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Prof. Dr Martinez Arbizu, Pedro

Pedro Martinez Arbizu is a Professor for Marine Biodiversity at University of Oldenburg in Germany and Head of the German Center for Marine Biodiversity Research at Senckenberg Research Institute. He started his copepodologist career at Prof. Schminke's lab studying groundwater copepods from the Iberian Peninsula. For his PhD he studied the phylogenetic relationships of copepod orders with focus on the relationships of marine Cyclopoida to other copepod orders, suggesting that poecilostomes are a derived branch within Cyclopoida. During the past 20 years he focused his research on marine, specifically deep-sea copepods. He has described with several co-workers and students new species of Platycopioida, Calanoida, Misophrioida, Siphonostomatoida, Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida.

Institutes (2)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects 
  • Senckenberg am Meer; German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB), more
  • Function: Head of Department
    Direct contact at institute:
    Südstrand 44
    26382 Wilhelmshaven
    Tel.: +49-(0)4421-94 41 84
  • WoRMS Editorial Board (WoRMS editors), more
  • Function: Taxonomic editor

Projects (5)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects 
  • Deep-sea & Extreme Environments, Patterns of Species and Ecosystem Time Series
  • Genetic Tools for Ecosystem Health Assessment in the North Sea Region
  • Latitudinal Gradients in Biodiversity in the deep Atlantic
  • Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence
  • Meiobenthic And Nematode biodiversity: Unraveling Ecological and Latitudinal Aspects

Publications (39)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects 
A1 Publications (32) [show]
Peer reviewed publications (2) [show]
Book chapter [show]
Abstracts (2) [show]
Report [show]
Other publication [show]

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