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Polychaeta source details

Bergström, Erik. (1914). Zur Systematik der Polychætenfamilie der Phyllodociden. Zoologiska bidrag från Uppsala. 3: 37-224, plates I-V.
Bergström, Erik
Zur Systematik der Polychætenfamilie der Phyllodociden.
Zoologiska bidrag från Uppsala
3: 37-224, plates I-V
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). Bergström's new Phyllodociformia families, Jospilidae, Lacydoniidae, Pontodoridae are introduced on p. 53, along with existing families diagnoses. There is no table of contents or index
[Introduction starts as:]
Im Jahre 1910 habe ich eine Bearbeitung des Polychætenmaterials begonnen, das von der schwedischen Südpolarexpedition 1901—1903 eingesammelt wurde. Nachdem ich die Arbeit einige Zeit betrieben hatte, fand ich indessen, dass eine Beschränkung auf nur antarktisches Material nicht möglich war. Es zeigte sich, dass in der Literatur bei weitem der meisten Polychæten-Gruppen eine grosse Verwirrung herrschte, welche, um eine richtige Bestimmung des Materials zu ermöglichen, vorerst beseitigt werden musste. Ich verwarf daher meinen ersten Plan, das ganze Südpolar-Material zu bearbeiten, und wählte statt dessen einige spezielle Gruppen aus, um diese einem eingehenderen Studium zu unterziehen. Unter diesen Gruppen befand sich auch die Familie der Phyllodociden, deren systematische Bearbeitung in dieser Abhandlung vorliegt.
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2014-01-30 07:58:57Z
2016-04-16 19:33:09Z
2017-01-18 00:10:10Z

