Publications (29) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Dataset |
A1 Publications (19) [show] |
- Kondar, D.V.; Lepikhina, P.V.; Garlitska, L.A.; Udalov, A.A.; Chikina, M.V.; Mokievsky, V.O. (2024). Decadal changes in Nematoda and Harpacticoida taxocenes in Blagopoluchiya Bay (the Kara Sea). Oceanology 64(4): 514-524., more
Mokievsky, V.; Bezerra, T.N.; Decraemer, W.; Eisendle, U.; Hodda, M.; Holovachov, O.; Leduc, D.; Miljutin, D.; Peña Santiago, R.; Sharma, J.; Smol, N.; Tchesunov, A.; Venekey, V.; Zhao, Z.; Pérez-García, J.A.; Puža, V.; Zullini, A.; Vanreusel, A. (2024). Guidelines for species descriptions of free-living aquatic nematodes: characters, measurements and their presentation in taxonomic publications. Zootaxa 5543(2): 225-236., more
Gebruk, A.; Dgebuadze, P.; Rogozhin, V.; Ermilova, Y.; Shabalin, N.; Mokievsky, V. (2023). Macrozoobenthos of the Pechora Bay in 2020-2021 indicates a likely change of common bivalve molluscs in the Arctic estuary. Polar Biol. 46(5): 473-487., more
Gebruk, A.; Mikhaylyukova, P.; Mardashova, M.; Semenova, V.; Henry, L.-A.; Shabalin, N.; Narayanaswamy, B.E.; Mokievsky, V. (2021). Integrated study of benthic foraging resources for Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in the Pechora Sea, south‐eastern Barents Sea. Aquat. Conserv. 31(1): 112-125., more
- Vedenin, A.; Budaeva, N.; Mokievsky, V.; Pantke, C.; Soltwedel, T.; Gebruk, A. (2016). Spatial distribution patterns in macrobenthos along a latitudinal transect at the deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 114: 90-98.
- Isachenko, A.; Gubanova, Y.; Tzetlin, A.; Mokievsky, V. (2014). High-resolution habitat mapping on mud fields: new approach to quantitative mapping of Ocean quahog. Mar. Environ. Res. 102: 36-42.
- Mokievsky, V.; Miljutina, M. (2011). Nematodes in meiofauna of the Large Aral Sea during desiccation phase: taxonomic composition and re-description of common species. Rus. J. Nematol. 19(1): 31-43
- Portnova, D.; Mokievsky, V.; Soltwedel, T. (2011). Nematode species distribution patterns at the Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (Norwegian Sea). Mar. Ecol. (Berl.) 32(1): 24-41.
- Miljutin, D.; Gad, G.; Miljutina, M.A.; Mokievsky, V.O.; Fonseca-Genevois, V. (2010). The state of knowledge on deep-sea nematode taxonomy: how many valid species are known down there? Mar. Biodiv. 40(3): 143-159.
- Tchesunov, A.V.; Mokievsky, V.O.; Thanh, N.V. (2010). Three new free-living nematode species (Nematoda, Enoplida) from mangrove habitats of Nha Trang, Central Vietnam. Rus. J. Nematol. 18(2): 155-173
- Mokievsky, V.O. (2009). Quantitative distribution of the meiobenthos in the Large Aral Sea in 2003 and 2004. J. Mar. Syst. 76(3): 336-342.
- Mokievskii, V.O.; Udalov, A.A.; Azovskii, A.I. (2007). Quantitative distribution of meiobenthos in deep-water zones of the World Ocean. Oceanology 47(6): 797-813.
Soltwedel, T.; Bauerfeind, E.; Bergmann, M.; Budaeva, N.; Hoste, E.; Jaeckisch, N.; von Juterzenka, K.; Matthiessen, J.; Mokievsky, V.; Nöthig, E.-M.; Quéric, N.-V.; Sablotny, B.; Sauter, E.; Schewe, I.; Urban-Malinga, B.; Wegner, J.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Klages, M. (2005). HAUSGARTEN: Multidisciplinary investigations at a deep-sea, long-term observatory in the Arctic Ocean. Oceanography 18(3): 46-61
- Udalov, A.A.; Mokievskii, V.O.; Chertoprud, E.S. (2005). Influence of the salinity gradient on the distribution of meiobenthos in the Chernaya River Estuary (White Sea). Oceanology 45(5): 680-688
- Udalov, A.A.; Azovsky, A.I.; Mokievsky, V.O. (2005). Depth-related pattern in nematode size: what does the depth itself really mean? Prog. Oceanogr. 67(1-2): 1-23.
- Mokievsky, V.O.; Udalov, A.A.; Azovsky, A.I. (2004). On the quantitative distribution of meiobenthos on the shelf of the world ocean. Oceanology 44(1): 99-109
Mokievsky, V.; Azovsky, A. (2002). Re-evaluation of species diversity patterns of free-living marine nematodes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 238: 101-108.
