnson, 1934 †
- Species Bolivina obliquostriata Mehrnusch, 1993 †
- Species Bolivina oboyensis Morozova, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina obscura He, Hu & Wang, 1965
- Species Bolivina obscuranta Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina obsoleta (Eley, 1859) † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Textularia obsoleta Reuss, 1845)
- Species Bolivina oceanica Cushman, 1933
- Species Bolivina oligocaenica Spandel, 1909 †
- Species Bolivina opima Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina ordinaria Phleger & Parker, 1952
- Species Bolivina ormari Haque, 1970 †
- Species Bolivina ortegai Sellier de Civrieux, 1976
- Species Bolivina oshunae Reyment, 1966 †
- Species Bolivina osnabrugensis Grossheide, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina otukai Uchio, 1951 †
- Species Bolivina ouachitaensis Howe & Wallace, 1932 †
- Species Bolivina ovata Egger, 1893 †
- Species Bolivina ovatoformis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina pacifica Cushman & McCulloch, 1942
- Species Bolivina palantia Poag, 1972 †
- Species Bolivina palmerae Cushman & Bermúdez, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina panayensis McCulloch, 1977
- Species Bolivina pappi Cicha & Zapletalová, 1963 †
- Species Bolivina papulata Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina paradaschensis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina paralica Perconig, 1952 †
- Species Bolivina parallela (Perner, 1892) † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Textularia parallela Reuss, 1860)
- Species Bolivina parri Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina parvissima Subbotina, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina parvula di Napoli, 1952 †
- Species Bolivina paula Cushman & Cahill, 1932
- Species Bolivina peirsonae Uchio, 1960
- Species Bolivina pelita Bergen, 1986 †
- Species Bolivina pendula (Harris & Jobe, 1951) †
- Species Bolivina perca Garrett, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina peregrina Schwager, 1878 †
- Species Bolivina perrini Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina persiensis Lutze, 1974
- Species Bolivina peruviana Cushman & Stone, 1947 †
- Species Bolivina petiae Gibson, 1967 †
- Species Bolivina petterssoni Parker, 1953 †
- Species Bolivina pirabensis Petri, 1957 †
- Species Bolivina pisciformis Galloway & Morrey, 1929 †
- Species Bolivina placentina Zanmatti, 1957 †
- Species Bolivina planoconvexa Cushman & Todd, 1945 †
- Species Bolivina plicata d'Orbigny, 1839
- Species Bolivina plicatella Cushman, 1930
- Species Bolivina plicatellaformis Mehrnusch, 1993 †
- Species Bolivina pocheensis White, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina pokornyi Cicha & Zapletalová, 1963 †
- Species Bolivina polonica Bieda, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina pomposa Coryell & Mossman, 1942 †
- Species Bolivina pondi Cushman, 1931
- Species Bolivina pontadensis McCulloch, 1977
- Species Bolivina pontis Finlay, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina pozonensis Cushman & Renz, 1941 †
- Species Bolivina praebinaensis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina predecussata Arnal, 1984 †
- Species Bolivina primatumida White, 1929 †
- Species Bolivina prion Lindenberg, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina pritzierensis Mehrnusch, 2000 †
- Species Bolivina profunda Boomgaart, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina pseudobramletti Arnal, 1984 †
- Species Bolivina pseudodecussata Saidova, 1975
- Species Bolivina pseudodifformis Asano, 1938
- Species Bolivina pseudogemma Boomgaart, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina pseudogoesii Hofker, 1956
- Species Bolivina pseudointermedia Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina pseudolobata Yassini & Jones, 1995
- Species Bolivina pseudoplicata Heron-Allen & Earland, 1930
- Species Bolivina pseudoplicata Kacharava, 1982 † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina pseudoplicata Heron-Allen & Earland, 1930)
- Species Bolivina pseudopygmaea Cushman, 1933
- Species Bolivina pseudorobusta Valk, 1945 †
- Species Bolivina pseudospissa Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina pukeuriensis Hornibrook, 1961 †
- Species Bolivina pulchra Rhumbler, 1923 †
- Species Bolivina pulchra Le Calvez, 1950 † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina pulchra Rhumbler, 1923)
- Species Bolivina pumila Frenzel, 2000 †
- Species Bolivina punctata d'Orbigny, 1839
- Species Bolivina punctatostriata Kreuzberg, 1930
- Species Bolivina pungoensis Gibson, 1983 †
- Species Bolivina pusilla Schwager, 1866
- Species Bolivina pustulata Huber, 1988 †
- Species Bolivina pygmaea (Brady, 1881) (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bulimina pygmaea Egger, 1857)
- Species Bolivina quadrata Cushman & McCulloch, 1942
