WoRMS source details
Acromitoides stiphropterus (Schultze, 1898) (additional source)
Acromitus Light, 1914 (additional source)
Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903) (additional source)
Acromitus hardenbergi Stiasny, 1934 (additional source)
Acromitus maculosus Light, 1914 (additional source)
Acromitus rabanchatu Annandale, 1915 (additional source)
Acromitus tankahkeei Light, 1924 (additional source)
Actinomyaria (additional source)
Anomalorhiza Light, 1921 (additional source)
Anomalorhiza shawi Light, 1921 (additional source)
Atolla Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Atolla verrillii Fewkes, 1886 (additional source)
Aurelia colpota Brandt, 1835 (additional source)
Aurelia limbata Brandt, 1835 (additional source)
Bazinga Gershwin & Davie, 2013 (additional source)
Bazinga rieki Gershwin & Davie, 2013 (additional source)
Bazingidae Gershwin & Davie, 2013 (additional source)
Cassiopea Péron & Lesueur, 1810 (additional source)
Cassiopea andromeda (Forskål, 1775) (additional source)
Cassiopea mertensi (Brandt, 1838) (additional source)
Cassiopea xamachana Bigelow, 1892 (additional source)
Cassiopeidae Tilesius, 1831 (additional source)
Catostylidae Claus, 1883 (additional source)
Catostylus Agassiz, 1862 (additional source)
Catostylus cruciatus (Lesson, 1830) (additional source)
Catostylus mosaicus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (additional source)
Catostylus ornatellus (Vanhöffen, 1888) (additional source)
Catostylus ouwensi Moestafa & McConnaughey, 1966 (additional source)
Catostylus perezi Ranson, 1945 (additional source)
Catostylus tagi (Haeckel, 1869) (additional source)
Catostylus townsendi Mayer, 1915 (additional source)
Catostylus tripterus (Haeckel, 1880) (additional source)
Catostylus turgescens (Schultze, 1898) (additional source)
Catostylus viridescens (Chun, 1896) (additional source)
Cephea Péron & Lesueur, 1810 (additional source)
Cephea cephea (Forskål, 1775) (additional source)
Cephea coerulea Vanhöffen, 1902 (additional source)
Cephea conifera Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Cephea octostyla (Forskål, 1775) (additional source)
Cepheida represented as Kolpophorae (additional source)
Cepheidae Agassiz, 1862 (additional source)
Chrysaora africana (Vanhöffen, 1902) (additional source)
Coronamedusae (additional source)
Coronatae (additional source)
Coronatae incertae sedis (additional source)
Cotylorhiza Agassiz, 1862 (additional source)
Cotylorhiza ambulacrata Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Cotylorhiza erythraea Stiasny, 1920 (additional source)
Cotylorhiza tuberculata (Macri, 1778) (additional source)
Crambione Maas, 1903 (additional source)
Crambione bartschi (Mayer, 1910) (additional source)
Crambione cooki Mayer, 1910 (additional source)
Crambione mastigophora Maas, 1903 (additional source)
Crambionella Stiasny, 1921 (additional source)
Crambionella annadalei Rao, 1931 accepted as Crambionella annandalei Rao, 1931 (additional source)
Crambionella helmbiru Nishikawa, Mulyadi & Ohtsuka, 2014 (additional source)
Crambionella orsini (Vanhöffen, 1888) (additional source)
Crambionella stuhlmanni (Chun, 1896) (additional source)
Daktyliophorae accepted as Dactyliophorae (additional source)
Desmonema gaudichaudi (Lesson, 1830) (additional source)
Drymonema dalmatinum Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Drymonema gorgo Müller, 1883 (additional source)
Drymonematidae Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Eupilema Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Eupilema inexpectata Pages, Gili & Bouillon, 1992 (additional source)
Eupilema scapulare Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Kampylomyaria (additional source)
Kolpophorae (additional source)
Krykomyaria (additional source)
Leptobrachia leptopus (Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1821) (additional source)
Leptobrachidae Agassiz, 1862 (additional source)
Linuche unguiculata (Swartz, 1788) (additional source)
Lobonema Mayer, 1910 (additional source)
Lobonema smithii Mayer, 1910 (additional source)
Lobonemidae Stiasny, 1920 (additional source)
Lobonemoides Light, 1914 (additional source)
Lobonemoides gracilis Light, 1914 (additional source)
Lobonemoides robustus Stiasny, 1920 accepted as Lobonemoides gracilis Light, 1914 (additional source)
Lobonemoides sewelli Rao, 1931 accepted as Lobonemoides gracilis Light, 1914 (additional source)
Lychnorhiza Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Lychnorhiza arubae Stiasny, 1920 (additional source)
