Foraminifera source details

Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1987). Foraminiferal Genera and their Classification. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 970pp.
10.1007/978-1-4899-5760-3 [view]
Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H.
Foraminiferal Genera and their Classification
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 970pp.
Date of publication 1987 not 1988, see: Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H., (1989), Publication date of “Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification
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Abadehella Okimura & Ishii, 1975 † (basis of record)
Abadehellidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1984 † accepted as Tetrataxidae Galloway, 1933 nom. transl. Pokorný, 1958 † (basis of record)
Abathomphalinae Pessagno, 1967 † (basis of record)
Abathomphalus Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan, 1957 † (basis of record)
Abditodentrix Patterson, 1985 (additional source)
Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni (Boltovskoy & Guissani de Kahn, 1981) (new combination reference)
Aboudaragina Nakkady, 1955 † (status source)
Abriolina Luperto, 1964 † (status source)
Abyssamina Schnitker & Tjalsma, 1980 † (basis of record)
Acarinina Subbotina, 1953 † (basis of record)
Acervoschwagerina Hanzawa, 1949 † (basis of record)
Acervulina Schultze, 1854 (additional source)
Acervulinidae Schultze, 1854 (additional source)
Acervulinoidea Schultze, 1854 (additional source)
Acostina Bermúdez, 1949 (basis of record)
Actinocyclina Gümbel, 1870 † accepted as Discocyclina Gümbel, 1870 † (basis of record)
Actinosiphon Vaughan, 1929 † (basis of record)
Actinosiphon tibetica (Douvillé, 1916) † accepted as Lakadongia tibetica (Douvillé, 1916) † (new combination reference)
Adelosina d'Orbigny, 1826 (additional source)
Adelosina bicornis (Walker & Jacob, 1798) (new combination reference)
Adhaerentina Paalzow, 1935 † (status source)
Adherentina Spandel, 1909 † (status source)
Adrahentina Bilotte, 1978 † (basis of record)
Aeolides Montfort, 1808 (status source)
Aeolisaccus G.F.Elliott, 1958 † accepted as Earlandia Plummer, 1930 † (basis of record)
Aeolomorphella Loeblich & Tappan, 1964 † (basis of record)
Aeolostreptis Loeblich & Tappan, 1957 † (basis of record)
Affinetrina Łuczkowska, 1972 (additional source)
Afghanella Thompson, 1946 † (basis of record)
Afrobolivina Reyment, 1959 † (basis of record)
Agathammina Neumayr, 1887 † (additional source)
Agglutinella El-Nakhal, 1983 (additional source)
Akiyoshiella Toriyama, 1953 † (basis of record)
Aktinorbitoides Brönnimann, 1958 † (basis of record)
Alabamina Toulmin, 1941 (additional source)
Alabaminella Saidova, 1975 (additional source)
Alabaminidae Hofker, 1951 (additional source)
Alabaminoides Gudina & Saidova, 1967 (additional source)
Alanwoodia Loeblich & Tappan, 1955 (additional source)
Alexanderina McCulloch, 1977 (additional source)
Alfredina Singh & Kalia, 1972 † (basis of record)
Alfredinidae Singh & Kalia, 1972 accepted as Anomalinidae Cushman, 1927 (additional source)
Alfredosilvestris Andersen, 1961 (additional source)
Allanhancockia McCulloch, 1977 (basis of record)
Alliatina Troelsen, 1954 (additional source)
Alliatinella Carter, 1957 (additional source)
Alliatininae McGowran, 1966 (basis of record)
Allogromia Rhumbler, 1904 (additional source)
Allogromiida (additional source)
Allogromiidae Rhumbler, 1904 (additional source)
Allogromiinae Rhumbler, 1904 (basis of record)
Allomorphina Reuss in Cžjžek, 1849 (additional source)
Allomorphinella Cushman, 1927 † (additional source)
Allotheca Ehrenberg, 1843 † (status source)
Almaena Samoilova, 1940 † (basis of record)
Almaenidae Myatlyuk, 1959 (additional source)
Almaeninae Myatlyuk, 1959 † (basis of record)
Alpinophragmium Flügel, 1967 † (basis of record)
Altasterella Seiglie, 1965 † (basis of record)
Altinerina Zaninetti, Ciarapica, Decrouez & Miconnet, 1984 † (basis of record)
Altinerininae Zaninetti, Ciarapica, Decrouez & Miconnet, 1984 † (basis of record)
Altistoma de Klasz & Rérat, 1962 † (basis of record)
Alveoclavulina Singh & Kalia, 1977 † (status source)
Alveolina d'Orbigny, 1826 † (additional source)
Alveolinella H. Douvillé, 1907 (additional source)
Alveolinidae Ehrenberg, 1839 (additional source)
Alveolinoidea Ehrenberg, 1839 (additional source)
Alveolophragmiinae Saidova, 1981 (basis of record)
Alveovalvulina Brönnimann, 1951 † (basis of record)
Ambitropus Lipps, 1965 (basis of record)
Ammoelphidiella Conato & Segre, 1974 † (basis of record)
Ammomassilina Cushman, 1933 (additional source)
Ammonia Brünnich, 1771 (additional source)
Ammoniinae Saidova, 1981 (basis of record)
Ammoscalaria Höglund, 1947 (additional source)
Ammosiphonia He, 1977 † (basis of record)
Ammosphaeroidininae Cushman, 1927 (basis of record)
Ammosphaerulina Cushman, 1912 (additional source)
Ammotrochoides Janin, 1984 (additional source)
Ammovertellina diversa (Cushman & Waters, 1930) † accepted as Hemigordiellina diversa (Cushman & Waters, 1930) † (new combination reference)
Amphicoryna Schlumberger in Milne-Edwards, 1881 (additional source)
Amphimorphina Neugeboren, 1850 † (additional source)
Amphimorphina butonensis (Keyzer, 1953) † accepted as Amphimorphinella butonensis Keyzer, 1953 † (new combination reference)
Amphisorus Ehrenberg, 1839 (additional source)
Amphistegina d'Orbigny, 1826 (additional source)
Amphisteginidae Cushman, 1927 (additional source)
Amplectoproductina Patterson, 1986 † accepted as Amplectoductina Patterson, 1986 † (basis of record)
Anaticinella Eicher, 1973 † (basis of record)
Anchihauerina McCulloch, 1977 (basis of record)
Andrejella Malakhova, 1975 † (basis of record)
Androsina Lévy, 1977 (additional source)
Angotia Cuvillier, 1963 † (basis of record)
Angulodiscorbis Uchio, 1952 (additional source)
Angulodiscus Kristan, 1957 † (basis of record)
Angulogavelinella Hofker, 1957 † (basis of record)
Angulogerina Cushman, 1927 accepted as Trifarina Cushman, 1923 (additional source)
Angulogerininae Galloway, 1933 (basis of record)
Annulina Terquem, 1862 † (status source)
Annulocibicides Cushman & Ponton, 1932 (additional source)
Annulocibicidinae Saidova, 1981 (basis of record)
Bikini for Neocassidulina evoluta McCulloch, 1977 
Falkland Islands Exclusive Economic Zone for Cruciloculina triangularis d'Orbigny, 1839 
Galapagos Exclusive Economic Zone for Mesopatellina differens McCulloch, 1977 
Mexican part of the North Pacific Ocean for Paralingulina frailensis McCulloch, 1977 
Peruvian Exclusive Economic Zone for Neolingulina viejoensis McCulloch, 1977 
Philippines Exclusive Economic Zone for Praepatellina simplissima McCulloch, 1977 
Socorro Island for Neohauerina socorroensis McCulloch, 1977 