- Species Bolivina quadricosta Cushman & Mcglamery, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina quasiplicata Subbotina, 1953 †
- Species Bolivina quebrada Berry, 1932 †
- Species Bolivina ramosa Hofker, 1951
- Species Bolivina rankini Kleinpell, 1938
- Species Bolivina regularis Nuttall, 1928 †
- Species Bolivina restinensis Berry, 1928 †
- Species Bolivina retia Oki, 1989
- Species Bolivina reticulata Hantken, 1875
- Species Bolivina reticulataformis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina retifera Bandy, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina rhombica Petri, 1954 †
- Species Bolivina robusta (Brady, 1881)
- Species Bolivina rossenrayensis Mehrnusch, 1993 †
- Species Bolivina rotalis McCulloch, 1981
- Species Bolivina rothauseni Mehrnusch, 1993 †
- Species Bolivina rudderi Cushman & Renz, 1941 †
- Species Bolivina rugosa Parr, 1946 †
- Species Bolivina rukasi Hussey, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina rusbueltae Mehrnusch, 2000 †
- Species Bolivina ruseifaensis Hamam, 1980 †
- Species Bolivina sabahensis Whittaker & Hodgkinson, 1979 †
- Species Bolivina sabiana Smitter, 1955 †
- Species Bolivina sagittula Didkovskiy, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina saidi Souaya, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina salebrosa Bandy, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina salinasensis Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina saltakensis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina samanica Berry, 1928 †
- Species Bolivina santanaensis Finger, 1990 †
- Species Bolivina sarmatica Didkovskiy, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina saxolensis Dieci, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina scabrata Cushman & Bermúdez, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina scalprata Schwager, 1883
- Species Bolivina scintillo Cushman & Todd, 1948 †
- Species Bolivina sculpturata Cushman, 1913
- Species Bolivina semialata Bagg, 1908
- Species Bolivina semiclara McCulloch, 1977
- Species Bolivina semicostata Cushman, 1911
- Species Bolivina semiintegra Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina seminuda Cushman, 1911
- Species Bolivina seminudaformis Mehrnusch, 1991 †
- Species Bolivina semiperforata Martin, 1952
- Species Bolivina semistriata Hantken, 1868 †
- Species Bolivina semitruncata Hornibrook, 1961 †
- Species Bolivina seranensis Germeraad, 1946 †
- Species Bolivina serrata Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina serratosuturalis van Voorthuysen, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina shukrii Souaya, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina silvestrina Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina simpsoni Heron-Allen & Earland, 1915
- Species Bolivina sintikuensis Nakamura, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina sinuata Galloway & Wissler, 1927 †
- Species Bolivina sinzovi Didkovskiy, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina skagerrakensis Qvale & Nigam, 1985
- Species Bolivina sliteri Sellier de Civrieux, 1976
- Species Bolivina sommerbergensis Mehrnusch, 1985 †
- Species Bolivina sonnei Mehrnusch, 1993 †
- Species Bolivina sorangensis Haque, 1960 †
- Species Bolivina soriensis Haque, 1960 †
- Species Bolivina spathulata (Williamson, 1858)
- Species Bolivina spatuloides Hofker, 1956
- Species Bolivina spectabile Akimets, 1970 †
- Species Bolivina sphenoides Chapman & Parr, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina spieglerae Mehrnusch, 1999 †
- Species Bolivina spinata Cushman, 1936
- Species Bolivina spinescensiformis McCulloch, 1977
- Species Bolivina spiralis Cushman, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina spiroplectiformis Chapman, 1927 †
- Species Bolivina spissa Cushman, 1926
- Species Bolivina srinivasani (Kennett, 1967) †
- Species Bolivina striatocarinata Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina striatula Cushman, 1922
- Species Bolivina stuckeyi Howe, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina subadvena Cushman, 1926
- Species Bolivina subaenariensis Cushman, 1922
- Species Bolivina subargentea Uchio, 1960
- Species Bolivina subbinaensis Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina subchlamida Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina subcompacta Finlay, 1947 †
- Species Bolivina subcompressa (d'Orbigny, 1852)
- Species Bolivina subcretacea Khan, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina subdilatata Pishvanova, 1960 †
- Species Bolivina subhughesi Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina subincrassata Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina sublittoralis Sellier de Civrieux, 1976
- Species Bolivina sublobata Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina submarina Cushman, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina subreticulata Parr, 1932
- Species Bolivina subrhomboidalis Todd, 1957 †
- Species Bolivina subrotundata Herrmann, 1917 †
