Foraminifera source details

Beckmann, J. P. 1994. Late Albian to Early Eocene. In: Bolli, H.M.; Beckmann, J.P.; Saunders, J.B. (Editors), Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the south Caribbean Region, pp 47-228. Cambridge University Press.
Beckmann, J. P. 1994. Late Albian to Early Eocene. In: Bolli, H.M.; Beckmann, J.P.; Saunders, J.B. (Editors), Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the south Caribbean Region, pp 47-228. Cambridge University Press.
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2021-07-13 12:28:56Z

Ammodiscus macilentus (Myatlyuk, 1970) † (new combination reference)
Ammoglobigerina altiformis (Cushman & Renz, 1946) † accepted as Trochamminopsis altiformis (Cushman & Renz, 1946) † (new combination reference)
Ammoglobigerina boehmi (Franke, 1928) † accepted as Trochammina boehmi Franke, 1928 † (new combination reference)
Ammolagena clavata (Jones & Parker, 1860) (additional source)
Ammomarginulina expansa (Plummer, 1933) † accepted as Ammobaculites expansus Plummer, 1933 † (new combination reference)
Ammosphaeroidina pseudopauciloculata (Myatlyuk, 1966) † (new combination reference)
Angulogavelinella avnimelechi (Reiss, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides chiranus (Cushman & Stone, 1947) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides dorri subsp. aragonensis (Nuttall, 1930) † accepted as Anomalinoides aragonensis (Nuttall, 1930) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides guatemalensis (Bermúdez, 1963) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides madrugaensis (Cushman & Bermúdez, 1948) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides umbonatus (Cushman, 1925) † (new combination reference)
Aschemocella moniliformis (Neagu, 1964) † accepted as Arthrodendron moniliforme (Neagu, 1964) † (new combination reference)
Astacolus exquisitus (Toulmin, 1941) † (new combination reference)
Astacolus nuttalli (Todd & Kniker, 1952) † accepted as Astacolus sublituus (Nuttall, 1932) † (new combination reference)
Astacolus perobliquus (Reuss, 1863) † accepted as Astacolus calliopsis (Reuss, 1863) † (new combination reference)
Bandyella greatvalleyensis (Trujillo, 1960) † accepted as Pleurostomella greatvalleyensis Trujillo, 1960 † (new combination reference)
Bathysiphon discretus (Brady, 1881) accepted as Psammosiphonella discreta (Brady, 1881) (new combination reference)
Bathysiphon robustus (Grzybowski, 1898) † accepted as Nothia robusta (Grzybowski, 1898) † (new combination reference)
Belorussiella ossipovae (Bykova, 1953) † accepted as Gaudryinopsis ossipovae (Bykova, 1953) † (new combination reference)
Bifarina alabamensis (Cushman, 1940) † (new combination reference)
Bolivina incrassata f. gigantea Wicher, 1949 † accepted as Coryphostoma crassum (Vasilenko & Myatlyuk, 1947) † (source of synonymy)
Bolivinopsis trinitatensis (Cushman & Renz, 1948) † accepted as Spiroplectammina trinitatensis Cushman & Renz, 1948 † (new combination reference)
Buchnerina castrensis (Schwager, 1866) † (new combination reference)
Buchnerina oslatus (Shifflett, 1948) † accepted as Fissurina oslatus (Shifflett, 1948) † (new combination reference)
Buchnerina seguenziana (Fornasini, 1886) accepted as Lagenosolenia seguenziana (Fornasini, 1886) (new combination reference)
Bulbobaculites jarvisi (Cushman & Renz, 1946) † accepted as Ammobaculites jarvisi Cushman & Renz, 1946 † (new combination reference)
Chrysalogonium velascoense (Cushman, 1926) † accepted as Chrysalogonium deceptorium (Schwager, 1866) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidina newmanae (Plummer, 1927) † accepted as Cibicides newmanae (Plummer, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides merus (Cushman & Renz, 1946) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides padella (Jennings, 1936) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides proprius (Brotzen, 1948) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides succedens (Brotzen, 1948) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides umbonifer (Schwager, 1883) † accepted as Anomalinoides umbonifer (Schwager, 1883) † (new combination reference)
Citharina angustissima (Reuss, 1863) † accepted as Brunsvigella angustissima (Reuss, 1863) † (new combination reference)
Citharina barcoensis (Cushman & Hedberg, 1941) † (new combination reference)
Clavulinoides plummerae (Sandidge, 1932) † (new combination reference)
Coryphostoma crassum (Vasilenko & Myatlyuk, 1947) † (new combination reference)
Coryphostoma gemma (Cushman, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Cristellariopsis proinops (Israelsky, 1955) † (new combination reference)
Czarkowyella torta (Cushman, 1926) † accepted as Pleurostomella torta Cushman, 1926 † (new combination reference)
Dimorphina laeviuscula (Cushman & Bermúdez, 1937) † accepted as Marginulina laeviuscula Cushman & Bermúdez, 1937 † (new combination reference)
Ellipsodimorphina coalingensis (Cushman & Church, 1929) † accepted as Nodosarella macrocephala (Storm, 1929) † (new combination reference)
Ellipsodimorphina morrowi (van Wessem, 1943) † accepted as Nodosarella gracillima Cushman, 1933 † (new combination reference)
Ellipsodimorphina solida (Brotzen, 1936) † accepted as Nodosarella frequens (Storm, 1929) † (new combination reference)