Test fusiform to subcylindrical; transverse septula always present, axial septula may occur, as may secondary ... [details]


Test streptospirally coiled in the initial part, later planispiral and finally biserial; wall microgranular ... [details]


Test large, subspherical to cylindrical; planispiral, completely involute; wall of tectum and alveolar keriotheca ... [details]


Short biserial stage followed by longer uniserial portion of broad low chambers; wall of fine siliceous ... [details]


Test conical, large, up to 1.35 mm in diameter at the concave base, trochospirally, numerous whorls, up to twenty, ... [details]


Test trochospiral, umbilical side lacking the wide umbilicus of the Globotruncaninae; early chambers with porticus, ... [details]


Test in a low to flat trochospiral, umbilicate, four to five petaloid chambers per whorl, sutures curved and ... [details]


Test elongate, saggitiform, sides flattened, edges truncate, biserial throughout, chambers enlarging gradually, ... [details]


Test fusiform, compressed, oval in section, chambers biserially arranged, high, and laterally strongly overlapping ... [details]


Test a high cone, up to 1 mm in height, base flat and circular, reduced early trochospiral stage followed by ... [details]


Test small, 0.2 mm to 0.3 mm in diameter, globular to slightly compressed, low trochospiral to nearly planispiral ... [details]


Test subglobular, close coiled, low trochospiral, four to five subglobular to ovate rapidly enlarging chambers per ... [details]


Test large, conical, trochospiral, about three chambers per whorl spiralling about a broad axial region, chamber ... [details]


Test large, may exceed 18 mm in length, robustly fusiform, poles rounded to bluntly pointed, axis of coiling ... [details]


Test attached, early chambers coiled, later with irregularly arranged inflated chambers encrusting the substrate; ... [details]


Early spiral stage followed by spreading chambers in one or more layers; no aperture other than mural pores. ... [details]