- Species Bolivina subsemiintegra Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina subspathulata Boomgaart, 1949
- Species Bolivina subspinescens Cushman, 1922
- Species Bolivina substriatula Asano, 1958
- Species Bolivina suezensis Said, 1949
- Species Bolivina sumatrensis LeRoy, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina superba Emiliani, 1949
- Species Bolivina suteri Cushman & Renz, 1941 †
- Species Bolivina tainanensis Nakamura, 1942 †
- Species Bolivina tarchanensis Subbotina & Khutsieva in Bogdanovich, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina targetensis Hornibrook, 1961 †
- Species Bolivina taylori Howe, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina tectiformis Cushman, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina tenuicostata de Klasz, Le Calvez & Rérat, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina tenuis Marsson, 1878 †
- Species Bolivina teretum (Cushman, 1936) †
- Species Bolivina terquemi Lindenberg, 1965 †
- Species Bolivina tezhevaensis Morozova & Kuryleva, 1967 †
- Species Bolivina thalmanni Renz, 1948
- Species Bolivina thomsoni Howe, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina ticensis Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina tikutoensis Nakamura, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina tinocoi Petri, 1962 †
- Species Bolivina toeringae Daniels, 2001 †
- Species Bolivina tokiokai Uchio, 1962
- Species Bolivina tongi Cushman, 1929
- Species Bolivina torqueata Cushman & McCulloch, 1942
- Species Bolivina tortugiana McCulloch, 1981
- Species Bolivina tosaensis Asano, 1958
- Species Bolivina trajectina Marks, 1951 †
- Species Bolivina tranquilla Coryell & Embich, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina tricosta Cushman & Bermúdez, 1937 †
- Species Bolivina tuberna Khalilov, 1956 †
- Species Bolivina tumida Cushman, 1925 †
- Species Bolivina turbiditorum Vella, 1963 †
- Species Bolivina uniforminata LeRoy, 1939 †
- Species Bolivina usensis Conato, 1954 †
- Species Bolivina vaceki Schubert, 1902 †
- Species Bolivina vadescens Cushman, 1933
- Species Bolivina valdecostata Mariani, 1888
- Species Bolivina vallus Mcneil, 1997 †
- Species Bolivina variabilis (Williamson, 1858)
- Species Bolivina vaughani Natland, 1938
- Species Bolivina velascoensis Cushman, 1926 †
- Species Bolivina vellai Collen, 1972 †
- Species Bolivina venezuelana Sellier de Civrieux, 1976 (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina alazanensis var. venezuelana Hedberg, 1937)
- Species Bolivina ventricosa Galloway & Heminway, 1941 †
- Species Bolivina victoriana Cushman, 1936 †
- Species Bolivina viennensis Marks, 1951 †
- Species Bolivina villalverniensis Martinis, 1954 †
- Species Bolivina virginiana Cushman & Cederstrom, 1949 †
- Species Bolivina vorotyschchaensis Pishvanova, 1972 †
- Species Bolivina wagneri Sonne, 1971 †
- Species Bolivina wanganuiensis Collen, 1972 †
- Species Bolivina warinensis Mehrnusch, 2000 †
- Species Bolivina watti Gibson, 1967 †
- Species Bolivina westi Garrett, 1942 †
- Species Bolivina wissleri Kleinpell & Tipton, 1980 †
- Species Bolivina witwickae Gawor-Biedowa, 1992 †
- Species Bolivina woodi Nakkady, 1950 †
- Species Bolivina woodringi Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina woodruffi Finger, 1992 †
- Species Bolivina wui Huang, 1964 †
- Species Bolivina yabei Takayanagi, 1953 †
- Species Bolivina yneziana Kleinpell, 1938 †
- Species Bolivina zedirecta Finlay, 1947 †
- Subgenus Bolivina (Brizalina) Finger, 1981 accepted as Bolivina d'Orbigny, 1839 (Nomen translatum)
- Subgenus Bolivina (Loxostoma) Hofker, 1951 † accepted as Loxostoma Howe, 1930 † accepted as Loxostomum Ehrenberg, 1854 † (Nom. transl.)
- Subgenus Bolivina (Loxostomina) Sellier de Civrieux, 1976 accepted as Loxostomina Sellier de Civrieux, 1969 (Nomen translatum)
- Subgenus Bolivina (Loxostomoides) Reyment, 1959 † accepted as Loxostomoides Reiss, 1957 † (Nomen translatum)
- Subgenus Bolivina (Loxostomum) Smith, 1963 † accepted as Loxostomum Ehrenberg, 1854 † (Nomen translatum)
- Subgenus Bolivina (Proroporus) Yabe & Hanzawa, 1929 accepted as Bolivina d'Orbigny, 1839 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym, Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Loeblich and Tappan (1987), nomen translatum)
- Species Bolivina (Proroporus) nobilis Hantken, 1875 accepted as Bolivina nobilis Hantken, 1875 (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Bolivina (Proroporus) punctata d'Orbigny, 1839 accepted as Bolivina punctata d'Orbigny, 1839 (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Bolivina abbreviata Heron-Allen & Earland, 1924 accepted as Neocassidulina abbreviata (Heron-Allen & Earland, 1924)
- Species Bolivina afra (Reyment, 1959) † accepted as Afrobolivina afra Reyment, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina ambulacrata Möbius, 1880 accepted as Patellinella ambulacrata (Möbius, 1880)
