Thirty species (27 new) of Calliostomatidae are recorded from the study region, all but two of which are new records. An additional new species is based on material from northern New Zealand. They are referred to Fautor Iredale, 1924, Benthastelena Iredale, 1936, Ampullotrochus Monterosato, 1890 (as subgenera of Calliostoma Swainson, 1840), Bathyfautor gen. nov., Dactylastele gen. nov., Laetifautor Iredale, 1929, Selastele gen. nov., Fautrix gen. nov., and Thysanodonta Marshall, 1988. A new tribe, Fautricini, is introduced for species with a radula that is evidently the most primitive (plesiomorphic) in the family, and Fautricini either represents the common basal stock or an early offshoot from it. Calliostomatidae is treated as a family within Trochoidea rather than a subfamily of Trochidae as has been traditional. Three calliostomatid genus group taxa are newly synonymised: Tristichotrochus Ikebe, 1942 (= Benthastelena Iredale, 1936), Salsipotens Iredale, 1924 (= Astele Swainson, 1840), Spicator Cotton & Godfrey, 1935 (= Laetifautor Iredale, 1929). Criteria used for taxonomic discrimination, evolutionary history, and some biogeographical observations are discussed. All calliostomatid genus group taxa and taxa removed (some newly) from the family are listed in appendices. A lectotype is designated for Zizyphinus scobinatus A. Adams, 1863. |