WoRMS taxon details
original description
Lamarck, J. B. (1801). Système des animaux sans vertèbres, ou tableau général des classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux; Présentant leurs caractères essentiels et leur distribution, d'apres la considération de leurs rapports naturels et de leur organisation, et suivant l'arrangement établi dans les galeries du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, parmi leurs dépouilles conservées; Précédé du discours d'ouverture du Cours de Zoologie, donné dans le Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle l'an 8 de la République. [System of animals without vertebrae, or general table of the classes, orders and genera of these animals; Presenting their essential characteristics and their distribution, according to the consideration of their natural relationships and their organization, and following the arrangement established in the galleries of the Museum of Natural History, among their preserved remains; Preceded by the opening speech of the Course of Zoology, given in the National Museum of Natural History in the year 8 of the Republic.]. <em>Published by the author and Deterville, Paris.</em> : viii + 432 pp., available online at http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/14117719 [details]
basis of record
Jones, D. A. (1986). A Field Guide to the Sea Shores of Kuwait and the Arabian Gulf. <em>Universty of Kuwait.</em> 192 pp. page(s): 49 [details]
additional source
Hertwig, R. (1888). Report on the Actiniaria dredged by HMS 'Challenger' during the years 1873-1876. Supplement. <em>Reports on the scientific results of the voyage of HMS Challenger during the years 1873-76.</em> XXVI, pt. LXXIII: 4–56. London, Edinburgh & Dublin., available online at https://archive.org/details/reportonactiniar00hert/page/16 page(s): 34, 35, 36, 40, 47, 52 [details]
additional source
Gray, J.E. (1858). On the <i>Dysidea papillosa</i> of Dr. Johnston. <em>Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.</em> 26: 531-532. page(s): 532 [details]
additional source
Thomson, J.A.; Henderson, W.D. (1906). The marine fauna of Zanzibar and British East Africa, from collections made by Cyril Crossland, M.A., B.Sc., F.Z.S., in the years 1901 and 1902 -- Alcyonaria. <em>Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.</em> 1906, 393-442, plates 26-31., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/32051773 page(s): 778, 781, 783, 785, 786 [details]
additional source
Milne Edwards H,. (1857). Histoire naturelle des coralliaires, ou polypes proprement dits. 1. <em>Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris.</em> 326 pp., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12045211 page(s): 299 [details]
additional source
Reimer JD, Ono S, Fujiwara Y, Takishita K, Tsukahara J. (2004). Reconsidering Zoanthus spp. diversity: molecular evidence of conspecificity within four previously presumed species. <em>Zoological Science.</em> 21: 517–525. page(s): 517-518 [details]
additional source
Fenner, D. P. (2005). Corals of Hawai'i. A Field Guide to the Hard, Black, and Soft Corals of Hawai'i and the Northwest Hawaiian Islands, Including Midway. <em>Mutual Publishing, Ltd., Honolulu.</em> 144 pp. page(s): 27, 91 [details]
additional source
McMurrich J.P. (1898). Report on the Actiniaria collected by the Bahama Expedition of the State University of Iowa, 1893. <em>Bulletin from the laboratories of natural history of the State University of Iowa.</em> v. 4, no. 3, p. 225-249. page(s): 244 [details]
additional source
McMurrich, J. P. (1889). A contribution to the actinology of the Bermudas. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 41: 102-126 page(s): 117 [details]
additional source
Ryland, J. S. et al. (2000). Semper’s (zoanthid) larvae: pelagic life, parentage and other problems. Hydrobiologia, 440: 191-198 page(s): 2, 5 [details]
additional source
Kaplan, E. H. (1982). A Field Guide to Coral Reefs: Caribbean and Florida. <em>Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.</em> pp 289. page(s): 25-28, 33 [details]
additional source
Fossa, S. A.; Nilsen, A. J. (1998). The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium. <em>Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag, Bornheim, Germany.</em> volume 2, pp 479. page(s): 271, 272, 273, 275, 276, 283 [details]