- Species Bolivina amygdalaeformis (Brady, 1881) accepted as Loxostomina amygdalaeformis (Brady, 1881)
- Species Bolivina applini Plummer, 1927 † accepted as Loxostomoides applinae (Plummer, 1927) † (Type species of Loxostomoides and nomen imperfectum as "applini")
- Species Bolivina astoriensis Rau, 1948 † accepted as Bolivina chehalisensis Rau, 1949 † (unaccepted > junior homonym, Nomen novum in Rau (1949) Junior homonym of Bolivina astoriensis Cushman, Stewart & Stewart, 1948)
- Species Bolivina berica Cati, 1964 † accepted as Polymorphina berica (Cati, 1964) † (Opinion of Beckmann in Bolli et al. (1994))
- Species Bolivina bradyi Asano, 1938 accepted as Loxostomum bradyi (Asano, 1938) accepted as Euloxostomum bradyi (Asano, 1938) (Opinion of Asano (1958))
- Species Bolivina bramlettei Kleinpell, 1938 † accepted as Loxostomina bramlettei (Kleinpell, 1938) † (unaccepted > superseded combination, Opinion of Sellier de Civrieux (1969))
- Species Bolivina brittanica Macfadyen, 1942 accepted as Bolivina britannica Macfadyen, 1942 (Incorrect subsequent spelling)
- Species Bolivina caelata Cushman, 1923 † accepted as Palmula caelata (Cushman, 1923) † (Opinion of Israelsky (1939), Todd (1952))
- Species Bolivina canaliculata (Terquem, 1882) † accepted as Sagrina canaliculata (Terquem, 1882) † accepted as Cheilochanus canaliculatus (Terquem, 1882) † (Opinion of Le Calvez (1970))
- Species Bolivina carinata Terquem, 1882 † accepted as Bolivina terquemi Lindenberg, 1965 † (unaccepted > junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina beyrichi var. carinata Hantken, 1875)
- Species Bolivina clavata Cushman, 1927 † accepted as Loxostomum clavatum (Cushman, 1927) † (Opinion of Cushman (1932))
- Species Bolivina compressa (d'Orbigny, 1846) accepted as Bolivina subcompressa (d'Orbigny, 1852)
- Species Bolivina convallaria Millett, 1900 accepted as Sagrinella convallaria (Millett, 1900) (Opinion of Saidova (1975), Loeblich and Tappan (1994))
- Species Bolivina crenulata Loetterle, 1937 † accepted as Bolivina loetterlei Hamam, 1977 † (unaccepted > junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina crenulata Cushman, 1936)
- Species Bolivina cubana Bermúdez, 1935 accepted as Virgulinopsis cubana (Bermúdez, 1935) (unaccepted > superseded combination, Type species of Virgulinopsis)
- Species Bolivina decorata Jones, 1886 † accepted as Bolivinoides decorata (Jones, 1886) † (Opinion of Cushman (1927))
- Species Bolivina denticulata Bandy, 1949 † accepted as Bolivina dentilineata Bandy, 1950 † (unaccepted > junior homonym, New name in Thalmann (1950))
- Species Bolivina digitalis (d'Orbigny, 1846) † accepted as Coryphostoma digitale (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (Opinion of Cicha et al. (1998))
- Species Bolivina digitata Arnal, 1984 † accepted as Loxostomoides digitatus (Arnal, 1984) †
- Species Bolivina distincta Galloway, 1933 † (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
- Species Bolivina draco Marsson, 1878 † accepted as Bolivinoides draco (Marsson, 1878) † (Type species of Bolivinoides)
- Species Bolivina durrandii Millett, 1900 accepted as Sagrinella durrandii (Millett, 1900) (unaccepted > superseded combination, Opinion of Saidova (1975), Loeblich and Tappan (1994))
- Species Bolivina eocaenica Terquem Em. Le Calvez, 1950 † accepted as Cheilochanus eocaenicus (Terquem, 1882) † (Opinion of Loeblich and Tappan (1994))
- Species Bolivina eocaenica Terquem, 1882 † accepted as Bolivina eocaenica Terquem Em. Le Calvez, 1950 † accepted as Cheilochanus eocaenicus (Terquem, 1882) † (Opinion of Loeblich and Tappan (1994))
- Species Bolivina fimbriata Collins, 1958 accepted as Cheilochanus fimbriatus (Collins, 1958)
- Species Bolivina formosana Nakamura, 1937 † accepted as Saidovina formosana (Nakamura, 1937) † (Opinion of Hanagata and Nobuhara (2015))
- Species Bolivina frondea Cushman, 1922 † accepted as Polymorphina frondea (Cushman, 1922) † accepted as Lankesterina frondea (Cushman, 1922) † (Opinion of Cushman and Ozawa (1930), Palmer (1940))
- Species Bolivina gemma Cushman, 1927 † accepted as Coryphostoma gemma (Cushman, 1927) † (Opinion of Beckmann in Bolli et al. (1994))
- Species Bolivina gibbera Millett, 1895 accepted as Cheilochanus gibberus (Millett, 1895) (opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1994)
- Species Bolivina globulosa Cushman, 1933 accepted as Streptochilus globulosum (Cushman, 1933) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
- Species Bolivina hadai Uchio, 1962 accepted as Fursenkoina hadai (Uchio, 1962) (Opinion of Symphonia & Senthil (2019))
- Species Bolivina hantkeniana (Brady, 1881) accepted as Lugdunum hantkenianum (Brady, 1881) (Type species of Lugdunum)
- Species Bolivina hirsuta Bieda, 1936 † accepted as Bolivina polonica Bieda, 1950 † (unaccepted > junior homonym, New name in Thalmann (1950))
- Species Bolivina imporcata Cushman & Todd, 1945 accepted as Bolivina dissentiata Cushman & Todd, 1946 † (unaccepted > junior homonym, Nomen novum in Cushman and Todd (1946) Junior homonym of B. floridana var. imporcata Cushman & Renz, 1944)
