WoRMS taxon details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
(of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) Lamarck, J.-B. M. de. (1815). Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres, présentant les caractères généraux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des principales espèces qui s'y rapportent; précédée d'une Introduction offrant la détermination des caractères essentiels de l'Animal, sa distinction du Végétal et des autres corps naturels, enfin, l'exposition des principes fondamentaux de la Zoologie: Paris, Verdière. [details]
original description
(of Fungia adrianae Van der Horst, 1921) van der Horst, C.J. (1921). The Madreporaria of the Siboga expedition: 2. Madreporaria Fungida. Siboga-Expeditie: uitkomsten op zoölogisch, botanisch, oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië 1899-1900 aan boord H.M. Siboga onder commando van Luitenant ter Zee 1e kl. G.F. Tydeman, XVIb. E.J. Brill: Leiden. 53-98, plates I-VI pp. (look up in IMIS) [details]
original description
(of Fungia japonica Vaughan, 1906) Vaughan TW. (1906). Three new Fungiae, with a description of a specimen of Fungia granulosa Klunzinger and a note on a specimen of Fungia concinna Verrill. <em>Proceedings of the United States National Museum.</em> 30: 827-832. [details]
original description
(of Fungia glans Dana, 1846) Dana, J.D. (1846-1849). Zoophytes. United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842. <em>Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia.</em> 7: 1-740, 61 pls. (1846: 1-120, 709-720; 1848: 121-708, 721-740; 1849: atlas pls. 1-61)., available online at http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/usexex/navigation/ScientificText/USExEx19_08select.cfm [details] 
original description
(of Diaseris mortoni Tenison-Woods, 1880) Tenison-Woods, J.E. (1880). On a new species of Diaseris. <em>Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales.</em> 5: 459-463, pl. 15. [details]
basis of record
Hoeksema BW. (1989). Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae. <em>Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden.</em> 254: 1-295., available online at http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/document/149013 [details]
new combination reference
Milne Edwards, H.; Haime, J. (1851). Monographie des polypiers fossiles des terrains palaeozoïques, précédée d'un tableau général de la classification des polypes. <em>Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Archives.</em> 5: 1–502, 20 pls., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/25098869 [details]
Othercontext source (Hexacorallia)
Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Gittenberger A, Reijnen BT, Hoeksema BW. (2011). A molecularly based phylogeny reconstruction of mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) with taxonomic consequences and evolutionary implications for life history traits. <em>Contributions to Zoology.</em> 80: 107-132., available online at https://doi.org/10.1163/18759866-08002002 [details]
additional source
Nemenzo, F. (1955). Systematic studies on Philippine shallow water scleractinians: I. Suborder Fungiida. <em>Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, University of the Philippines.</em> 15: 3-84. page(s): 5, 57 [details]
additional source
Veron JEN. (2000). Corals of the World. Vol. 1–3. <em>Australian Institute of Marine Science and CRR, Queensland, Australia.</em> [details]
additional source
Gardiner JS. (1905). Madreporaria III. Fungida IV. Turbinolidae. <em>Fauna and geography of the Maldives and Laccadives Archipelagoes, Cambridge.</em> 2: 933-957, pls. 89-93. page(s): 944-945 [details]
additional source
Klunzinger CB. (1879). Die Korallthiere des Rothen Meeres, 3. Theil: Die Steinkorallen. Zweiter Abschnitt: Die Asteraeaceen und Fungiaceen. 1-100, pls. 1-10. Gutmann, Berlin. [details] 
additional source
Studer T. (1878). Übersicht der Steinkorallen aus der Familie der Madreporaria aporosa, Eupsammina und Turbinaria, welche auf der Reise S.M.S. Gazelle um die Erde gesammelt wurden. <em>Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.</em> 1877: 625-655, pls. 1-4. page(s): 644 [details]
additional source
Tenison-Woods, J.E. (1880). On a new species of Diaseris. <em>Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales.</em> 5: 459-463, pl. 15. page(s): 461 [details]
additional source
Wells JW. (1955). Recent and subfossil corals of Moreton Bay, Queensland. <em>Queensland. University of Queensland Papers, Department of Geology.</em> 4 (10): 1-18, pls. 1-3. page(s): 5, 11 [details]
additional source
Scheer G, Pillai CSG. (1974). Report on Scleractinia from the Nicobar Islands. <em>Zoologica, Stuttgart.</em> 42(122): 1-75. page(s): 6, 8, 35, 75, Plate 17 [details]
additional source
Milne Edwards H (1860) Histoire naturelle des coralliaires ou polypes proprement dits 3: 1-560. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. (look up in IMIS) page(s): 50 [details]
additional source
Bassett-Smith, P.W. (1890). Report on the corals from Tizard and Macclesfield Banks, China Sea. <em>Annals and Magazine of Natural History,.</em> 6(35): 353-374, 443-458, pls. 12-14., available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/00222939008694050 page(s): 359, 446 [details]
additional source
Veron JEN. (1986). Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific. <em>Angus & Robertson Publishers.</em> page(s): 320, 322, 323, 324, 558, 577 [details]
additional source
Sheppard CRC. (1987). Coral species of the Indian Ocean and adjacent seas: a synonymised compilation and some regional distribution patterns. <em>Atoll Research Bulletin.</em> 307: 1-32., available online at http:// https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00775630.307.1 [details]
additional source
Veron JEN, Pichon M, Wijsman-Best M. (1977). Scleractinia of Eastern Australia – Part II. Families Faviidae, Trachyphylliidae. <em>Australian Institute of Marine Science Monograph series.</em> 3: 1-233. page(s): 208 [details]
additional source