additional source
Andres, A. (1883). Le Attinie (Monografia). Coi Tipi der Salviucci. Roma., volume 1 (Bibliografia, introduzione e specigrafia), pp. 460. page(s): 305, 306, 311, 323, 335 [details]
additional source
Verrill, A. E. (1868-1870). Review of the corals and polyps of the west coast of America. <em>Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences.</em> 1, 6, 377-558. page(s): 495 [details]
additional source
Verrill, A. E. (1868). Synopsis of the polyps and corals of the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, under Commodore C. Ringgold and Capt. John Rodgers, U.S.N., from 1853 to 1856. Collected by Dr. Wm. Stimpson, Naturalist to the Expedition. Part IV. Actiniaria [First part]. Communications of the Essex Institute, 5(3): 315-330 [reprint 1-16] page(s): 316 [2] [details]
additional source
Hoover, J. P. (1998). Hawaii's Sea Creatures. Mutual Publishing. Honolulu., edition 1st, pp. 366. page(s): 45 [details]
additional source
Gore, M. A. (1984). Factors affecting the feeding behaviour of a coral reef fish, Chaetodon capistratus. Bulletin of Marine Science, 35(2): 211-220 page(s): 221, 224 [details]
additional source
James, N. P.; Stearn, C. W.; Harrison, R. S. (1977). Field Guidebook to Modern and Pleistocene Reef Carbonates, Barbados, W.I.. Third International Symposium on Coral Reefs Committee. Miami., edition 1st, pp. 30. page(s): 22 [details]
additional source
Beneden, É. (1890). Les Anthozoaires pélagiques recueillis par M. le professeur Hensen dans son expédition du Plankton. Communication préliminaire. I. - Une larve voisine de la larve de Semper. Archives de Biologie, 10, 485-521 page(s): 517, 518 [details]
additional source
Lang, J. C.; Wicklund, R. I.; Dill, R. F. (1988). Depth- and habitat-related bleaching of zooxanthellate reef organisms near Lee Stocking Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. volume 3, pp. 269-274 page(s): 273 [details]
additional source
Maragos, J. E.; Siciliano, D.; Gulko, D.; VanRavenswaay, D.; Potts, D. C.; Aeby, G. (2004). Nihoa Island coral data compiled from Townsend Cromwell 2000, and Rapture 2000 and 2002 sites [Table 1]. Unpublished. [details]
additional source
Fautin, D. G.; Bucklin, A. (1988). Anthozoan dominated benthic environments. volume 3, pp. 231-236 page(s): 234 [details]
additional source
Hertwig, R. (1882). Die Actinien der Challenger Expedition. Gustav Fischer. Jena., pp. 119. page(s): 99-103, 108, 116, Pl. XIV. Fig. 1-4 [details]
additional source
Hertwig, R. (1882). Report on the Actiniaria dredged by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76 (Zoology), 6(1): 1-136 page(s): 111-116, 121, 130 [details]
additional source
McMurrich, J. P. (1889). The Actiniaria of the Bahama Islands, W.I. Journal of Morphology, 3(1): 1-80 page(s): 61-62, 65 [details]
additional source
Shenoy, S.; Sankolli, K. N. (1973). Metamorphosis of two species of genus Polyonyx Stimpson - P. hendersoni Southwell and P. Loimicola Sankolli (Anomura, Porcellanidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 15, 2, 710-727 page(s): 710 [details]
additional source
Scheltema, R. S. (1989). The eastern Pacific as a barrier to the dispersal of planktonic larvae of benthic invertebrates. Proceedings of the Twenty-first European Marine Biology Symposium, 435-445 page(s): 442 [details]
additional source
Karlson, R. H. (1983). Disturbance and monopolization of a spatial resource by Zoanthus sociatus (Coelenterata, Anthozoa). Bulletin of Marine Science, 33(1): 118-131 page(s): 120 [details]
additional source
Karlson, R. H. (1988). Size-dependent growth in two zoanthid species: a contrast in clonal strategies. Ecology, 69(4): 1219-1232 page(s): 1222 [details]
additional source
Herberts, C. (1987). Ordre des Zoanthaires. Masson. Paris., pp. 783-810 page(s): 785, 787, 791, 792, 795, 797, 798, 799, 802, 805, 806 [details]
additional source
Herberts, C. (1972). Contribution à l'étude écologique de quelques zoanthaires tempérés et tropicaux. Marine Biology, 13, 127-136 page(s): 130, 131 [details]
additional source
Herberts, C. (1976). Sur trois zoanthaires nouveaux pour Tuléar, Madagascar. Beaufortia, 25(320): 33-47 page(s): 33, 37, 45 [details]
additional source