Lychnorhiza lucerna Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Lychnorhiza malayensis Stiasny, 1920 (additional source)
Lychnorhizidae Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Marivagia Galil & Gershwin, 2010 (additional source)
Marivagia stellata Galil & Gershwin, 2010 (additional source)
Mastigias Agassiz, 1862 (additional source)
Mastigias albipunctata Stiasny, 1920 (additional source)
Mastigias andersoni Stiasny, 1926 (additional source)
Mastigias gracilis (Vanhöffen, 1888) (additional source)
Mastigias ocellatus (Modeer, 1791) (additional source)
Mastigias pantherina Haeckel, 1880 (additional source)
Mastigias papua (Lesson, 1830) (additional source)
Mastigias roseus (Reynaud, 1830) (additional source)
Mastigias sidereus Chun, 1896 (additional source)
Mastigietta Stiasny, 1921 (additional source)
Mastigietta palmipes (Haeckel, 1880) (additional source)
Mastigiidae Stiasny, 1920 (additional source)
Nausithoe albatrossi (Maas, 1897) (additional source)
Aegean Sea for Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775)
Alaskan part of the Bering Sea for Aurelia limbata Brandt, 1835
Alaskan part of the Gulf of Alaska for Aurelia limbata Brandt, 1835
Alaskan part of the North Pacific Ocean for Aurelia limbata Brandt, 1835
Alboran Sea for Catostylus tagi (Haeckel, 1869)
Alboran Sea for Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775)
Amundsen/Bellingshausen Sea for Stygiomedusa gigantea (Browne, 1910)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands part of the Andaman or Burma Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands part of the Andaman or Burma Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands part of the Bay of Bengal for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands part of the Bay of Bengal for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands part of the Indian Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands part of the Indian Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Angolan for Stygiomedusa gigantea (Browne, 1910)
Antarctic 200NM zone beyond the coastline for Desmonema gaudichaudi (Lesson, 1830)
Antarctic Peninsula for Stygiomedusa gigantea (Browne, 1910)
Arabian Sea for Crambionella orsini (Vanhöffen, 1888)
Arafura Sea for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Arafura Sea for Catostylus ouwensi Moestafa & McConnaughey, 1966
Arafura Sea for Catostylus turgescens (Schultze, 1898)
Area of overlap between Australian Seabed Jurisdiction and Indonesian part of the Indian Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Area of overlap between Australian Seabed Jurisdiction and Indonesian part of the Indian Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Argentinean Exclusive Economic Zone for Desmonema gaudichaudi (Lesson, 1830)
Arnhem Coast to Gulf of Carpenteria for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Catostylus mosaicus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Australian part of the Arafura Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Arafura Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Arafura Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Arafura Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Bass Strait for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Bass Strait for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Coral Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Coral Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Great Australian Bight for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Great Australian Bight for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Indian Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Indian Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the South Pacific Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the South Pacific Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the South Pacific Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the South Pacific Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Tasman Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Tasman Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Timor Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Timor Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Timor Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Australian part of the Timor Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Azores Canaries Madeira for Catostylus tagi (Haeckel, 1869)
Azores Canaries Madeira for Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775)
Azores Canaries Madeira for Stygiomedusa gigantea (Browne, 1910)
