Cetacea source details
Caperea Gray, 1864 (additional source)
Delphinapterus Lacépède, 1804 (additional source)
Eschrichtius Gray, 1864 (additional source)
Eubalaena Gray, 1864 (basis of record)
Feresa Gray, 1870 (additional source)
Grampidelphis Iredale & Troughton, 1933 accepted as Grampus Gray, 1828 (additional source)
Hyperoodon (Frasercetus) Moore, 1968 (additional source)
Indopacetus Moore, 1968 (additional source)
Inia d'Orbigny, 1834 (additional source)
Lagenodelphis Fraser, 1957 (additional source)
Lipotes Miller, 1918 (additional source)
Mesoplodon Gervais, 1850 (additional source)
Peponocephala Nishiwaki & Norris, 1966 (additional source)
Phocoena G. Cuvier, 1816 (additional source)
Platanista Wagler, 1830 (additional source)
Pseudorca Reinhardt, 1862 (additional source)
Rorqualus F. Cuvier, 1836 accepted as Balaenoptera Lacépède, 1804 (additional source)
Sousa Gray, 1866 (additional source)
Steno Gray, 1846 (additional source)
Described in 1817 according to Nomenclator Zoologicus, 1816 according to Eschmeyer. [details]
Original publication given as Monniot (1971) Cah.Biol.mar. 12: 464 [details]
Neave (nom. zool.) gives the following as basis for Trophonia: "Trophonia Johnston 1840 Ann. nat. Hist., 4, 371; ... [details]
A labelling error resulted in the inclusion of Diplotis in annelids by many authors, because the (wrong) figure was ... [details]
Aphroditella Roule, 1898 is junior to Aphroditella Lendenfeld 1887 in Porifera. Aphroditella Roule is an ... [details]
There are several Aricia homonyms around this period. The senior and valid name is Aricia Reichenbach, 1817, a ... [details]
Senior homonym. Nomenclator Zoologicus lists three junior homonyms to Armandia Filippi, 1861. These ... [details]
Unavailable nomen nudum but would have been a junior homonym to Bebryce Philippi, 1841, in Cnidaria, Gorgonacea [details]
Blakeia Langeneck, Barbieri, Maltagliati, & Castelli, 2019 is a junior homonym to Blakeia Kiriakoff, 1967, already ... [details]
Nomenclator Zoologicus reports Chloraema Agassiz, 1846, listed in his Nomen. Zool. Index Univ., is a junior ... [details]
Christensenia Brinck 1945 (Sci. Res. Norweg. Antarct. Exped. 1927-28, Oslo, 2, no. 24, 22) in (Insecta) Coleoptera ... [details]
There is no homonymy within Animalia. Nomenclature Zoologicus lists Eumolpe Gistl [sic for Gistel], 1848 as a ... [details]
Euphrosine is not a homonym, whereas Euphrosyne is unavailable as a junior homonym to Euphrosyne Meigen 1800 in ... [details]
Fabricia Blainville, 1828 is the most senior of several (4) homonyms using Fabricia as a genus name. The next in ... [details]
Fallacia Quatrefages 1866 is junior to Fallacia Mulsant & Rey 1863 in Coleoptera. There is also Fallacia Stein 1915 ... [details]
junior homonymy to Gymnorhynchus Rudolphi 1819, in Cestoda [details]
Junior homonym to Gymnosoma Meigen 1803 [Insect:Diptera] [details]
Hesione in Lamarck (1818) in Hesionidae is available because Hesione Rafinesque, 1815 in Coleoptera is regarded as ... [details]
Johnstonella Gosse, 1853 is a senior homonym to a genus of mites (Acari), apparently first named in Paschoal & ... [details]
Kefersteina Quatrefages, 1866 is a senior homonym to Kefersteinia Neumayr 1891 in Mollusca [details]
Lumbricus has been used for centuries as a vernacular name to refer to various worms, including intestinal worms. ... [details]
Lycoris Lamarck, 1818 is not a homonym in Zoology, but it predates the better-known plant genus Lycoris Herbert, ... [details]
Macrochaeta Grube, 1850 is the senior homonym to Macrochaeta Bretscher, 1896 in Annelida: Naididae (apparently ... [details]
Megalomma is a replaced homonym to an insect genus, Megalomma Westwood, 1841 in Carabidae. It is replaced by ... [details]
The generic name Nautilina is preoccupied in a molluscan species (Stein 1850, Schneck. Musch. Berlins, 80; ... [details]
Parthenope Schmidt, 1857 is senior to Ctenodrilus Claparède, 1863. However, it is an unavailable name as a junior ... [details]
Pasithoe Rafinesque 1815 is a senior homonym to Pasithoe Goodsir 1842 in Pycnogonida according to Neave, but if ... [details]
Ranzania is a junior homonym to Ranzania Nardo, 1840 (Atti Riun.Sci.Ital.,1,ed.2,165) in Pisces. Replaced by ... [details]
Junior homonym to Scione Walker in Saunders, 1850, Animalia-Arthropoda-Insecta-Diptera. Chamberlin (1919: 423) ... [details]
If valid Clymene Oken, 1807, indicated as "... Clymene (Amphitrite ventilabrum etc)", would be a senior homonym to [details]
This is a homonym of Luetkenia Claus, 1864, a Crustacea genus. Not all species in Luetkenia Duncan have been ... [details]
Nomenclator Zoologicus listings oddly cross-reference to a lapsus spelling 'spaerodorum' in a contents list on p.35 ... [details]
Validity of genus needs checking; could be junior homonym of Anthometra Boisduval 1840, Lepidoptera [details]
According to the Nomenclator Zoologicus, this genus name was preoccupied by a genus in the Schizopoda, and replaced ... [details]