Menon, K. R. (1926). On the adults of Zoanthella and Zoanthina. Records of the Indian Museum (A Journal of Indian Zoology), 28, 61-64 page(s): 62, 63 [details]
additional source
Menon, K. R. (1902). Notes on Semper's larvae. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Biological Sciences, 11, 407-417 page(s): 413 [details]
additional source
Muirhead, A. M.; Ryland, J. S. (1984). Order Zoanthidea. Australian Coral Reef Society. Brisbane., edition 2nd, pp. 29-33 page(s): 29, 30, 33 [details]
additional source
McMurrich, J. P. (1891). Contributions on the morphology of the Actinozoa. III. The phylogeny of the Actinozoa. Journal of Morphology, 5, 125-164 page(s): 143 [details]
additional source
Pax, F.; Mueller, I. (1957). Zoantharien des zoologischen museums in Genua. Annali del Museu Civico di Storia Naturali 'Giacomo Doria', 69, 19-30 page(s): 20 [details]
additional source
Pax, F. (1934). Anthozoa (Teil I. Allgemeines, Ceriantharia, Antipatharia, Zoantharia, Madreporaria). Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostee, 26, 39-53 page(s): 40, 47, 48 [details]
additional source
Pax, F.; Mueller, I. (1956). Zoanthaires de la Mer Rouge. Recueillis par le vaisseau d'exploration "Calypso" en 1952. Annales de l'Institute Oceanographique, 32, 3-17 page(s): 3 [details]
additional source
Soong, K.; Shiau, Y. S.; Chen, C. P. (1999). Morphological and life history divergence of the zoanthid, Sphenopus marsupialis off the Taiwanese coast. Zoological Studies, 38(3): 333-343 page(s): 339 [details]
additional source
Scheltema, R. S. (1971). The dispersal of the larvae of shoal-water benthic invertebrate species over long distances by ocean currents. Proceedings of the Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium, 7-28 page(s): 13 [details]
additional source
Tischbierek, H. (1930). Zoanthiden auf Wurmröhren. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 91, 91-95 page(s): 93-95 [details]
additional source
Seifert, R. (1928). Die Nesselkapseln der Zoantharien und ihre differentialdiagnostische Bedeutung. Zoologische Jahrbücher Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere, 55, 419-500 page(s): 419, 421, 424, 428, 429, 430, 431, 435-457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 467 [details]
additional source
Sauer Machado, K. R. S.; Chapman, A. R. O.; Coutinho, R. (1996). Consumer species have limited and variable roles in community organization on a tropical intertidal shore. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 134, 73-83 page(s): 73-83 [details]
additional source
Southwell, T. (1906). Corrections and Additions. Part V.- Add the following list of Actiniaria identified by Mr. T. Southwell. W. A. Herdman (eds.). Royal Society. London, chapter correction, volume V, pp. 451-452 page(s): 451 [details]
additional source
Ryland, J. S.; Wigley, R. A.; Muirhead, A. M. (1984). Ecology and colonial dynamics of some Pacific reef flat Didemnidae (Ascidiacea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 80, 261-282 page(s): 270 [details]
additional source
Gleibs, S.; Mebs, D.; Werding, B. (1995). Studies on the origin and distribution of palytoxin in a Caribbean coral reef. Toxicon, 33(11): 1531-1537 page(s): 1531, 1533, 1536 [details]
additional source
Nielsen, C. (1984). Notes on a Zoanthina-larva (Cnidaria) from Phuket, Thailand. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening (Copenhagen), 145, 53-60 page(s): 53 [details]
additional source
Ryland, J. S. (1997). Reproduction in Zoanthidea (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 31(1-3): 177-188 page(s): 177, 178, 179, 181, 183, 184, 185 [details]
additional source
Ryland, J. S. (1981). Reefs of southwest Viti Levu and their tourism potential. Proceedings of the Fourth International Coral Reef Symposium, 1, 293-298 page(s): 296 [details]
additional source
Ryland, J. S.; Muirhead, A. M. (1983). Fringing reefs in southwest Viti Levu, with special reference to Zoanthidea. Bulletin of Marine Science, 33(3): 783-784 page(s): 783 [details]
additional source
den Hartog, J. C. (1997). The sea anemone fauna of Indonesian coral reefs. Periplus Editions. Republic of Singapore., chapter Box 8.2, volume 7, pp. 351-370 page(s): 363 [details]
additional source
