WoRMS source details
Fischer, P. (1880-1887). Manuel de conchyliologie et de paléontologie conchyliologique, ou histoire naturelle des mollusques vivants et fossiles suivi d'un Appendice sur les Brachiopodes par D. P. Oehlert. Avec 23 planches contenant 600 figures dessinées par S. P. Woodward.. Paris: F. Savy. Published in 11 parts (fascicules), xxiv + 1369 pp., 23 pls. [1: 1-112, 21 September 1880; 2: 113-192, 16 March 1881; 3: 193-304, 28 July 1881; 4: 305-416, 5 May 1882; 5: 417-512, 21 February 1883; 6: 513-608, 20 December 1883; 7: 609-688, 30 June 1884; 8: 689-784, 29 January 1885; 9: 785-896, 31 August 1885; 10: 897-1008, 30 April 1886; 11: 1009-1369, 15 June 1887].
Fischer, P.
<i>Manuel de conchyliologie et de paléontologie conchyliologique, ou histoire naturelle des mollusques vivants et fossiles suivi d'un Appendice sur les Brachiopodes par D. P. Oehlert. Avec 23 planches contenant 600 figures dessinées par S. P. Woodward.</i>. Paris: F. Savy. Published in 11 parts (fascicules), xxiv + 1369 pp., 23 pls. [1: 1-112, 21 September 1880; 2: 113-192, 16 March 1881; 3: 193-304, 28 July 1881; 4: 305-416, 5 May 1882; 5: 417-512, 21 February 1883; 6: 513-608, 20 December 1883; 7: 609-688, 30 June 1884; 8: 689-784, 29 January 1885; 9: 785-896, 31 August 1885; 10: 897-1008, 30 April 1886; 11: 1009-1369, 15 June 1887].
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
Actaeonina (Douvilleia) P. Fischer, 1883 † accepted as Pitharella F. E. Edwards, 1860 † (original description)
Aegirinae P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Aegiridae P. Fischer, 1883 (original description)
Amphimelania P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Holandriana Bourguignat, 1884 (original description)
Amphioctopus P. Fischer, 1882 (original description)
Ampullina (Amaurellina) P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Amaurellina P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Ampullina (Megatylotus) P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Megatylotus P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Ancilla (Baryspira) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Amalda (Baryspira) P. Fischer, 1883 represented as Amalda H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853 (original description)
Anisochiton P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Acanthochitona J. E. Gray, 1821 (original description)
Anodonta (Pteranodon) P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Sinanodonta Modell, 1945 (original description)
Aptyxiella P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Arcomya (Argyromya) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Argyromya P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Arnaudia P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Aspidopholas P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Asthenothaerinae P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Thraciidae Stoliczka, 1870 (1839) (original description)
Baicaliidae P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Baicaliinae P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Baicaliidae P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Bembridgia P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Bithinella P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Bythinella Moquin-Tandon, 1856 (original description)
Bourguetia P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Bourgetia Deshayes, 1869 † (original description)
Boysia (Strophostomella) P. Fischer, 1883 † accepted as Strophostomella P. Fischer, 1883 † (original description)
Buliminus (Euryptyxis) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Euryptyxis P. Fischer, 1883 (original description)
Bulinus (Plesiophysa) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Plesiophysa P. Fischer, 1883 (original description)
Bursa (Lampadopsis) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Bursa Röding, 1798 (original description)
Calliostoma (Manotrochus) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Jujubinus Monterosato, 1884 (original description)
Cardiliidae P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Cardium (Eucardium) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Acanthocardia J. E. Gray, 1851 (original description)
Cardium (Lophocardium) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Lophocardium P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Cardium (Ringicardium) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Bucardium J. E. Gray, 1853 (original description)
Carinariopsis P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Carinaropsis J. Hall, 1847 † (original description)
Cerithium (Bezanconia) P. Fischer, 1884 † accepted as Bezanconia P. Fischer, 1884 † (original description)
Cerithium (Campanile) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Campanile P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Chenopus (Monocyphus) P. Fischer, 1884 † accepted as Monocuphus Piette, 1876 † (original description)
Chlamys (Aequipecten) P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Aequipecten P. Fischer, 1886 (original description)
Chlamys (Plesiopecten) Munier-Chalmas, 1886 † accepted as Plesiopecten Munier-Chalmas, 1886 † (original description)
Chromodoris (Centrodoris) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Kentrodoris Bergh, 1876 accepted as Jorunna Bergh, 1876 (original description)
Climacopoma P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Coleophysis P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Retusa T. Brown, 1827 (original description)
Colombellinidae P. Fischer, 1884 † (original description)
Columbella (Bifurcium) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Bifurcium P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Columbella (Microcithara) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Microcithara P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Corbicula (Neocorbicula) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Cyanocyclas Blainville, 1818 (original description)
Corbula (Bicorbula) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Bicorbula P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Cornetia Munier-Chalmas, 1885 † (original description)