- Species Bolivina incrassata Reuss, 1851 † accepted as Coryphostoma incrassatum (Reuss, 1851) † (Opinion of Bolli et al. (1994))
- Species Bolivina intermedia Halkyard, 1918 † accepted as Bolivina budensis (Hantken, 1875) † (Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Cushman (1937))
- Species Bolivina irregularis Terquem, 1882 † accepted as Sagrina aspera (Terquem, 1882) † (Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Le Calvez (1970))
- Species Bolivina karreriana (Brady, 1881) accepted as Saidovina karreriana (Brady, 1881)
- Species Bolivina lanceolata Parker, 1954 accepted as Bolivina daggarius Parker, 1955 (unaccepted > junior homonym, Nomen novum in Parker (1955) Junior homonym of Bolivina lanceolata di Napoli, 1952)
- Species Bolivina lata Liebus, 1906 † accepted as Bolivina budensis (Hantken, 1875) † (Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Cushman (1937))
- Species Bolivina lata Obiosio, 2016 † (unaccepted > unavailable name, Published online only. Primary junior homonym of Bolivina incrassata var. lata Egger, 1900)
- Species Bolivina latticea Carsey, 1926 † accepted as Bolivinoides decorata (Jones, 1886) † (In opinion of Georgescu (2018))
- Species Bolivina limbata (Brady, 1881) accepted as Loxostomina limbata (Brady, 1881)
- Species Bolivina lobata (Brady, 1881) accepted as Pseudobrizalina lobata (Brady, 1881)
- Species Bolivina makiyamai Ishizaki, 1944 accepted as Fursenkoina makiyamai (Ishizaki, 1944)
- Species Bolivina mayori Cushman, 1922 accepted as Loxostomina mayori (Cushman, 1922)
- Species Bolivina mexicana Cushman, 1926 † accepted as Bolivina (Brizalina) hamani Finger, 1981 † (unaccepted > junior homonym, Primary junior homonym of Bolivina subaenariensis var. mexicana Cushman, 1922)
- Species Bolivina midwayensis Cushman, 1936 † accepted as Coryphostoma midwayense (Cushman, 1936) † (Opinion of Bolli et al. (1994))
- Species Bolivina minuta Natland, 1938 accepted as Loxostomum minuta (Natland, 1938) accepted as Bolivinita minuta (Natland, 1938)
- Species Bolivina minutissima Spandel, 1909 † accepted as Loxostomum minutissimum (Spandel, 1909) † (Opinion of Batjes (1958))
- Species Bolivina mitzopoulosa Lagoussis-Sideris, 1963 † (unaccepted > unavailable name, Name not accompanied by a description or definition that states in words characters that are purported to differentiate the taxon [ICZN, 1999; Art. 13.1.1])
- Species Bolivina moodyensis Cushman & Todd, 1945 † accepted as Bolivina moodysensis Cushman & Todd, 1945 † (Incorrect subsequent spelling)
- Species Bolivina numerosa Vella, 1957 accepted as Brizalina spathulata (Williamson, 1858) accepted as Bolivina spathulata (Williamson, 1858) (Subjective junior synonym of Bolivina spathulata in opinion of Hayward et al. (2010))
- Species Bolivina oedumi Brotzen, 1948 † accepted as Bolivinoides oedumi (Brotzen, 1948) †
- Species Bolivina ornata Conato, 1953 † accepted as Bolivina usensis Conato, 1954 † (unaccepted > junior homonym, Nomen novum in Conata (1954) Junior homonym of Bolivina advena var. ornata Cushman, 1925)
- Species Bolivina paleocenica Brotzen, 1948 † accepted as Swiecickina paleocenica (Brotzen, 1948) † (Type species of Swiecickina)
- Species Bolivina plaita Carsey, 1926 † accepted as Coryphostoma plaitum (Carsey, 1926) † (Type species of Coryphostoma)
- Species Bolivina porrecta (Brady, 1881) accepted as Parabrizalina porrecta (Brady, 1881) (Type species of Parabrizalina)
- Species Bolivina praecrenulata Gawor-Biedowa, 1992 † accepted as Trachelinella watersi (Cushman, 1927) † (Subjective junior synonym in opinion of Georgescu 2018)
- Species Bolivina pseudobeyrichi Cushman, 1926 accepted as Euloxostomum pseudobeyrichi (Cushman, 1926) (Opinion of Loeblich and Tappan (1994))
- Species Bolivina pseudopunctata Höglund, 1947 accepted as Bolivinellina pseudopunctata (Höglund, 1947) (Genus transfer)
- Species Bolivina pulchella (d'Orbigny, 1839) accepted as Sagrina pulchella d'Orbigny, 1839 (Type species of Sagrina)
- Species Bolivina quadrilatera (Schwager, 1866) accepted as Bolivinita quadrilatera (Schwager, 1866)
- Species Bolivina rhomboidalis (Millett, 1899) accepted as Abditodentrix rhomboidalis (Millett, 1899) accepted as Tortoplectella rhomboidalis (Millett, 1899)
- Species Bolivina rhomboidea Cushman, 1926 † accepted as Bolivinoides rhomboidea (Cushman, 1926) † accepted as Bolivinoides draco (Marsson, 1878) † (Opinion of Cushman (1927))
- Species Bolivina rhumbleri Franke, 1936 † accepted as Brizalina liasica (Terquem, 1858) † accepted as Bolivina liasica (Terquem, 1858) † (Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Riegraf (1985), Copestake and Johnson (2014))
- Species Bolivina schwageriana (Brady, 1881) accepted as Lugdunum schwagerianum (Brady, 1881)
- Species Bolivina semi-alata Bagg, 1908 accepted as Bolivina semialata Bagg, 1908 (Diacritical mark and other marks unaccepted ICZN 32.5.2.)