Bali Sea for Acromitus hardenbergi Stiasny, 1934
Banda Sea for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Banda Sea for Acromitus hardenbergi Stiasny, 1934
Banda Sea for Catostylus turgescens (Schultze, 1898)
Bangladeshi part of the Bay of Bengal for Crambionella annadalei Rao, 1931
Bangladeshi part of the Bay of Bengal for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Bangladeshi part of the Bay of Bengal for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Bassas da India Exclusive Economic Zone for Thysanostoma flagellatum (Haeckel, 1880)
Bassas da India part of the Mozambique Channel for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Bassas da India part of the Mozambique Channel for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Beninese Exclusive Economic Zone for Linuche unguiculata (Swartz, 1788)
Bight of Sofala/Swamp Coast for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Bismarck Sea for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Bonaparte Coast for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone for Linuche unguiculata (Swartz, 1788)
Bruneian Exclusive Economic Zone for Catostylus townsendi Mayer, 1915
Bruneian part of the South China Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Bruneian part of the South China Sea for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Cambodia for Catostylus townsendi Mayer, 1915
Cambodian part of the Gulf of Thailand for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Cambodian part of the Gulf of Thailand for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Cameroonian Exclusive Economic Zone for Linuche unguiculata (Swartz, 1788)
Canadian part of the North Pacific Ocean for Aurelia limbata Brandt, 1835
Cape Verdean Exclusive Economic Zone for Linuche unguiculata (Swartz, 1788)
Cargados Carajos/Tromelin Island for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Caribbean Sea for Linuche unguiculata (Swartz, 1788)
Celebes Sea for Acromitus hardenbergi Stiasny, 1934
Celtic Seas for Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775)
Celtic Seas for Stygiomedusa gigantea (Browne, 1910)
Central Kuroshio Current for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Central Kuroshio Current for Stygiomedusa gigantea (Browne, 1910)
Central Somali Coast for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Central South Pacific for Pelagia flaveola Eschscholtz, 1829
Ceram Sea for Acromitus hardenbergi Stiasny, 1934
Chagos for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Chinese Exclusive Economic Zone for Acromitus tankahkeei Light, 1924
Coast of Brazil for Catostylus cruciatus (Lesson, 1830)
Cold Temperate Northwest Atlantic for Pelagia cyanella Péron & Lesueur, 1810
Comoran Exclusive Economic Zone for Crambionella stuhlmanni (Chun, 1896)
Comoran part of the Indian Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Comoran part of the Indian Ocean for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Comoran part of the Mozambique Channel for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Comoran part of the Mozambique Channel for Versuriga anadyomene (Maas, 1903)
Delagoa for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
Disputed area (Kenya-Somalia) for Crambionella stuhlmanni (Chun, 1896)
Disputed area South China Sea for Catostylus townsendi Mayer, 1915
Disputed area: Iran / United Arab Emirates for Catostylus perezi Ranson, 1945
East African Coral Coast for Acromitus flagellatus (Maas, 1903)
East Antarctic Wilkes Land for Stygiomedusa gigantea (Browne, 1910)
This species was only seen by the authors who described it based on 5 specimens; no further mention in the literature [details]
Doubtful species or just a variety of C. xamachana [details]
The species was considered conspecific with Lychnorhiza lucerna (Mianzan & Cornelius, 1999; Silveira & Cornelius, ... [details]
Haeckel (1880) mentioned that the species resembles a young Rhizostoma. Vanhöffen (1902) wondered to which genus ... [details]
Species requiring further studies, doubtful. [details]
Species requiring further studies, doubtful. [details]
Species requiring further studies, doubtful. [details]
Species requiring further studies, doubtful. [details]
Polyrhiza is considered a doubtful genus because only Ehrenberg and Haeckel observed specimens; description by ... [details]
The species Phyllorhiza chinensis L. Agassiz, 1862 (from China Seas) and Phyllorhiza trifolium Haeckel, 1880 (from ... [details]
The species Phyllorhiza chinensis L. Agassiz, 1862 (from China Seas) and Phyllorhiza trifolium Haeckel, 1880 (from ... [details]