WoRMS source details
Arete Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Perinereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Arete capensis Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Perinereis capensis (Kinberg, 1865) (original description)
Ceratonereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Ceratonereis costae (Grube, 1840) accepted as Composetia costae (Grube, 1840) (additional source)
Ceratonereis mirabilis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Ceratonereis tentaculata Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Ceratonereis vulgata Kinberg, 1865 represented as Ceratonereis (Composetia) vulgata (Kinberg, 1865) (original description)
Cirronereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Cirronereis gracilis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Heteronereis grubei Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Nereis grubei (Kinberg, 1865) (original description)
Leonnates Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Leonnates indicus Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Leptonereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Leptonereis laevis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Mastigonereis spinosa Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Nereis vexillosa Grube, 1851 (original description)
Naumachius Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Nereis Linnaeus, 1758 (original description)
Neanthes Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Neanthes helenae Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Neanthes latipalpa (Schmarda, 1861) accepted as Perinereis latipalpa (Schmarda, 1861) (new combination reference)
Neanthes vaalii Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nereilepas angusta Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Nereis angusta (Kinberg, 1865) (original description)
Nereis angusticollis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nereis cagliari Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nereis corallina Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nereis indica Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Neanthes indica (Kinberg, 1865) (original description)
Nereis jacksoni Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nereis languida Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nereis maculata Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Perinereis vallata (Grube, 1857) (new combination reference)
Nereis robusta Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Nereis callaona Grube, 1857 (original description)
Nereis tredecimdentata Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Cirronereis gracilis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nereis virens Sars, 1835 accepted as Alitta virens (M. Sars, 1835) (new combination reference)
Nicomedes Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nicomedes difficilis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nicon Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nicon eugeniae Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Nereis eugeniae (Kinberg, 1865) (original description)
Nicon loxechini Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Platynereis magalhaensis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nicon maculata Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nicon pictus Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nicon tahitanus Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nicon virgini Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nossis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Nossis ochotica (Grube, 1851) accepted as Nereis ochotica Grube, 1851 (new combination reference)
Paranereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Paranereis elegans Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Pseudonereis variegata (Grube, 1857) (original description)
Perinereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Perinereis aberrans Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Perinereis anderssoni Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Perinereis exsul Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Perinereis hedenborgi Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Perinereis cultrifera (Grube, 1840) (original description)
Perinereis novaehollandiae Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Perinereis amblyodonta (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Perinereis ponteni Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Pisenoe Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Platynereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Pisenoe maculata Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Platynereis magalhaensis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Platynereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Platynereis antarctica Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Platynereis magalhaensis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Platynereis calodonta Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Platynereis jucunda Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Platynereis dumerilii (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) (original description)
Platynereis magalhaensis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Platynereis patagonica Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Platynereis striata (Schmarda, 1861) accepted as Platynereis dumerilii (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) (new combination reference)
Pseudonereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Pseudonereis formosa Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Pseudonereis gallapagensis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Thoosa Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Nereis Linnaeus, 1758 (original description)
Thoosa gayi (Blanchard), sensu Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Nereis grubei (Kinberg, 1865) (original description)
Holotype SMNH, geounit Papeete, identified as Nereis angusticollis Kinberg, 1865
Holotype SMNH 470, geounit Selat Banka, identified as Nereis indica Kinberg, 1865
Syntype NRS 486, geounit Rio De Janeiro, identified as Nicon pictus Kinberg, 1865
Holotype SMNH 493, geounit Mar del Plata, identified as Nicon maculata Kinberg, 1865
Holotype SMNH 535, geounit Singapore, identified as Leonnates indicus Kinberg, 1865
Holotype NHRS 572, geounit Brazil, identified as Nicomedes difficilis Kinberg, 1865
Syntype SMNH Type-452, geounit Galapagos Islands, identified as Pseudonereis gallapagensis Kinberg, 1865
Holotype NRS Typsaml 455, geounit Port Jackson, identified as Neanthes vaalii Kinberg, 1865
15 fathoms [probably Danish fathoms = 28.2 m]. [details]
Type material from Valparaíso collected near the shore. [details]
92-1153 m; holotype collected in shallow water ['summa aqua']. [details]
Orginal diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 168): "Papillae incompletae, acervi ordinum 1 et 5 desunt, ordinum 6, 7 et 8 ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 179): "Papillae pharyngis desideratae; partes laterales segmentorum sensim ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 171): "Papillae pharyngis corneae, distantes, conicae, completae, appendices ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 169): "Lobus cephalicus segmenta 2 proxima longitudine aequans, fronte ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 169-170): "Lobus cephalicus brevis, segmentis 2 proximis brevior, fronte ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 169): "Lobus cephalicus elongatus, segmenta 2 proxima longitudine aequans, ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 179): "Papillae pharyngis desideratae; mutationes pedum triplices; branchiae ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 179): "Lobus cephalicus ovalis, segmento buccali longior; fronte latiuscula, ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 178): ''Papillae pharyngis desideratae, partes laterales segmentorum aequales; ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 178): "Lobus cephalicus ovalis, segmentis binis proximis longior, fronte ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 178): ''