- Species Bolivina semireticulata LeRoy, 1953 † accepted as Aragonia semireticulata (LeRoy, 1953) † (Opinion of Dailey (1983))
- Species Bolivina simplex Phleger & Parker, 1951 accepted as Bolivina ordinaria Phleger & Parker, 1952 (unaccepted > junior homonym, Nomen novum in Phleger and Parker (1952) Junior homonym of Bolivina interjuncta var. simplex Cushman & Renz, 1941)
- Species Bolivina spinea Cushman, 1936 accepted as Virgulopsis spinea (Cushman, 1936) (Opinion of Parker (2009))
- Species Bolivina spinescens Cushman, 1911 accepted as Cassidelina spinescens (Cushman, 1911)
- Species Bolivina striata Hussey, 1949 † accepted as Bolivina rukasi Hussey, 1950 † (New name in Thalmann (1950))
- Species Bolivina striatellata Bandy, 1949 accepted as Bolivina striatula Cushman, 1922 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym, In opinion of Culver and Buzas (1986))
- Species Bolivina strigillata Chapman, 1892 † accepted as Bolivinoides strigillata (Chapman, 1892) † (In opinion of Georgescu (2018))
- Species Bolivina strigosa Brady, 1884 accepted as Sagrinella strigosa (Brady, 1884)
- Species Bolivina subangularis (Brady, 1881) accepted as Saidovina subangularis (Brady, 1881)
- Species Bolivina subexcavata Cushman & Wickenden, 1929 accepted as Bolivina variabilis (Williamson, 1858) (Subjective junior synonym in opinion of Hayward et al. (2010))
- Species Bolivina substriata Egger, 1893 accepted as Bolivina eggeri Cushman, 1938 (unaccepted > junior homonym, Nom. nov. in Cushman (1938) Junior homonym of B. beyrichi var. substriata Reuss, 1870)
- Species Bolivina subtenuis Cushman, 1936 accepted as Brizalina subtenuis (Cushman, 1936) accepted as Krebsina subtenuis (Cushman, 1936) (unaccepted > superseded combination, Opinion of Jones (1994))
- Species Bolivina tenuis (Brady, 1881) accepted as Bolivina subtenuis Cushman, 1936 accepted as Brizalina subtenuis (Cushman, 1936) accepted as Krebsina subtenuis (Cushman, 1936) (unaccepted > junior homonym, Secondary junior homonym of Bolivina tenuis Marsson, 1878)
- Species Bolivina tenuistriata Cushman & Ellisor, 1939 † accepted as Bolivina cookei Cushman, 1922 † (Subjective junior synonym Opinion of Kiesel (1962))
- Species Bolivina textilarioides Reuss, 1863 † accepted as Belorussiella textilarioides (Reuss, 1863) † (Opinion of Voloshina et al. (1971))
- Species Bolivina textilaroides Reuss, 1850 accepted as Bolivina textilarioides Reuss, 1863 † accepted as Belorussiella textilarioides (Reuss, 1863) † (Incorrect subsequent spelling and wrong date in Gross (2001))
- Species Bolivina tokelauae Boersma in Kierstead et al., 1969 accepted as Streptochilus tokelauae (Boersma, 1969) accepted as Streptochilus globulosum (Cushman, 1933) (Type species of Streptochilus)
- Species Bolivina tortuosa (Brady, 1881) accepted as Sigmavirgulina tortuosa (Brady, 1881) (Type species of Sigmavirgulina)
- Species Bolivina translucens Phleger & Parker, 1951 accepted as Bolivinellina translucens (Phleger & Parker, 1951) (Opinion of Loeblich and Tappan (1994))
- Species Bolivina vertebralis Cushman, 1924 accepted as Loxostoma vertebrale (Cushman, 1924) accepted as Loxostomina vertebralis (Cushman, 1924) (unaccepted > superseded combination, Opinion of Cushman (1937))
- Species Bolivina vicksburgensis Cushman, 1922 † accepted as Bifarina vicksburgensis (Cushman, 1922) † (Opinion of Cushman (1929))
- Species Bolivina watersi Cushman, 1927 † accepted as Trachelinella watersi (Cushman, 1927) † (Type species of Trachelinella)
- Species Bolivina zanzibarica Cushman, 1936 accepted as Sagrina zanzibarica (Cushman, 1936)
- Subgenus Bolivina (Bolivina) d'Orbigny, 1839 represented as Bolivina d'Orbigny, 1839
- Species Bolivina ihuoensis Reyment, 1959 † represented as Bolivina (Bolivina) ihuoensis Reyment, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina ottaensis Reyment, 1959 † represented as Bolivina (Bolivina) ottaensis Reyment, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina owerri Reyment, 1959 † represented as Bolivina (Bolivina) owerri Reyment, 1959 †
- Species Bolivina senera Rhumbler, 1949 (uncertain, No reference nor description in the text)
marine, brackish
recent + fossil
Orbigny, A. D. d'. (1839). Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale. Foraminifères. t. 5 pt. 5: 1-86., available online at
page(s): p. 61 [details]
page(s): p. 61 [details]
Diagnosis Test elongate, lanceolate, compressed, periphery acute to carinate, biserial throughout, chambers broad and low, sutures...
Diagnosis Test elongate, ovoid to triangular in outline, somewhat compressed, chambers broad and low, biserial throughout, rarely the...
Classification In Müller (2004) it is included in the Family Bolivinitidae
Diagnosis Test elongate, lanceolate, compressed, periphery acute to carinate, biserial throughout, chambers broad and low, sutures oblique; wall calcareous, hyaline, optically radial, finely perforate, may be basally apiculate, surface smooth or may have low and narrow imperforate longitudinal costae, most prominently on the early half of the test; aperture a basal loop that extends up the apertural face, with bordering lip and internal tooth plate, triangular attached part of the toothplate extending within to the previous foramen and denticulate, narrow and elongate free part projecting through the apertural opening. U. Cretaceous (Campanian) to Holocene; cosmopolitan. (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987, Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification) [details]
Diagnosis Test elongate, ovoid to triangular in outline, somewhat compressed, chambers broad and low, biserial throughout, rarely the...