Anaitides citrina (Malmgren, 1865) accepted as Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 (additional source)
Anaitides erythrophyllus (Schmarda, 1861) accepted as Phyllodoce erythrophylla (Schmarda, 1861) (additional source)
Anaitides groenlandica (Örsted, 1842) accepted as Phyllodoce groenlandica Örsted, 1842 (additional source)
Anaitides maculata (Linnaeus, 1767) accepted as Phyllodoce maculata (Linnaeus, 1767) (additional source)
Anaitides mucosa (Örsted, 1843) accepted as Phyllodoce mucosa Örsted, 1843 (additional source)
Anaitides patagonica (Kinberg, 1866) accepted as Phyllodoce patagonica (Kinberg, 1866) (additional source)
Austrophyllum Bergström, 1914 (original description)
Austrophyllum charcoti (Gravier, 1911) (redescription)
Carobia castanea Marenzeller, 1879 accepted as Nereiphylla castanea (Marenzeller, 1879) (source of synonymy)
Carobia patagonica Kinberg, 1866 accepted as Phyllodoce patagonica (Kinberg, 1866) (source of synonymy)
Dubiomystides [author uncertain] (additional source)
Eteone arctica Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (source of synonymy)
Eteone aurantiaca Schmarda, 1861 (additional source)
Eteone crassifolia Ehlers, 1901 accepted as Eteone sculpta Ehlers, 1897 (source of synonymy)
Eteone depressa Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780) (source of synonymy)
Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780) (additional source)
Eteone islandica Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (source of synonymy)
Eteone lactea Claparède, 1868 accepted as Hypereteone lactea (Claparède, 1868) (additional source)
Eteone lentigera Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780) (source of synonymy)
Eteone leuckarti Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (source of synonymy)
Eteone lilljeborgi Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (source of synonymy)
Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (additional source)
Eteone malmgreni Michaelsen, 1896 accepted as Hypereteone lactea (Claparède, 1868) (source of synonymy)
Eteone picta Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Mysta picta (Quatrefages, 1866) (source of synonymy)
Eteone pusilla Örsted, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Eteone pusilla Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Eteone lactea Claparède, 1868 accepted as Hypereteone lactea (Claparède, 1868) (source of synonymy)
Eteone reyi Gravier, 1906 accepted as Eteone sculpta Ehlers, 1897 (source of synonymy)
Eteone rubella Ehlers, 1901 accepted as Eteone sculpta Ehlers, 1897 (source of synonymy)
Eteone sarsii Örsted, 1843 accepted as Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780) (source of synonymy)
Eteone sculpta Ehlers, 1897 (additional source)
Eteone spathocephala Ehlers, 1897 accepted as Eteone aurantiaca Schmarda, 1861 (source of synonymy)
Eteone spetsbergensis Malmgren, 1865 (additional source)
Eteone striata Bobretzky, 1868 accepted as Mysta picta (Quatrefages, 1866) (source of synonymy)
Eteone striata Levinsen, 1882 accepted as Eteone barbata (Malmgren, 1865) accepted as Mysta barbata Malmgren, 1865 (source of synonymy)
Eteone suecica Bergström, 1914 (original description)
Eteone villosa Levinsen, 1882 accepted as Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (source of synonymy)
Eulalia Savigny, 1822 (taxonomy source)
Eulalia (Eumida) guttata Claparède, 1870 (source of synonymy)
Eulalia bilineata (Johnston, 1840) (additional source)
Eulalia capensis Schmarda, 1861 (status source)
Eulalia charcoti Gravier, 1911 accepted as Austrophyllum charcoti (Gravier, 1911) (new combination reference)
Eulalia magalaensis Kinberg, 1866 (source of synonymy)
Eulalia nebulosa Parfitt, 1867 in McIntosh, 1908 accepted as Eumida punctifera (Grube, 1860) (source of synonymy)
Eulalia picta Kinberg, 1866 (status source)
Eulalia problema Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Eulalia bilineata (Johnston, 1840) (source of synonymy)
Eulalia viridis (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Genetyllis brevis Ehlers, 1901 accepted as Prochaetoparia brevis (Ehlers, 1901) (source of synonymy)
Genetyllis castanea (Marenzeller, 1879) accepted as Nereiphylla castanea (Marenzeller, 1879) (taxonomy source)
Genetyllis polyphylla (Ehlers, 1897) (additional source)
Haliplanes isochaeta Reibisch, 1895 accepted as Maupasia isochaeta (Reibisch, 1895) (source of synonymy)
Hydrophanes krohnii Claparède, 1870 accepted as Lopadorrhynchus krohnii (Claparède, 1870) (source of synonymy)
Hypereteone Bergström, 1914 (original description)
Hypoeulalia Bergström, 1914 accepted as Eulalia Savigny, 1822 (original description)
Hypoeulalia bilineata (Johnston, 1840) accepted as Eulalia bilineata (Johnston, 1840) (new combination reference)
Hypoeulalia subulifera (Ehlers, 1897) accepted as Eulalia subulifera Ehlers, 1897 (new combination reference)
Iospilidae Bergström, 1914 (original description)
Iospilus Viguier, 1886 (taxonomy source)
Lacydoniidae Bergström, 1914 (original description)
Lopadorhynchus nationalis Reibisch, 1893 accepted as Lopadorrhynchus brevis Grube, 1855 (source of synonymy)
Lopadorrhynchus appendiculatus Southern, 1909 (source of synonymy)
Lopadorrhynchus krohnii (Claparède, 1870) (additional source)
Lumbrineris siphodonta Delle Chiaje, 1830 accepted as Mysta siphodonta (Delle Chiaje, 1830) (new combination reference)
Maupasia isochaeta (Reibisch, 1895) (additional source)
Mysta barbata Malmgren, 1865 (additional source)
Mysta siphodonta (Delle Chiaje, 1830) (new combination reference)
Mysta syphodonta [auct. misspelling for 'siphodonta'] accepted as Mysta siphodonta (Delle Chiaje, 1830) (additional source)
Mystides (Mesomystides) limbata Saint-Joseph, 1888 accepted as Pseudomystides limbata (Saint-Joseph, 1888) (source of synonymy)
Mystides bidentata Langerhans, 1880 accepted as Protomystides bidentata (Langerhans, 1880) (source of synonymy)
Mystides borealis caeca Langerhans, 1880 (basis of record)
Mystides caeca Langerhans, 1880 (source of synonymy)
Mystides lizziae McIntosh, 1908 accepted as Paranaitis kosteriensis (Malmgren, 1867) (source of synonymy)
Nereiphylla paretti Blainville, 1828 (additional source)
Nereis maculata Linnaeus, 1767 accepted as Phyllodoce maculata (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Nereis maculata Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Perinereis vallata (Grube, 1857) (source of synonymy)
Nereis viridis Linnaeus, 1767 accepted as Eulalia viridis (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Notalia Bergström, 1914 accepted as Eulalia Savigny, 1822 (original description)
Notalia picta (Kinberg, 1866) accepted as Eulalia picta Kinberg, 1866 (additional source)
Notophyllum alatum Langerhans, 1880 accepted as Notophyllum foliosum (Sars, 1835) (source of synonymy)
Notophyllum foliosum (Sars, 1835) (additional source)
Notophyllum longum Örsted, 1843 accepted as Notophyllum foliosum (Sars, 1835) (source of synonymy)
Paranaitis kosteriensis (Malmgren, 1867) (additional source)
Phillodoce quadraticeps Grube, 1878 accepted as Phyllodoce quadraticeps Grube, 1878 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce (Carobia) splendens Saint-Joseph, 1888 accepted as Nereiphylla paretti Blainville, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce (Eulalia) macroceros Grube, 1860 accepted as Pterocirrus macroceros (Grube, 1860) (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce (Eulalia) punctifera Grube, 1860 accepted as Eumida punctifera (Grube, 1860) (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce arctica Hansen, 1882 accepted as Phyllodoce groenlandica Örsted, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce badia Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce fristedti Bergström, 1916 (original description)
Phyllodoce gigantea Johnston, 1829 accepted as Phyllodoce laminosa Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce groenlandica Örsted, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce laminosa Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 (additional source)
Phyllodoce luetkeni Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Phyllodoce groenlandica Örsted, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce mucosa Örsted, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce oculata Ehlers, 1887 accepted as Phyllodoce erythrophylla (Schmarda, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce pancerina Claparède, 1870 accepted as Nereiphylla paretti Blainville, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce parettiana Delle Chiaje, 1841 accepted as Nereiphylla paretti Blainville, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce polyphylla Ehlers, 1897 accepted as Genetyllis polyphylla (Ehlers, 1897) (new combination reference)
Phyllodoce pulchella Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Phyllodoce maculata (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce quadraticeps Grube, 1878 (source of synonymy)
 Depth range