Cornetia modunensis Munier-Chalmas, 1885 † accepted as Cornetia malaisi (Briart & Cornet, 1870) † (original description)
Crosseia P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Crossea A. Adams, 1865 (original description)
Cucullellinae P. Fischer, 1886 † accepted as Cucullellidae P. Fischer, 1886 † (original description)
Cyclostoma (Tudorella) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Tudorella P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Cyphonochilus [sic] accepted as Siphonochelus Jousseaume, 1880 (basis of record)
Cyphotifer P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Cuphotipher Piette, 1876 † (original description)
Cyrena (Neomiodon) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Neomiodon P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Dentalium (Fissidentalium) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Fissidentalium P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Diaphorostoma P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Platyceras (Platyostoma) Conrad, 1842 † accepted as Platyostoma Conrad, 1842 † (original description)
Dimya (Dimyodon) Munier-Chalmas, 1886 † accepted as Atreta Etallon, 1861 † (original description)
Dimya (Dimyodon) schlumbergeri Munier-Chalmas, 1886 † accepted as Atreta schlumbergeri (Munier-Chalmas, 1886) † (original description)
Dimyidae P. Fischer, 1886 (original description)
Dipsaccinae P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Ancillariidae Swainson, 1840 (original description)
Doris (Anoplodoris) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Doris Linnaeus, 1758 (original description)
Doris (Rhabdochila) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Rostanga Bergh, 1879 (original description)
Dreissensia P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Dreissena van Beneden, 1835 (original description)
Dreissensiomya P. Fischer, 1886 † accepted as Dreissenomya T. Fuchs, 1870 † (original description)
Ectobranchia P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Valvatoidea Gray, 1840 (original description)
Emarginula (Loxotoma) P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Palaeoloxotoma Hansen, 2019 † (original description)
Eochiton P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Gryphochiton Gray, 1847 † (original description)
Euchrysallis [sic] † accepted as Euchrysalis Laube, 1868 † (basis of record)
Eumargarita P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Margarites J. E. Gray, 1847 (original description)
Eumargarita helicina (Phipps, 1774) accepted as Margarites helicinus (Phipps, 1774) (basis of record)
Eutrochatella P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Fasciolaria (Pleuroploca) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Pleuroploca P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Galeomma (Lepirodes) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Lepirodes P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Genotia P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Genota J. E. Gray, 1847 (original description)
Gibbula (Steromphalus) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Steromphala J. E. Gray, 1847 (original description)
Gourmya P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Hantkenia P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Pyrgulifera Meek, 1871 † (original description)
Harpa (Eocithara) P. Fischer, 1883 † accepted as Eocithara P. Fischer, 1883 † (original description)
Helicina (Geophorus) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Geophorus P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Heterostropha accepted as Pyramidellidae J. E. Gray, 1840 (original description)
Hippurites (Orbignya) [sic] † accepted as Hippurites (Dorbignia) S. P. Woodward, 1862 † accepted as Hippurites Lamarck, 1801 † (basis of record)
Hippurites (Vaccinites) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Vaccinites P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Holochiton P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Leptochiton J. E. Gray, 1847 (original description)
Kellyella P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Kelliella M. Sars, 1870 (original description)
Kellyellidae P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Kelliellidae P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Lagochilus P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Lagocheilus W. T. Blanford, 1864 (original description)
Lajonkairia Deshayes, 1855 (additional source)
Lepidomenia hystrix Marion & Kowalevsky, 1885 (original description)
Limnocardium P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Lymnocardium Stoliczka, 1870 † (original description)
Limnocardium (Arcicardium) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Arcicardium P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Limnocardium (Phyllocardium) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Phyllocardium P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Liogryphaea P. Fischer, 1886 † accepted as Gryphaea Lamarck, 1801 † (original description)
Liomesinae P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Liorhynchus Oehlert in Fischer, 1887 (non Rudolphi 1801) † accepted as Leiorhynchus Hall, 1860 † (original description)
Liotia (Liotina) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Liotina P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Lithodomus (Myoforceps) P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Leiosolenus P. P. Carpenter, 1857 (original description)
Lucina (Cavilucina) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Cavilucina P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Lucina (Dentilucina) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Phacoides Agassiz, 1846 (original description)
Lucina (Pseudomiltha) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Pseudomiltha P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Lunulacardiidae P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Lyrodesmatidae P. Fischer, 1886 † (original description)
Malletia (Pseudomalletia) P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Malletia Desmoulins, 1832 (original description)