- Tzetlin, A.B.; Mokievsky, V.O.; Melnikov, A.N.; Saphonov, M.V.; Simdyanov, T.G.; Ivanov, I.E. (1997). Fauna associated with detached kelp in different types of subtidal habitats of the White Sea. Hydrobiologia 355: 91-100.
Tchesunov, A.V.; Mokievsky, V.O. (1995). A new marine tardigrade, Batillipes crassipes sp. nov., from the Japan Sea (Tardigrada Arthrotardigrada, Batillipedidae). Cah. Biol. Mar. 36(2): 153-157
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
- Mokievsky, V. (2000). Deep-water meiobenthos research in the White Sea. Ber. Polarforsch. Meeresforsch. 359: 21-22
Book [show] |
Ozturk, B.; Mokievsky, V.O.; Topaloglu, B. (Ed.) (2004). International Workshop on Black Sea Benthos, April 2004, Istanbul - Turkey . Turkish Marine Research Foundation: Istanbul. ISBN 975-8825-04-6. 245 pp.
Book chapters (3) [show] |
Josefson, A.B.; Mokievsky, V. (2013). Marine invertebrates, in: Meltofte, H. (Ed.) Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. Status and trends in Arctic biodiversity. pp. 277-310, more
- Lajus, J.; Alekseeva, Y.; Davydov, R.; Dmitrieva, Z.; Kraikovski, A.; Lajus, D.; Lapin, V.; Mokievsky, V.; Yurchenko, A.; Alexandrov, D. (2001). Status and potential of historical and ecological studies on Russian fisheries in the White and Barents Seas: the case of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), in: Holm, P. et al. (Ed.) The exploited seas: new directions for marine environmental history. pp. 67-96
- Tzetlin, A.B.; Mokievsky, V.O.; Melnikov, A.N.; Saphonov, M.V.; Simdyanov, T.G.; Ivanov, I.E. (1997). Fauna associated with detached kelp in different types of subtidal habitats of the White Sea, in: Naumov, A.D. et al. Interactions and Adaptation Strategies of Marine Organisms: Proceedings of the 31st European Marine Biology Symposium, held in St. Petersburg, Russia, 9-13 September 1996. Developments in Hydrobiology, 121: pp. 91-100.
Abstracts (4) [show] |
Bezerra, T.N.; Decraemer, W.; Eisendle-Flöckner, U.; Holovachov, O.; Santiago, R.P.; Leduc, D.; Miljutin, D.M.; Sharma, J.; Smol, N.; Tchesunov, A.; Mokievsky, V.; Venekey, V.; Zhao, Z.; Hodda, M.; Vanreusel, A. (2019). Update on Nemys/WoRMS – An evolving online database with taxonomic and ecological information on nematodes, in: Adão, H. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: SeventIMCO - Seventeenth International Meiofauna Conference, University of Évora, Portugal, 7-12 July, 2019. University of Évora, Special Publication, : pp. 68, more
Mokievsky, V.; Bezerra, T.N.; Decraemer, W.; Eisendle, U.; Hodda, M.; Holovachov, O.; Leduc, D.; Miljutin, D.M.; Santiago, R.P.; Sharma, J.; Smol, N.; Tchesunov, A.; Vanreusel, A.; Venekey, V.; Zhao, Z. (2019). Morphological species descriptions of free-living nematodes: measurements, characters and their presentation in taxonomic papers, in: Adão, H. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: SeventIMCO - Seventeenth International Meiofauna Conference, University of Évora, Portugal, 7-12 July, 2019. University of Évora, Special Publication, : pp. 92, more
Guilini, K.; Bezerra, T.N.; Fonseca, G.; Holovachov, O.; Leduc, D.; Miljutin, D.; Sharma, J.; Smol, N.; Tchesunov, A.V.; Mokievsky, V.O.; Vanreusel, A. (2016). An introductory guide to NeMys – the World Database of free-living marine nematodes, in: Lampadariou, N. et al. 16th International Meiofauna Conference, Book of Abstracts. pp. 75, more
Mokievsky, V.O.; Bezerra, T.N.; Fonseca, G.; Guilini, K.; Holovachov, O.; Leduc, D.; Miljutin, D.; Sharma, J.; Smol, N.; Tchesunov, A.V.; Vanreusel, A. (2016). NeMys – nematodes taxonomic system in context of marine nematodes ecology, in: Lampadariou, N. et al. 16th International Meiofauna Conference, Book of Abstracts. pp. 53, more
Other publication [show] |
Guilini, K.; Bezerra, T.N.; Fonseca, G.; Holovachov, O.; Leduc, D.; Miljutin, D.; Sharma, J.; Smol, N.; Tchesunov, A.; Mokievsky, V.; Vanreusel, A. (2016). An introductory guide to Nemys, the World database of free-living marine nematodes. Poster at the 16th International Meiofauna Conference in Heraklion . Ghent University: Ghent. 1 poster pp., more