75-420 m.  [details]

 Depth range

14.4-1110 m [details]


Antarctic Ocean: King George Island (South Shetland Islands); Maiviken (South Georgia). [details]


Not stated. The name of the genus seems to be composed by the Latin prefix austro-, meaning 'southern', and the ... [details]


Not stated, uncertain. The name of the genus Notalia could refer to a zoogeographical south temperate marine realm ... [details]


Not stated, unknown. Maybe the genus was named Steggoa in honour of someone with the Swedish surname Steggo.  [details]


Mud and pebbles, and also on clay with some algae, between 75-420 m.  [details]

 New combination

Bergström moved Eulalia picta to a monotypic new genus of Notalia [details]


According to Pleijel (1991:246) Bergström (1914:115) has 'Dubiomystides' as an error for Pseudomystides. However, ... [details]


Bergström (1914: 53) spelled his new family "Jospilidae', and he used the genus spelling Jospilus, although the ... [details]


For unknown reasons Reibisch (1895) and Bergström (1914) used the spelling "Jospilus", although the Viguier (1886) ... [details]


Prolopadorhynchus is correctly spelled with single 'r' -rhynchus, as that was Bergström's spelling, and cannot be ... [details]


Moved to different genus. [details]

 Type species

Savigny (1822) included Nereis viridis and Nereis maculata (now in Phyllodoce). Type species as Nereis viridis ... [details]