WoRMS Taxon list
Search for 'Nephthea' returned 72 matching records.
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- Nephthea Audouin, 1828 accepted as Litophyton Forskål, 1775
- Nephthea aberrans Verseveldt, 1968 accepted as Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg, 1834)
- Nephthea acuticonica Verseveldt, 1974 accepted as Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt, 1974)
- Nephthea albida (Holm, 1894) accepted as Litophyton albida (Holm, 1894) accepted as Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg, 1834)
- Nephthea amboinensis (Burchardt, 1902) accepted as Nephthya amboinensis Burchardt, 1902 accepted as Litophyton amboinensis (Burchardt, 1898)
- Nephthea amentacea Studer, 1895 accepted as Litophyton amentaceum (Studer, 1895)
- Nephthea armata Thomson & Henderson, 1906 accepted as Stereonephthya armata (Thomson & Henderson, 1906)
- Nephthea aurantiaca Verrill, 1865 accepted as Chromonephthea aurantiaca (Verrill, 1865)
- Nephthea australis Kükenthal, 1910 accepted as Chromonephthea rubra (Kükenthal, 1910)
- Nephthea bayeri Verseveldt, 1966 accepted as Litophyton bayeri (Verseveldt, 1966)
- Nephthea bedfordi Shann, 1912 accepted as Litophyton bedfordi (Shann, 1912)
- Nephthea brassica Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Litophyton brassicum (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea bredfordi Shann, 1912 accepted as Litophyton bedfordi (Shann, 1912)
- Nephthea bumasta Verseveldt, 1973 accepted as Litophyton bumastum (Verseveldt, 1973)
- Nephthea capnelliformis Thomson & Dean, 1931 accepted as Litophyton capnelliformis (Thomson & Dean, 1931)
- Nephthea cervispiculosa (Thomson & Dean, 1931) accepted as Nephthea cervispiculosa Thomson & Dean, 1931 accepted as Litophyton cervispiculosum (Thomson & Dean, 1931)
- Nephthea cervispiculosa Thomson & Dean, 1931 accepted as Litophyton cervispiculosum (Thomson & Dean, 1931)
- Nephthea ceylonensis Thomson & Henderson, 1905 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Nephthea chabrolii Audouin, 1828 accepted as Litophyton chabrolii (Audouin, 1828)
- Nephthea columnaris Studer, 1895 accepted as Litophyton columnaris (Studer, 1895)
- Nephthea compacta Verseveldt, 1966 accepted as Litophyton compactum (Verseveldt, 1966)
- Nephthea complanata Kükenthal, 1910 accepted as Chromonephthea complanata (Kükenthal, 1910)
- Nephthea concinna Kükenthal, 1905 accepted as Litophyton concinnum (Kükenthal, 1905)
- Nephthea corallina Kükenthal, 1910 accepted as Litophyton corallinum (Kükenthal, 1910)
- Nephthea cordierii Ehrenberg (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
- Nephthea cornuta Verseveldt, 1977 accepted as Chromonephthea cornuta (Verseveldt, 1977)
- Nephthea crassa Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Litophyton crassum (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea cupressiformis Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Litophyton cupressiformis (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea dampierensis Verseveldt, 1977 accepted as Chromonephthea dampierensis (Verseveldt, 1977)
- Nephthea debilis (Kükenthal, 1895) accepted as Litophyton debilis (Kükenthal, 1895)
- Nephthea digitata (Wright & Studer, 1889) accepted as Litophyton digitatum (Wright & Studer, 1889)
- Nephthea elatensis Verseveldt & Cohen, 1971 accepted as Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea elongata (Kükenthal, 1895) accepted as Litophyton elongatum (Kükenthal, 1895)
- Nephthea eos Kükenthal, 1905 accepted as Chromonephthea eos (Kükenthal, 1905)