Diagnosis Test elongate, ovoid to triangular in outline, somewhat compressed, chambers broad and low, biserial throughout, rarely the final chamber may be nearly central in position, infolding of the perforate outer wall along the basal margin of the chambers commonly results in proximally directed digitate overlaps of the preceding chamber but without imperforate septula like those of Afrobolivina, septa flush to slightly depressed, obscured by the surface ornamentation; wall calcareous, hyaline, optically radial, perforate, surface ornamented with irregularly anastomosing imperforate costae, or costae may have an occasional pore; aperture a narrow loop at the base of the apertural face, bordered by a thickened and imperforate rim on one margin, the other margin continuing within as an internal folded toothplate with narrow attached part extending to the previous foramen and broad and short free part projecting through the opening as a long tooth, the two parts changing orientation in successive chambers. U. Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) to Holocene; cosmopolitan. (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987, Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification) [details]
Classification In Müller (2004) it is included in the Family Bolivinitidae
Classification In Müller (2004) it is included in the Family Bolivinitidae [details]
Hayward, B.W.; Le Coze, F.; Vachard, D.; Gross, O. (2024). World Foraminifera Database. Bolivina d'Orbigny, 1839. Accessed at: on 2025-02-14
2006-09-06 06:55:51Z
Martinez, Olga
original description
Orbigny, A. D. d'. (1839). Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale. Foraminifères. t. 5 pt. 5: 1-86., available online at
page(s): p. 61 [details]
original description (of Brizalina Costa, 1856) Costa, O. G. (1850-1856). Paleontologia del regno di Napoli : contenente la descrizione e figura di tutti gli avanzi organici fossili racchuisi nel suolo di questo regno. <em>Atti dell' Accademia Pontaniana Napoli.</em> 512 p., available online at [details]
original description (of Aphelophragmina Loeblich & Tappan, 1994) Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1994). Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea. <em>Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication.</em> 31: 1-661., available online at
page(s): p. 110 [details] Available for editors
original description (of Latibolivina Srinivasan, 1966) Srinivasan, M. S. (1966). Descriptions of new species and notes on taxonomy of foraminifera from the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene of New Zealand. <em>Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand (Geol).</em> 3: 231-256., available online at
page(s): p. 240 [details] Available for editors
original description (of Grammostomum Ehrenberg, 1839) Ehrenberg, C.G. (1839). Die Bildung der europäischen, libyschen und arabischen Kreidefelsen und des Kreidemergels aus mikroskopischen Organismen. 1-91, pls. 1-4. Druckerei der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin., available online at
page(s): p. 119, Chart opp. p. 120 [details]
original description (of Clidostomum Ehrenberg, 1845) Ehrenberg, C.G. (1845). [Novorum Generum et Specierum brevis definitio. Zusätze zu seinen letzten Mittheilung über die mikroskopischen Lebensformen von Portugall und Spanien, Süd-Afrika, Hinter-Indien, Japan und Kurdistan, und legte die folgenden Diagnosen u. s. w.]. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1845: 357-377, available online at
page(s): p. 310, p. 358 [details]
original description (of Proroporus Ehrenberg, 1844) Ehrenberg, C. G. (1844). Mittheilung über 2 neue Lager von Gebirgsmassen aus Infusorien als Meeres-Absatz in Nord-Amerika und eine Vergleichung derselben mit den organischen Kreide-Gebilden in Europa und Afrika. <em>Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.</em> 1844: 57-97., available online at
page(s): p. 75 [details]
original description (of Bolivina (Brizalina) Finger, 1981) Finger, K. L. (1981). Bolivina (Brizalina) hamani, a new name for Bolivina mexicana Cushman, 1926 non Cushman, 1922 (Foraminiferida). <em>Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology.</em> 16(3-4): 168., available online at
page(s): p. 168 [details] Available for editors
original description (of Grammostomum (Valvulina) Reuss, 1851) Reuss, A. E. (1851). Ein Beitrag zur Paläontologie der Tertiärschichten Oberschlesiens. <em>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft.</em> 3 (2): 149-184., available online at [details]
original description (of Bolivina (Proroporus) Yabe & Hanzawa, 1929) Yabe, H.; Hanzawa, S. (1929), Tertiary foraminiferous rocks of the Philippines, Science Reports of the Tohoku University, Sendai (1927-1929), ser. 2, Geology 11:137-190. , available online at
page(s): p. 155 [details] Available for editors
basis of record Gross, O. (2001). Foraminifera, <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 60-75 (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source Neave, Sheffield Airey. (1939-1996). Nomenclator Zoologicus vol. 1-10 Online. <em>[Online Nomenclator Zoologicus at Checklistbank. Ubio link has gone].</em> , available online at [details]
additional source Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. <em>Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France.</em> 307 pp., available online at [details]
additional source Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1987). Foraminiferal Genera and their Classification. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 970pp., available online at [details] Available for editors
additional source Revets, S. A. (1996). The generic revision of five families of Rotaliine Foraminifera - Part 1. The Bolivinitidae Cushman, 1927. <em>Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication.</em> 1-55., available online at [details] Available for editors
additional source Gooday, A. J.; Bowser, S. S.; Bernhard, J. M. (1996). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in Explorers Cove, Antarctica: A shallow-water site with deep-sea characteristics. <em>Progress in Oceanography.</em> 37(2): 117-166., available online at [details] Available for editors
page(s): p. 61 [details]
original description (of Brizalina Costa, 1856) Costa, O. G. (1850-1856). Paleontologia del regno di Napoli : contenente la descrizione e figura di tutti gli avanzi organici fossili racchuisi nel suolo di questo regno. <em>Atti dell' Accademia Pontaniana Napoli.</em> 512 p., available online at [details]
original description (of Aphelophragmina Loeblich & Tappan, 1994) Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1994). Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea. <em>Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication.</em> 31: 1-661., available online at