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 173): "Branchiae superiores partis posterioris corporis prominentes; setae ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Kinberg (1865: 174): "Lobus cephalicus mediocris, segmenta 3 proxima aequans, margine ... [details]
Pacific Ocean: Gulf of Guayaquil (Ecuador; Peru). [details]
Pacific Ocean: Tahiti (French Polynesia). [details]
Java Sea: southern Bangka Strait (Indonesia). Indian Ocean: Galle (Sri Lanka, Laccadive Sea); Visakhapatnam (= ... [details]
SE Pacific Ocean: Chile (Valparaíso); Peru (Chincha Islands; San Lorenzo Island, near Callao). [details]
Atlantic Ocean: near Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). [details]
Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (off La Plata River) to Southern Ocean; species common in Antarctic and Subantarctic ... [details]
SW Atlantic Ocean: off Cape Frio, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). [details]
Pacific Ocean: Galápagos Islands; Hawaii; Pacific coast of South America (Chile; Peru). [details]
This entry perhaps relates only to the subspecies usage? [details]
Following the 4.5 lines describing Perinereis novaehollandiae in Latin Kinberg has a further name, seemingly ... [details]
Not stated, uncertain. The generic name Leonnates could be derived from Leonnatus (356 BC - 322 BC), a Macedonian ... [details]
Not stated in the original description. The specific epithet indicus refers to the type locality of the species, ... [details]
Not stated by the author. The name is composed by the generic name Nereis preceded by the Latin prefix lepto-, ... [details]
Not stated by the author. The specific epithet laevis is a Latin adjective meaning 'light' (as opposite to ... [details]
Not stated, uncertain. Neanthes could refer to the Greek classic writer Neanthes of Cyzicus (3rd century BC). [details]
Not stated, but evidently named from the collection location of St Helena island. [details]
Not stated. The specific epithet angusticollis is a New Latin adjective (from angustus, 'narrow' + collum, 'neck', ... [details]
Kinberg named the species 'indica', which means 'of India', but this is misleading as the type locality is Bangka ... [details]
Not stated. The specific epithet robusta is the feminine of the Latin adjective robustus, meaning 'robust' or ... [details]
Not stated by the author, probably derived from the Ancient Greek history, as usual in Kinberg. Nicomedes is a ... [details]
Not stated by the author. The specific epithet difficilis is a Latin adjective meaning 'difficult' or ... [details]
Not stated, but probably from the Greek mythology. Nicon was a member of the Telchines (or Telkhines), said to be ... [details]
Not stated, uncertain. The specific epithet maculata is a Latin adjective meaning 'stained' or 'spotted', and ... [details]
Not stated, uncertain. The specific epithet pictus is a Latin adjective meaning 'decorated', and presumably refers ... [details]
Not stated. Perinereis is formed by the name of the genus Nereis Linnaeus, 1758, the type of the family, preceded ... [details]
Not stated but evidently named for Hedenborg, the collector of the specimen. [details]
Not stated. Platys is Greek for broad, wide, flat, etc, and Nereis is Greek for a sea nymph, one of the daughters ... [details]
Not stated in the original description. The specific epithet gallapagesis refers clearly to the type locality of ... [details]
Type of sediment not stated, at shallow shelf depths. [details]
Type material from Valparaíso collected near the shore, between rhizoids of Fucus. [details]
Type of sediment not stated, at shallow shelf depths. [details]
Algae, sand, gravel, stones, or mud, at shelf to bathyal depths. [details]
Deposited at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm (SMNH 535). [details]
Deposited at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. [details]
Deposited at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm (SMNH 470). [details]
Kinberg (1865:170) marks both his genus Cirronereis and species as 'n.' for new. So it appears unlikely that there ... [details]
Thoosa gayi was apparently intended as new, with a 'n' following the name, but here this may indicate just a new ... [details]
In the original description Kinberg (1865/1866:175) used the spelling Novae Hollandiae, including ligatures for the ... [details]
Indeterminable incomplete specimen according to Hartman, 1948. As the provenance is unknown clarification of this ... [details]
See also Thoosa gayi (Blanchard), sensu Kinberg, 1865, which appears to be a subsequent usage of Nereis gayi in new ... [details]
Kinberg also created family 'Aretidea' for Nereididae genera Arete, Pseudonereis, Paranereis, Perinereis, and Naumachius [details]
Kinberg's original description of Neanthes vaalii appears to have no taxonomically useful information. Here it is: ... [details]
Fauvel (1923: 361) considered Nereis cagliari under "Nereidae incertae sedis". Later Hartman (1948: 9; 1959: 254) ... [details]
Singapore, SE Asia (gazetteer estimate 1.22°, 103.74°). [details]
Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador, Pacific Ocean (gazetteer estimate -3.0°, -80.5°). [details]
St. Helena Island, Atlantic Ocean, with Jamestown geolocation at -15.9234, -5.7184. There is no harbour as such ... [details]
Near the town of Papeete (= "Papieti"), Island of Tahiti, French Polynesia, Pacific Ocean (gazetteer estimate ... [details]
Cagliari, Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea (gazetteer estimate 39.21°, 9.11°). [details]
Selat Bangka (alternative spelling Banka), or Bangka Strait, Indonesia. Kinberg gives the locality as "Pars ... [details]
Species based on material from three different localities from Chile and Peru, SE Pacific Ocean: a) Chincha ... [details]
Atlantic Ocean, near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (gazetteer estimate -23.05°, -43.03°). [details]
Off the mouth of La Plata River, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean (gazetteer estimate -37°, -56°). [details]
Off Cape Frio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Atlantic Ocean (22º30'S, 40º55'W); 20-30 fathoms (= 36.5-55 m). [details]
Locality unknown. Kinberg states "Patria ignota" = country unknown. A museum specimen at "Mus. Holm." collected by ... [details]
collected by Hedenborg at Alexandria, Egypt [details]
Indefatigable Island [= Santa Cruz Island], Galápagos, Ecuador, Pacific Ocean (gazetteer estimate -0.745°, -90.311°). [details]
Deposited at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm (SMNH). [details]
Deposited at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm (SMNH). [details]
Holotype deposited in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. [details]
Holotype deposited in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden (NRS 493). [details]
Syntypes (NRS 494) deposited in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. [details]