Test free or attached, early spiral stage followed by spreading or irregular chambers in an irregular mass, mound, ... [details]


Test very narrow and elongate, up to 3 cm in length and 0.5 mm to 1 mm in breadth, tapering to a needlelike base; ... [details]


Test elongate, pyramidal, triangular in section, angles carinate, chambers increasing rapidly in breadth but slowly ... [details]


Test attached, at least for the closely enrolled early stage, later uncoiled and rectilinear, and may grow free of ... [details]


Test up to 12 mm in diameter, thin and lenticular, discoidal to stellate in outline, structure similar to ... [details]


Test small to large, lenticular, equatorial chambers and well-developed lateral chambers present, megalospheric ... [details]


Test elongate, large, up to 1.35 mm in length, early stage with large streptospiral coil of about three whorls, ... [details]


Test streptospiral in the early stage, later uncoiling and rectilinear; wall agglutinated, thin, a single layer of ... [details]


Test of the microspheric generation quinqueloculine in the early stage, megalospheric test with proloculus followed ... [details]


Test small, ovoid but slightly compressed chambers in an arcuate series or straightening from an initially hooked ... [details]


Test subglobular to slightly elongated along the axis of coiling, streptospirally enrolled, chambers few per whorl, ... [details]


Test elongate, proloculus attached to a substrate, usually to Lenticulina or another foraminiferal test, then ... [details]


Test attached, chambers of early stage biserial, later rectilinear; wall agglutinated, solid. L. Paleocene ... [details]


Test large, up to about 2 mm in diameter, ovoid to subspherical, megalospheric test with large globular proloculus, ... [details]


Test elongate, tubular, and slightly tapering, straight to gently curved; wall thin, of crystalline calcite, ... [details]


Test elongate, robust, circular to oval in section, early stage with up to six chambers per whorl in a close-coiled ... [details]


Test ovate in outline, circular in section, base bluntly rounded, early stage in a low trochospiral coil of about ... [details]


Test ovate in outline, flattened to ovate in section, chambers one-half coil in length, triloculine in chamber ... [details]


Test small, up to about 4 mm in length, fusiform to inflated, adult test with about thirteen whorls, straight axis ... [details]


Test large, elongate, ovate to lanceolate in side view, rounded to ovate in section, chambers broad and low, ... [details]


Test ovate, globular proloculus followed by enrolled undivided tubular second chamber of few gradually enlarging ... [details]


Test flattened, ovate in outline, proloculus followed by undivided tubular second chamber with a milioline coil ... [details]


Test in the early stage with a few angular, tetrahedral, or conical chambers attached to other foraminifers, later ... [details]


Test ovate in outline, chambers one-half coil in length, early stage quinqueloculine, later stage pseudotriloculine ... [details]


Test small, subconical, early stage uncertain, possibly trochospiral, later with broad low inflated chambers, ... [details]


Test of small to medium size, up to 7.0 mm in length, spherical to ovoid proloculus followed by three to four early ... [details]


Test lenticular, outline stellate, juvenarium of planispirally coiled chambers with basal aperture and not ... [details]


Test trochospiral, lenticular, and biconvex, spiral side evolute, with three whorls and about five chambers in the ... [details]


Test tiny, trochospiral, biconvex, more convex spiral side with broad low chambers and oblique sutures, five to six ... [details]


Test trochospiral; aperture an interiomarginal slit partially obscured by an infolded area of the apertural face. ... [details]


Test circular in outline, trochospiral, two and a half to three whorls, concavoconvex, spiral side evolute and ... [details]


Test free, a high cone with flattened base, globular proloculus followed by trochospirally coiled undivided broad ... [details]


Test circular in outline, trochospiral, concavoconvex, with evolute, low, convex spiral side of three and a half ... [details]


Test ovate in outline, flattened, coiled in a low trochospiral, convex spiral side with few rapidly expanding ... [details]


Supplementary chambers in umbilical region on umbilical side; areal and interiomarginal openings present. M. Eocene, ... [details]


Test small, about 0.5 mm to 0.6 mm in length, uniserial and rectilinear, early chambers flattened, arched, and ... [details]


Test ovate in outline, compressed, lenticular to ovate in section, chambers biserially arranged, low and broad, ... [details]


Test almost planispiral but slightly asymmetrical and tending to coil dextrally, partially evolute, chambers ... [details]


Test auriculate in outline, somewhat compressed and biconcave, resembling Alliatina but distinctly trochospiral, ... [details]


Robertinidae with nearly planispiral coiling. L. Eocene (Ypresian) to Holocene. (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987, ... [details]


Test free, ovate to spherical, 0.08 mm to 0.5 mm in length; wall thin, proteinaceous, with fibrillar ... [details]


Test proteinaceous or may have agglutinated matter on a proteinaceous base that in Allogromia is produced by ... [details]


