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Antarctic marine protists
Scott, F.J.; Marchant, H.J. (Ed.) (2005). Antarctic marine protists. Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra. ISBN 0-642-56835-9. 563 pp.

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    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Aquatic communities PBC.95 [104637]

    Classification > Taxonomy
    Documents > Bibliographies
    Environments > Aquatic environment > Marine environment
    Ice > Sea ice
    Planktonic algae
    Water > Surface water
    Antarctica [Marine Regions]

Authors  Top 
  • Scott, F.J., editor, more
  • Marchant, H.J., editor

    This is a comprehensive guide to the protists that live in the surface waters and sea-ice south of the Antarctic Polar Front. More than 550 species are described and superbly illustrated with over 1300 light and electron micrographs and drawings. A bibliography of more than 1100 entries and a thorough glossary will make Antarctic Marine Protists an indispensible resource for marine biologists.

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