Mangeliinae P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Mangeliidae P. Fischer, 1883 (original description)
Mangilia Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883 accepted as Mangelia Risso, 1826 (additional source)
Aegirinae P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Aegiridae P. Fischer, 1883 (original description)
Amphimelania P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Holandriana Bourguignat, 1884 (original description)
Amphioctopus P. Fischer, 1882 (original description)
Ampullina (Amaurellina) P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Amaurellina P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Ampullina (Megatylotus) P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Megatylotus P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Ancilla (Baryspira) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Amalda (Baryspira) P. Fischer, 1883 represented as Amalda H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853 (original description)
Anisochiton P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Acanthochitona J. E. Gray, 1821 (original description)
Anodonta (Pteranodon) P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Sinanodonta Modell, 1945 (original description)
Aptyxiella P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Arcomya (Argyromya) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Argyromya P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Arnaudia P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Aspidopholas P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Asthenothaerinae P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Thraciidae Stoliczka, 1870 (1839) (original description)
Baicaliidae P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Baicaliinae P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Baicaliidae P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Bembridgia P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Bithinella P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Bythinella Moquin-Tandon, 1856 (original description)
Bourguetia P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Bourgetia Deshayes, 1869 † (original description)
Boysia (Strophostomella) P. Fischer, 1883 † accepted as Strophostomella P. Fischer, 1883 † (original description)
Buliminus (Euryptyxis) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Euryptyxis P. Fischer, 1883 (original description)
Bulinus (Plesiophysa) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Plesiophysa P. Fischer, 1883 (original description)
Bursa (Lampadopsis) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Bursa Röding, 1798 (original description)
Calliostoma (Manotrochus) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Jujubinus Monterosato, 1884 (original description)
Cardiliidae P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Cardium (Eucardium) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Acanthocardia J. E. Gray, 1851 (original description)
Cardium (Lophocardium) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Lophocardium P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Cardium (Ringicardium) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Bucardium J. E. Gray, 1853 (original description)
Carinariopsis P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Carinaropsis J. Hall, 1847 † (original description)
Cerithium (Bezanconia) P. Fischer, 1884 † accepted as Bezanconia P. Fischer, 1884 † (original description)
Cerithium (Campanile) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Campanile P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Chenopus (Monocyphus) P. Fischer, 1884 † accepted as Monocuphus Piette, 1876 † (original description)
Chlamys (Aequipecten) P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Aequipecten P. Fischer, 1886 (original description)
Chlamys (Plesiopecten) Munier-Chalmas, 1886 † accepted as Plesiopecten Munier-Chalmas, 1886 † (original description)
Chromodoris (Centrodoris) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Kentrodoris Bergh, 1876 accepted as Jorunna Bergh, 1876 (original description)
Climacopoma P. Fischer, 1885 † (original description)
Coleophysis P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Retusa T. Brown, 1827 (original description)
Colombellinidae P. Fischer, 1884 † (original description)
Columbella (Bifurcium) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Bifurcium P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Columbella (Microcithara) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Microcithara P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Corbicula (Neocorbicula) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Cyanocyclas Blainville, 1818 (original description)
Corbula (Bicorbula) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Bicorbula P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Cornetia Munier-Chalmas, 1885 † (original description)
Cornetia modunensis Munier-Chalmas, 1885 † accepted as Cornetia malaisi (Briart & Cornet, 1870) † (original description)
Crosseia P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Crossea A. Adams, 1865 (original description)
Cucullellinae P. Fischer, 1886 † accepted as Cucullellidae P. Fischer, 1886 † (original description)
Cyclostoma (Tudorella) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Tudorella P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Cyphonochilus [sic] accepted as Siphonochelus Jousseaume, 1880 (basis of record)
Cyphotifer P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Cuphotipher Piette, 1876 † (original description)
Cyrena (Neomiodon) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Neomiodon P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Dentalium (Fissidentalium) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Fissidentalium P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Diaphorostoma P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Platyceras (Platyostoma) Conrad, 1842 † accepted as Platyostoma Conrad, 1842 † (original description)
Dimya (Dimyodon) Munier-Chalmas, 1886 † accepted as Atreta Etallon, 1861 † (original description)
Dimya (Dimyodon) schlumbergeri Munier-Chalmas, 1886 † accepted as Atreta schlumbergeri (Munier-Chalmas, 1886) † (original description)