Test globular, ovate, or elongate, wall proteinaceous; aperture terminal, living taxa commonly with entosolenian ... [details]


Test ovoid, circular in section, trochospiral and involute, only the final whorl of three strongly enveloping ... [details]


Test ovoid, slightly compressed, planispiral and involute, with few rapidly enlarging chambers, periphery rounded; ... [details]


Test laterally compressed, enrolled in a low trochospiral to nearly planispiral coil, bievolute, commonly eight to ... [details]


Test nearly planispiral; primary aperture interiomarginal, equatorial, or located slightly to umbilical side, ... [details]


Test partly or wholly evolute; primary aperture interiomarginal or areal, and secondary apertures peripheral. L. ... [details]


Test conical, with flattened to concave base, megalospheric generation with embryonic apparatus consisting of ... [details]


Test probably encrusting, irregularly cylindrical to subconical or spreading; chambers numerous, uniserial, broad, ... [details]


Test small, upto0.3mmindiameter, weakly conical to subspherical?, short early irregular trochospiral or ... [details]


Test low conical to subspherical?, early enrolled stage trochospiral or streptospiral, evolute, then irregular and ... [details]


Test elongate, rapidly widening, ovoid in section, chambers biserially arranged, or possibly with a very short ... [details]


Test enrolled, planispiral, and involute, slightly flattened, with broadly rounded periphery; wall agglutinated, ... [details]


Test ellipsoidal to fusiform or cylindrical, rarely spherical, coiling irregular in early stage of microspheric ... [details]


Test elongate fusiform, increasing in proportionate length with growth, early coiling irregular in both ... [details]


Test free, commonly large, globular, fusiform, or subcylindrical, coiled about elongate axis; proloculus followed ... [details]


Test enrolled, commonly about an elongate axis, proloculus may be followed by flexostype in megalospheric ... [details]


Test planispiral, involute, may uncoil in later stage; wall agglutinated, with outer imperforate layer and inner ... [details]


Test planispirally enrolled, involute, relatively few chambers per whorl, sutures radial, periphery broadly rounded; ... [details]


Test coiled, microspheric early stage streptospiral, megalospheric test and microspheric adult planispiral, adult ... [details]


Test with early trochospiral stage of three or more chambers per whorl, later reduced to triserial, chambers ... [details]


Test with microspheric initial stage planispiral and evolute, later flabelliform or less commonly reniform to ... [details]


Test ovate in outline, trochospiral, flattened to planoconvex, spiral side flat, with all of the two and a half ... [details]


Test elongate, adult subcylindrical, very early stage planispirally enrolled, followed by uniserial and rectilinear ... [details]


Test compressed, ovate to flabelliform proloculus followed by second chamber growing in opposite direction, in an ... [details]


Test compressed, ovate to flabelliform in outline, early chambers in slightly arcuate uniserial series, later ... [details]


Test robust, up to 1 mm in length, with few large chambers, at first in streptospiral coil as in Recurvoides, later ... [details]


Test free, elongate, early portion close coiled, later uncoiling and rectilinear, rounded in section; wall coarsely ... [details]


Test free, elongate, narrow, slightly compressed, early chambers planispirally enrolled, later biserial, and ... [details]


Test attached, early chambers in an irregular planispiral series, later uncoiled, with chambers flattened against ... [details]


Test attached, trochospirally enrolled, differing from Ammocibicides in the absence of an uncoiled stage, spiral ... [details]


Test free, discoidal, large, up to more than 14 mm in diameter and 0.71 mm thick near the periphery, with early ... [details]


Test attached, proloculus followed by planispirally enrolled tubular undivided second chamber, final whorls ... [details]


Globular proloculus followed by coiled or uncoiled nonseptate tubular second chamber that may show irregular growth ... [details]


Proloculus followed by tubular chamber, tightly enrolled in a single plane or early stage may be slightly ... [details]


Test consisting of proloculus followed by enrolled, nonseptate tubular second chamber; aperture at the open end of ... [details]


Proloculus followed by undivided enrolled tubular second chamber that may be tightly appressed against the previous ... [details]


Globular proloculus followed by planispirally enrolled, undivided tubular second chamber, tightly appressed against ... [details]


Test large and robust, chambers in low trochospiral coil of two and a half to three and a half whorls, six to seven ... [details]


Test free, roughly triangular in outline, somewhat irregularly planispiral with one or two whorls, each with three ... [details]


Test free, trochospiral, with subglobular chambers increasing rapidly in size as added, few per whorl; wall thin, ... [details]


Test commonly attached to shell fragments or to other foraminifers, up to 1mm in length, large ovoid proloculus ... [details]


Test elongate, strongly compressed; enrolled and planispiral in early stage, later uncoiled and rectilinear with ... [details]