- Nephthea erecta Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Litophyton erectum (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea filamentosa Verseveldt, 1973 accepted as Litophyton filamentosum (Verseveldt, 1973)
- Nephthea formosana Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Chromonephthea formosana (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea galbuloides Verseveldt, 1973 accepted as Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea globulosa (May, 1899) accepted as Litophyton globulosum (May, 1899)
- Nephthea glomerata Thomson & Simpson, 1909 accepted as Chromonephthea glomerata (Thomson & Simpson, 1909)
- Nephthea gracillima Thomson & Dean, 1931 accepted as Litophyton gracillimum (Thomson & Dean, 1931)
- Nephthea granulata Kükenthal, 1910 accepted as Chromonephthea hartmeyeri (Kükenthal, 1910)
- Nephthea grisea (Kükenthal, 1895) accepted as Litophyton griseum (Kükenthal, 1895)
- Nephthea hartmeyeri Kükenthal, 1910 accepted as Chromonephthea hartmeyeri (Kükenthal, 1910)
- Nephthea hirsuta Tixier-Durivault, 1966 accepted as Stereonephthya hirsuta (Tixier-Durivault, 1966)
- Nephthea inermis (Holm, 1895) accepted as Chromonephthea inermis (Holm, 1895)
- Nephthea junipera Thomson & Dean, 1931 accepted as Litophyton juniperum (Thomson & Dean, 1931)
- Nephthea laevis Kükenthal, 1913 accepted as Litophyton laevis (Kükenthal, 1913)
- Nephthea laevis sensu Verseveldt, 1974 accepted as Litophyton arboreum Forskål, 1775
- Nephthea lanternaria Verseveldt, 1973 accepted as Litophyton lanternarium (Verseveldt, 1973)
- Nephthea legiopolypa Verseveldt & Alderslade, 1982 accepted as Litophyton legiopolypum (Verseveldt & Alderslade, 1982)
- Nephthea lobulifera (Holm, 1895) accepted as Chromonephthea lobulifera (Holm, 1895)
- Nephthea mollis Macfadyen, 1936 accepted as Litophyton mollis (Macfadyen, 1936)
- Nephthea nigra (Kükenthal, 1895) accepted as Nephthea nigrescens Roxas, 1933 accepted as Litophyton nigrum (Kükenthal, 1895)
- Nephthea nigrescens Roxas, 1933 accepted as Litophyton nigrum (Kükenthal, 1895)
- Nephthea pacifica Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Litophyton pacificum (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea pyramidalis (Kükenthal, 1895) accepted as Litophyton pyramidalis (Kükenthal, 1895)
- Nephthea quercus Kükenthal, 1910 accepted as Chromonephthea rubra (Kükenthal, 1910)
- Nephthea rubra Kükenthal, 1910 accepted as Chromonephthea rubra (Kükenthal, 1910)
- Nephthea savignyi Ehrenberg, 1834 accepted as Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg, 1834)
- Nephthea setoensis Utinomi, 1954 accepted as Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi, 1954)
- Nephthea sibogae Thomson & Dean, 1931 accepted as Litophyton sibogae (Thomson & Dean, 1931)
- Nephthea simulata Verseveldt, 1970 accepted as Litophyton simulatum (Verseveldt, 1970)
- Nephthea sphaerophora Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Litophyton sphaerophorum (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea striata Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea tenuis (Kükenthal, 1896) accepted as Litophyton tenuis (Kükenthal, 1895)
- Nephthea thujaria Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Litophyton thujarium (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea tixierae Verseveldt, 1968 accepted as Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg, 1834)
- Nephthea tongaensis Kükenthal, 1903 accepted as Litophyton tongaensis (Kükenthal, 1903)
- Nephthea zanzibarensis Thomson & Henderson, 1906 accepted as Stereonephthya zanzibarensis Thomson & Henderson, 1906
- Nephtheaplana Prudhoe, 1985
- Nephtheaplana tropica (Hyman, 1959)