Dimyidae P. Fischer, 1886 (original description)
Dipsaccinae P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Ancillariidae Swainson, 1840 (original description)
Doris (Anoplodoris) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Doris Linnaeus, 1758 (original description)
Doris (Rhabdochila) P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Rostanga Bergh, 1879 (original description)
Dreissensia P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Dreissena van Beneden, 1835 (original description)
Dreissensiomya P. Fischer, 1886 † accepted as Dreissenomya T. Fuchs, 1870 † (original description)
Ectobranchia P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Valvatoidea Gray, 1840 (original description)
Emarginula (Loxotoma) P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Palaeoloxotoma Hansen, 2019 † (original description)
Eochiton P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Gryphochiton Gray, 1847 † (original description)
Euchrysallis [sic] † accepted as Euchrysalis Laube, 1868 † (basis of record)
Eumargarita P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Margarites J. E. Gray, 1847 (original description)
Eumargarita helicina (Phipps, 1774) accepted as Margarites helicinus (Phipps, 1774) (basis of record)
Eutrochatella P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Fasciolaria (Pleuroploca) P. Fischer, 1884 accepted as Pleuroploca P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Galeomma (Lepirodes) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Lepirodes P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Genotia P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Genota J. E. Gray, 1847 (original description)
Gibbula (Steromphalus) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Steromphala J. E. Gray, 1847 (original description)
Gourmya P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Hantkenia P. Fischer, 1885 † accepted as Pyrgulifera Meek, 1871 † (original description)
Harpa (Eocithara) P. Fischer, 1883 † accepted as Eocithara P. Fischer, 1883 † (original description)
Helicina (Geophorus) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Geophorus P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Heterostropha accepted as Pyramidellidae J. E. Gray, 1840 (original description)
Hippurites (Orbignya) [sic] † accepted as Hippurites (Dorbignia) S. P. Woodward, 1862 † accepted as Hippurites Lamarck, 1801 † (basis of record)
Hippurites (Vaccinites) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Vaccinites P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Holochiton P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Leptochiton J. E. Gray, 1847 (original description)
Kellyella P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Kelliella M. Sars, 1870 (original description)
Kellyellidae P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Kelliellidae P. Fischer, 1887 (original description)
Lagochilus P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Lagocheilus W. T. Blanford, 1864 (original description)
Lajonkairia Deshayes, 1855 (additional source)
Lepidomenia hystrix Marion & Kowalevsky, 1885 (original description)
Limnocardium P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Lymnocardium Stoliczka, 1870 † (original description)
Limnocardium (Arcicardium) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Arcicardium P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Limnocardium (Phyllocardium) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Phyllocardium P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Liogryphaea P. Fischer, 1886 † accepted as Gryphaea Lamarck, 1801 † (original description)
Liomesinae P. Fischer, 1884 (original description)
Liorhynchus Oehlert in Fischer, 1887 (non Rudolphi 1801) † accepted as Leiorhynchus Hall, 1860 † (original description)
Liotia (Liotina) P. Fischer, 1885 accepted as Liotina P. Fischer, 1885 (original description)
Lithodomus (Myoforceps) P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Leiosolenus P. P. Carpenter, 1857 (original description)
Lucina (Cavilucina) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Cavilucina P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Lucina (Dentilucina) P. Fischer, 1887 accepted as Phacoides Agassiz, 1846 (original description)
Lucina (Pseudomiltha) P. Fischer, 1887 † accepted as Pseudomiltha P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Lunulacardiidae P. Fischer, 1887 † (original description)
Lyrodesmatidae P. Fischer, 1886 † (original description)
Malletia (Pseudomalletia) P. Fischer, 1886 accepted as Malletia Desmoulins, 1832 (original description)
Mangeliinae P. Fischer, 1883 accepted as Mangeliidae P. Fischer, 1883 (original description)
Mangilia Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883 accepted as Mangelia Risso, 1826 (additional source)
Belgium for Cornetia modunensis Munier-Chalmas, 1885 †
France for Cornetia modunensis Munier-Chalmas, 1885 †
France for Dimya (Dimyodon) schlumbergeri Munier-Chalmas, 1886 †
Galapagos Exclusive Economic Zone for Columbella bicanalifera G. B. Sowerby I, 1832
Panamanian part of the North Pacific Ocean for Columbella harpiformis G. B. Sowerby I, 1832
Sicily for Trochus unidentatus R. A. Philippi, 1844
France for Cornetia modunensis Munier-Chalmas, 1885 †
France for Dimya (Dimyodon) schlumbergeri Munier-Chalmas, 1886 †
Galapagos Exclusive Economic Zone for Columbella bicanalifera G. B. Sowerby I, 1832
Panamanian part of the North Pacific Ocean for Columbella harpiformis G. B. Sowerby I, 1832
Sicily for Trochus unidentatus R. A. Philippi, 1844
Name attributed by P. Fischer to Bayle. [details]
Name attributed by P. Fischer to Bayle. [details]
Name attributed by P. Fischer to Bayle. [details]
Name attributed by P. Fischer to Bayle. [details]
Established as a nom. nov. pro Hemicardium Barrande, 1881, non "Cuvier, 1817" [sic! should be Hemicardium ... [details]
Taxonomic remark
Fischer (1887, p. 1308) created this emendation as "?Liorhynchus, Hall, em. 1860(Leiorhynchus)". However this ... [details]
Type locality
Meudon, Hauts-de-Seine, France, and Mons, Hainaut, Belgium; middle to late Danian, early Paleocene [details]