Andres, A. (1877). On a new genus and species of Zoanthina malacodermata (Panceria spongiosa, sp. n.). Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 17, 221-226 page(s): 225 [details]
additional source
Ates, R. M. L. (1995). Colonial anemones - Zoanthiniaria. A review for the seriously interested marine aquarist. Aquarium Frontiers, Spring 1995, 10-13 page(s): 10-13 [details]
additional source
Blank, R. J. (1987). Evolutionary differentiation in gymnodinioid zooxanthellae. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 503, 530-533 page(s): 530-531 [details]
additional source
Carlos, A. A.; Baillie, B. K.; Kawachi, M.; Maruyama, T. (1999). Phylogenetic position of Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) isolates from tridacnids (Bivalvia), cardiids (Bivalvia), a sponge (Porifera), a soft coral (Anthozoa), and a free-living strain. Journal of Phycology, 35, 1054-1062 page(s): 1055, 1057, 1058, 1059 [details]
additional source
Duerden, J. E. (1896). Zoanthidæ at Port Henderson. Journal of the Institute of Jamaica, 2(3): 285-287 page(s): 285-287 [details]
additional source
Erdmann, A. (1885). Ueber einige neue Zoantheen. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft, 19, 430-488 page(s): 438-449 [details]
additional source
Fischer, P. (1875). On the Actiniæ of the oceanic coasts of France. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 15(4): 373-376 page(s): 374 [details]
additional source
Fosså, S. A.; Nilsen, A. J. (1995). Korallenriff-Aquarium, 4. Nesseltiere in Korallenriff und für das Korallenriff-Aquarium. Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag. Bornheim, Germany., edition 1st, volume 4, pp. 447. page(s): 257, 259, 260, 261, 266, 269 [details]
additional source
Frische, J. (1991). Flächenwüchsige Aquarienpfleglinge. Das Aquarium, 261, 33-37 page(s): 31, 32 [details]
additional source
Duerden, J. E. (1898). The geographical distribution of the Actiniaria of Jamaica. Natural Science, 12(72): 100-105 page(s): 103 [details]
additional source
Maragos, J. E.; VanRavenswaay, D.; Potts, D. C.; Siciliano, D.; Aeby, G.; Kenyon, J.; Gulko, D. (2004). Necker Island coral data compiled from Rapture and Townsend Cromwell 2000 and 2002, and Sette 2003 surveys [Table 4]. UNPUBLISHED, Unpublished page(s): 1 [details]
additional source
Maragos, J. E.; VanRavenswaay, D.; Gulko, D. (2004). French Frigate Shoals coral data compiled from Townsend Cromwell 2000-2, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Rapture 2000 and 2002, and 2003 Sette surveys [Table 1]. UNPUBLISHED, Unpublished page(s): 1 [details]
additional source
Maragos, J. E.; Siciliano, D.; VanRavenswaay, D.; Aeby, G.; Kenyon, J.; Gulko, D.; Potts, D. C. (2004). Maro reef coral data compiled from Townsend Cromwell 2000 and 2002, American Islander 2001, Rapture 2000 and 2002, and Sette 2003 surveys [Table 9]. UNPUBLISHED, Unpublished page(s): 1 [details]
additional source
Maragos, J. E.; VanRavenswaay, D.; Aeby, G.; Gulko, D.; Kenyon, J.; Siciliano, D.; Potts, D. C. (2004). Kure Atoll coral data compiled from Rapture and Townsend Cromwell 2000 and 2002, and Sette 2003 surveys [Table 15]. UNPUBLISHED, Unpublished page(s): 1 [details]
additional source
Castro, C. B.; Echeverría, C. A.; Pires, D. de Oliveira; Mascarenhas, B. J. de A.; Freitas, S. G. (1995). Distribuição de Cnidaria e echinodermata no infralitoral de costões rochosos de arraial do cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Biologia (Rio de Janeiro), 55(3): 471-480 page(s): 471-472, 476-479 [details]
additional source
Morton, J. E. (1974). The coral reefs of the British Solomon Islands: a comparative study of their composition and ecology. Proceedings of the Second International Coral Reef Symposium, 1, 31-53 page(s): 35, 47, 48, 50 [details]
additional source
Acosta, A.; Sammarco, P. W.; Duarte, L. F. (2001). Asexual reproduction in a zoanthid by fragmentation: the role of exogenous factors. Bulletin of Marine Science, 68(3): 363-381 page(s): 375-376 [details]
additional source
Müller, G. (1883). Zur Morphologie der Scheidewände bei einigen Palythoa und Zoanthus. Marburg., pp. 44. page(s): 35-36 [details]
additional source
Babcock, R. C.; Ryland, J. S. (1990). Larval development of a tropical zoanthid (Protopalythoa sp.). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 17, 3, 229-236 page(s): 236 [details]