Ellipsoglandulina chilostoma (Rzehak, 1895) † (new combination reference)
Ellipsoglandulina labiata (Schwager, 1866) † (new combination reference)
Ellipsoidella attenuata (Plummer, 1927) † accepted as Nodosarella lorifera (Halkyard, 1918) † (new combination reference)
Ellipsoidella robusta (Cushman, 1943) † accepted as Nodosarella inaequalis (Silvestri, 1901) † (new combination reference)
Ellipsopolymorphina principiensis (Cushman & Bermúdez, 1937) † accepted as Nodosarella rotundata (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Ellipsopolymorphina velascoensis (Cushman, 1926) † accepted as Ellipsoglandulina velascoensis Cushman, 1926 † (new combination reference)
Eponides hillebrandti (Fisher, 1969) † accepted as Conorbinoides hillebrandti (Fisher, 1969) † (new combination reference)
Euuvigerina elongata (Cole, 1927) † accepted as Uvigerina elongata Cole, 1927 † (new combination reference)
Evolutinella flagleri (Cushman & Hedberg, 1941) † (new combination reference)
Exsculptina jacobi (Marie, 1941) † (new combination reference)
Falsoplanulina waltonensis (Applin & Jordan, 1945) † (new combination reference)
Favulina geometrica (Reuss, 1863) † (new combination reference)
Fissurina tubata (Matthes, 1939) † (new combination reference)
Gabonita klaszi (Roveda, 1964) † (new combination reference)
Gabonita kugleri (Beckmann, 1974) † (new combination reference)
Gaudryina (Gaudryina) inflata Israelsky, 1951 † (new combination reference)
Gaudryina cretacea (Karrer, 1870) † accepted as Verneuilina cretacea Karrer, 1870 † (new combination reference)
Gaudryina expansa Israelsky, 1951 † represented as Gaudryina (Gaudryina) expansa Israelsky, 1951 † (new combination reference)
Gaudryinopsis bosquensis (Loeblich & Tappan, 1946) † (new combination reference)
Gaudryinopsis canadensis (Cushman, 1943) † accepted as Gaudryina canadensis Cushman, 1943 † (new combination reference)
Gavelinella aracajuensis (Petri, 1962) † (new combination reference)
Gavelinella dayi (White, 1928) † (new combination reference)
Gavelinella eriksdalensis (Brotzen, 1936) † accepted as Cibicidoides eriksdalensis (Brotzen, 1936) † accepted as Orithostella eriksdalensis (Brotzen, 1936) † (new combination reference)
Gavelinella midwayensis (Plummer, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Gavelinella midwayensis subsp. trochoidea (Plummer, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Gavelinella petita (Carsey, 1926) † accepted as Gavelinella plummerae (Tappan, 1940) † (new combination reference)
Gavelinella sibirica (Dain, 1954) † accepted as Berthelina sibirica (Dain, 1954) † (new combination reference)
Globobulimina suteri (Cushman & Renz, 1946) † (new combination reference)
Globulina fusiformis (Roemer, 1838) accepted as Pyrulina fusiformis (Roemer, 1838) (new combination reference)
Gyroidina bandyi (Trujillo, 1960) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidina bollii (Cushman & Renz, 1946) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidina megastoma (Grzybowski, 1896) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides angustiumbilicata (Ten Dam, 1944) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides depressa (Alth, 1850) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides globosa (Hagenow, 1842) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides plummerae (Cushman & Bermúdez, 1937) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides quadratus (Cushman & Church, 1929) † accepted as Gyroidinoides quadrata (Cushman & Church, 1929) † (new combination reference)
Haplophragmoides concavus (Chapman, 1892) † (new combination reference)
Haplophragmoides retroseptus (Grzybowski, 1896) † accepted as Recurvoides retroseptus (Grzybowski, 1896) † (new combination reference)
Hemirobulina abbreviata (Neugeboren, 1851) † (new combination reference)
Hemirobulina anceps (Neugeboren, 1851) † (new combination reference)
Hemirobulina bullata (Reuss, 1845) † (new combination reference)
Hemirobulina curvatura (Cushman, 1938) † accepted as Marginulinopsis curvatura (Cushman, 1938) † (new combination reference)
Hemirobulina hamuloides (Brotzen, 1936) † (new combination reference)
Hemirobulina reussi (Takayanagi, 1960) † (new combination reference)
Hemirobulina schloenbachi (Reuss, 1863) accepted as Astacolus schloenbachi (Reuss, 1863) accepted as Marginulinopsis schloenbachi (Reuss, 1863) (new combination reference)
Hemirobulina truncatula (Berthelin, 1880) † accepted as Hemirobulina cephalotes (Reuss, 1863) † (new combination reference)
Heterolepa hispaniolae (Bermúdez, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Hopkinsina dorreeni (Weiss, 1955) † (new combination reference)
Hormosinella ovulum (Grzybowski, 1896) † accepted as Caudammina ovulum (Grzybowski, 1896) emend. Geroch, 1960 † (new combination reference)
Karrerulina coniformis (Grzybowski, 1898) † (new combination reference)
Karrerulina smokyensis (Wall, 1960) † accepted as Dorothia smokyensis Wall, 1960 † (new combination reference)
Laevidentalina catenula (Reuss, 1860) † (new combination reference)
Laevidentalina cylindroides (Reuss, 1860) † (new combination reference)
Laevidentalina distincta (Reuss, 1860) † (new combination reference)