page(s): p. 110 [details] Available for editors

original description (of Latibolivina Srinivasan, 1966) Srinivasan, M. S. (1966). Descriptions of new species and notes on taxonomy of foraminifera from the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene of New Zealand. <em>Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand (Geol).</em> 3: 231-256., available online at
page(s): p. 240 [details] Available for editors

original description (of Grammostomum Ehrenberg, 1839) Ehrenberg, C.G. (1839). Die Bildung der europäischen, libyschen und arabischen Kreidefelsen und des Kreidemergels aus mikroskopischen Organismen. 1-91, pls. 1-4. Druckerei der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin., available online at
page(s): p. 119, Chart opp. p. 120 [details]
original description (of Clidostomum Ehrenberg, 1845) Ehrenberg, C.G. (1845). [Novorum Generum et Specierum brevis definitio. Zusätze zu seinen letzten Mittheilung über die mikroskopischen Lebensformen von Portugall und Spanien, Süd-Afrika, Hinter-Indien, Japan und Kurdistan, und legte die folgenden Diagnosen u. s. w.]. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1845: 357-377, available online at
page(s): p. 310, p. 358 [details]
original description (of Proroporus Ehrenberg, 1844) Ehrenberg, C. G. (1844). Mittheilung über 2 neue Lager von Gebirgsmassen aus Infusorien als Meeres-Absatz in Nord-Amerika und eine Vergleichung derselben mit den organischen Kreide-Gebilden in Europa und Afrika. <em>Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.</em> 1844: 57-97., available online at
page(s): p. 75 [details]
original description (of Bolivina (Brizalina) Finger, 1981) Finger, K. L. (1981). Bolivina (Brizalina) hamani, a new name for Bolivina mexicana Cushman, 1926 non Cushman, 1922 (Foraminiferida). <em>Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology.</em> 16(3-4): 168., available online at
page(s): p. 168 [details] Available for editors

original description (of Grammostomum (Valvulina) Reuss, 1851) Reuss, A. E. (1851). Ein Beitrag zur Paläontologie der Tertiärschichten Oberschlesiens. <em>Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft.</em> 3 (2): 149-184., available online at [details]
original description (of Bolivina (Proroporus) Yabe & Hanzawa, 1929) Yabe, H.; Hanzawa, S. (1929), Tertiary foraminiferous rocks of the Philippines, Science Reports of the Tohoku University, Sendai (1927-1929), ser. 2, Geology 11:137-190. , available online at
page(s): p. 155 [details] Available for editors

basis of record Gross, O. (2001). Foraminifera, <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 60-75 (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source Neave, Sheffield Airey. (1939-1996). Nomenclator Zoologicus vol. 1-10 Online. <em>[Online Nomenclator Zoologicus at Checklistbank. Ubio link has gone].</em> , available online at [details]
additional source Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. <em>Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France.</em> 307 pp., available online at [details]
additional source Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1987). Foraminiferal Genera and their Classification. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 970pp., available online at [details] Available for editors

additional source Revets, S. A. (1996). The generic revision of five families of Rotaliine Foraminifera - Part 1. The Bolivinitidae Cushman, 1927. <em>Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication.</em> 1-55., available online at [details] Available for editors

additional source Gooday, A. J.; Bowser, S. S.; Bernhard, J. M. (1996). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in Explorers Cove, Antarctica: A shallow-water site with deep-sea characteristics. <em>Progress in Oceanography.</em> 37(2): 117-166., available online at [details] Available for editors

From editor or global species database
Diagnosis Test elongate, lanceolate, compressed, periphery acute to carinate, biserial throughout, chambers broad and low, sutures oblique; wall calcareous, hyaline, optically radial, finely perforate, may be basally apiculate, surface smooth or may have low and narrow imperforate longitudinal costae, most prominently on the early half of the test; aperture a basal loop that extends up the apertural face, with bordering lip and internal tooth plate, triangular attached part of the toothplate extending within to the previous foramen and denticulate, narrow and elongate free part projecting through the apertural opening. U. Cretaceous (Campanian) to Holocene; cosmopolitan. (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987, Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification) [details]Diagnosis Test elongate, ovoid to triangular in outline, somewhat compressed, chambers broad and low, biserial throughout, rarely the final chamber may be nearly central in position, infolding of the perforate outer wall along the basal margin of the chambers commonly results in proximally directed digitate overlaps of the preceding chamber but without imperforate septula like those of Afrobolivina, septa flush to slightly depressed, obscured by the surface ornamentation; wall calcareous, hyaline, optically radial, perforate, surface ornamented with irregularly anastomosing imperforate costae, or costae may have an occasional pore; aperture a narrow loop at the base of the apertural face, bordered by a thickened and imperforate rim on one margin, the other margin continuing within as an internal folded toothplate with narrow attached part extending to the previous foramen and broad and short free part projecting through the opening as a long tooth, the two parts changing orientation in successive chambers. U. Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) to Holocene; cosmopolitan. (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987, Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification) [details]
Classification In Müller (2004) it is included in the Family Bolivinitidae [details]
To AMNH Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
To AMNH Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Bolivina)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Brizalina) (from synonym Brizalina Costa, 1856)
To Genbank (from synonym Brizalina Costa, 1856)
To Genbank
To Mikrotax
To AMNH Invertebrate Paleontology Collection
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Bolivina)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Brizalina) (from synonym Brizalina Costa, 1856)
To Genbank (from synonym Brizalina Costa, 1856)
To Genbank
To Mikrotax