additional source
DeFelice, R.; Minton, D.; Godwin, L. S. (2002). Records of Shallow-Water Marine Invertebrates from French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, with a Note on Noningenous Species: Report to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Bishop Museum. Honolulu, Hawaii., pp. 78. page(s): 26, 52 [details]
additional source
Ono, S.; Reimer, J. D.; Tsukahara, J. (2003). Long-term changes of Zoanthus spp. in the infra-littoral zone at Taisho Lava Field, Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan. Galaxea, 5, 21-31 page(s): 21-30 [details]
additional source
Ono, S.; Reimer, J. D.; Tsukahara, J. (2005). Reproduction of Zoanthus sansibaricus in the infra-littoral zone at Taisho Lava Field, Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan. Zoological Science, 22, 247-255 page(s): 247, 254 [details]
additional source
Reimer, J. D.; Takishita, K.; Maruyama, T. (2006). Molecular identification of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) from Palythoa spp. (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) in Japan. Coral Reefs, 25, 521-527 page(s): 522, 524 [details]
additional source
Brugler, M. R.; France, S. C. (2007). The complete mitochondrial genome of the black coral Chrysopathes formosa (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Antipatharia) supports classification of antipatharians within the subclass Hexacorallia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42, 776-788 page(s): 778, 781, 783, 785, 786 [details]
additional source
Reimer, J. D.; Ono, S.; Furushima, Y.; Tsukahara, J. (2007). Seasonal changes in morphological condition of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) in Zoanthus sansibaricus (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) in southern Japan. South Pacific Sudies, 27(2): 1-23 page(s): 3, 15 [details]
additional source
Medina, M.; Collins, A. G.; Takaoka, T. L.; Kuehl, J. V.; Boore, J. L. (2006). Naked corals: skeleton loss in Scleractinia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(24): 9096-9100 page(s): 9097, 9098 [details]
additional source
Gasparini, J. L.; Floeter, S. R.; Ferreira, C. E. L.; Sazima, I. (2005). Marine ornamental trade in Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14, 2883-2899 page(s): 2896 [details]
additional source
Tazioli, S.; Bo, M.; Boyer, M.; Rotinsulu, H.; Bavestrello, G. (2007). Ecological observations of some common antipatharian corals in the marine park of Bunaken (North Sulawesi, Indonesia). Zoological Studies, 46(2): 227-241 page(s): 236, 237 [details]
additional source
Hoffmann, K.; Hermanns-Clausen, M.; Buhl, C.; Büchler, M. W.; Schemmer, P.; Mebs, D.; Kauferstein, S. (2008). A case of palytoxin poisoning due to contact with zoanthid corals through a skin injury. Toxicon, 51, 1535-1537 page(s): 1535 [details]
additional source
Hirose, M.; Obuchi, M.; Hirose, E.; Reimer, J. D. (2011). Timing of spawning and early development of Palythoa tuberculosa (Anthozoa, Zoantharia, Sphenopidae) in Okinawa, Japan. Biological Bulletin, 220(23-31): 23-31 page(s): 25 [details]
additional source
Wright, E. P. (1866). Coelenterata. Albert C.L.G. Günther (eds.). John Van Voorst. London, volume 2, pp. 768-784 page(s): 783 [details]
additional source
Ocaña, O.; Brito, A. (2004). A review of Gerardiidae (Anthozoa: Zoantharia) from the Macronesian Islands and the Mediterranean Sea with the description of a new species. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, 15(3-4): 159-189 page(s): 160 [details]
additional source
Amaral, F. D.; Ramos, C. A. C.; Leão, Z. M. A. N.; Kikuchi, R. K. P.; Lima, K. K. M.; Longo, L.; Cordeiro, R. T. S.; Lira, S. M. A.; Vasconcelos, S. L. (2009). Checklist and morphometry of benthic cnidarians from the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 50, 277-290 page(s): 283 [details]
additional source
Dunn, D. F. (1982). Cnidaria. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York and other cities., volume 1, pp. 669-706 page(s): 704 [details]
additional source
Henríquez H., Y. A.; Palacios C., M. E. (2008). Distribución de antozoo Stichodactyla helianthus en un arrecife franjeante de Isla Larga, Parque Nacional San Esteban, Estado Carabobo, Venezuela. FARAUTE Ciencias y Tecnología, 3(1): 5-16 page(s): 5, 13 [details]
additional source
Andres, A. (1883). Le Attinie. Atti dell' Accademia de Lincei, 14, 3, Memorie, 211-673 page(s): 543 [details]
additional source
Brattström, H. (1980). Rocky-shore zonation in the Santa Marta area, Colombia. <em>Sarsia.</em> 65: 163-226. page(s): 175, 176, 183, 184, 185, 190, 199, 204, 208, 210, 215 [details]
additional source
Cubit, John and Williams, Suelynn 1983. The invertebrates of Galeta Reef (Caribbean Panama): a species list and bibliography. Atoll Research Bulletin 269: 1-45. page(s): 9 [details]
additional source
Stephenson, William, Endean, R. and Bennett, Isobel 1958. An ecological survey of the marine fauna of Low Isles, Queensland. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 9(2): 261-318. page(s): 267, 284, 286, 288, 290, 299, 300 [details]
additional source
Robertson, A.L., J. Lancaster, L.R. Belyea & A.G. Hildrew. (1997). Hydraulic habitat and the assemblage structure of stream benthic microcrustacea. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 16(3):562-575. page(s): 246-247 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Reimer, Ono, Iwama, Takishita, Tsukahara & Maruyama. 2006. Morphological and molecular revision of Zoanthus (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) from southwestern Japan with description of two new species. Zoological Science Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Pages: 261-275 page(s): 261, 262 [details]
additional source
Itô, T., M.J. Grygier & J. Honshu, J. (1990). Description and complete larval development of a new species of Baccalaureus (Crustacea: Ascothoracida) parasitic in a zoanthid from Tanabe. <em>Zoological Science.</em> 7(3), 485-515. page(s): 485, 498 [details]
additional source
Van Beneden, E. (1897). Les Anthozoaires de la Plankton-Expedition = Die Anthozoen der Plankton-Expedition. Ergebnisse der in dem Atlantischen Ocean von Mitte Juli bis Anfang November 1889 ausgeführten Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung, II. K.e.. Lipsius & Tischer: Kiel. 222 + XVIII plates pp. (look up in IMIS) page(s): 161, 162, 163 [details]
additional source
Carlgren, O. (1937). Ceriantharia and Zoantharia. <em>Scientific Reports of the Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29.</em> 5(5): 177-207. page(s): 183, 184 [details]
additional source
Heilprin, A. (1888). Contributions to the Natural History of the Bermuda Islands. <em>Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.</em> 40: 302-328., available online at http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/4061282.pdf page(s): 309 [details]
additional source
Verrill, A.E. (1864). Revision of the *Polypi* of the eastern coast of the United States. <em>Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History.</em> 1: 1-45., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/43823403 page(s): 34 [details]
additional source
Cuvier, G. 1863. The Animal Kingdom Arranged According to its Organization. Henry G. Bohn, London. page(s): 672 [details]
additional source
Cairns, S.D., L. Gershwin, F.J. Brook, P. Pugh, E.W. Dawson, O.V.; Ocaña, W. Vervoort, G. Williams, J.E. Watson, D.M. Opresko, P. Schuchert, P.M. Hine, D.P. Gordon, H.I. Campbell, A.J. Wright, J.A.Sánchez & D.G. Fautin. (2009). Phylum Cnidaria: corals, medusae, hydroids, myxozoans. <em>in: Gordon, D.P. (Ed.) (2009). New Zealand inventory of biodiversity: 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia.</em> pp. 59-101., available online at https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/8431 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Carlgren, O. (1923). Ceriantharia und Zoantharia der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. <em>Deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899.</em> 19(7): 243-337. page(s): 255 [details]
additional source
Alcock A., 1893. On some Actiniaria from the Indian seas. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. vol 62, part 2, N 3: 151-153 page(s): 152 [details]
additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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additional source
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Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality
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