Quelch JJ. (1886). Report on the Reef-corals collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger' during the years 1873-76. <em>Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–1876. Zoology.</em> 16 (46): 1-203, pl. 1-12., available online at http://www.19thcenturyscience.org/HMSC/HMSC-Reports/Zool-46/README.htm page(s): 22, 27, 29, 121, 196 [details]
additional source
Randall RH. (2003). An annotated checklist of hydrozoan and scleractinian corals collected from Guam and other Mariana Islands. <em>Micronesica.</em> 35-36: 121-137. page(s): 131 [details]
additional source
Wells JW (1964) Ahermatypic corals from Queensland. University of Queensland Papers, Department of Zoology 2: 107-121, pls. 1-3. page(s): 108, 110, Plate 1, Figures 1, 2, 3 [details]
additional source
Tenison Woods, J. E. (1878). On the extratropical corals of Australia. <em>Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales.</em> 2: 292-341, pls 4-6. page(s): 328-329 [details]
additional source
Faustino LA. (1927). Recent Madreporaria of the Philippine Islands. <em>Bureau of Science Manila Monograph.</em> 22: 1-310, pls. 1-100. page(s): 31 [details]
additional source
Veron JEN, Marsh LM. (1988). Hermatypic corals of Western Australia : records and annotated species list. <em>Records Western Australian Museum Supplement.</em> 29: 1-136., available online at https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.60555 page(s): 27, 81 [details]
additional source
Tenison Woods, J. E. (1879). On a new species of Desmophyllum (D. quinarium) and a young stage of Cycloseris sinensis. <em>Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales.</em> 3: 17-20, pl. 1., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/6456417 page(s): 19 [details]
additional source
Pillai CSG. (1972). Stony corals of the seas around India. <em>Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Corals and Coral Reefs, 1969. Marine Biological Association of India Symposium.</em> 5: 191-216. page(s): 202 [details]
additional source
Milne Edwards H, Haime J. (1851). Recherches sur les polypiers. Mémoire 6. Monographie des Fongides. <em>Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Series 3.</em> 15: 73-144. page(s): 112 [details]
additional source
Hu CH. (1987). Unusual fossil corals from Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan. <em>Memoirs of the Geological Society of China.</em> 8:31-48, pls. 1-3. [details]
additional source
Veron, J. E. N. (2000). Corals of the World, Volume II: Families Astrocoeniidae, Pocilloporidae, Euphyllidae, Oculinidae, Meandrinidae, Siderastreidae, Agariciidae, Fungiidae, Rhizangiidae, Pectiniidae, Merulinidae, Dendrophylliidae, Caryophylliidae. Australian Institute of Marine Science. Townsville., volume 2, pp. 429. page(s): 236-237 [details]
additional source
Maragos, J. E.; Molina, M.; Kenyon, J. (2004). Palmyra Atoll coral data compiled from Townsend Cromwell 2000-2002, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2000-2001, and Sette 2004 surveys [Table 8]. UNPUBLISHED, UNPUBLISHED [details]
additional source
Harrison, R. M.; Poole, M. (1909). Marine fauna from the Kerimba Archipelago, Portuguese East Africa, collected by Jas. J. Simpson, M.A., B.Sc., and R. N. Rudmose-Brown, BSc., University of Aberdeen: Madreporaria. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 3, 913-917 page(s): 914 [details]
additional source
Pillai CSG. (1983). Structure and generic diversity of recent Scleractinia of India. <em>Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India.</em> 25, 1-2, 78-90. page(s): 85 [details]
additional source
Veron, J. E. N.; Pichon, M. (1979). Scleractinia of Eastern Australia, part III: Families Agariciidae, Siderastreidae, Fungiidae, Oculinidae, Merulinidae, Mussidae, Pectiniidae, Caryophylliidae, Dendrophylliidae. Australian Government Publishing Service. Canberra., volume 4, pp. 422. page(s): 108-110, 112, 118, 166 [details]
additional source
Boschma, H. (1929). The Fungidæ (Anthozoa) collected by Mr. Cyril Crossland at Tahiti and neighbouring islands. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 43-47 page(s): 45 [details]
additional source
Studer T. (1879). Übersicht der Anthozoa Alcyonaria, welche während der Reise S.M.S. Gazelle um die Erde gesammelt wurden. <em>Monatsberichte der könglich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.</em> 1878, 632-688. page(s): 681 [details]
additional source
Jeyabaskaran, R. (2009). New records of corals from Lakshadweep islands. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 109, 1, 53-64 page(s): 54, 57, Plate 2 Fig 7 [details]
additional source
Wallace, C. C.; Fellegara, I.; Muir, P. R.; Harrison, P. L. (2009). The scleractinian corals of Moreton Bay, eastern Australia: high latitude, marginal assemblages with increasing species richness. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 54, 2 page(s): 2, 9, 15, 46, 47 [details]
Nontype (of Cycloseris sibogae (Van der Hors, 1921t)) MSI U.P.C.-940 [details]
Nontype (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) RMNH, geounit Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) RMNH, geounit Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) SMNH, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) SMNH, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) SMNH, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) SMNH, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) SMNH, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) UAZM [details]
Nontype (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) UAZM, geounit Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype (of Fungia (Cycloseris) cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) RMNH 18069 [details]
Nontype (of Fungia (Cycloseris) cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) RMNH 18102 [details]
Nontype (of Fungia (Cycloseris) cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) RMNH 18103 [details]
Nontype (of Fungia (Cycloseris) cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) RMNH 18104 [details]
Nontype (of Fungia (Cycloseris) cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) RMNH 18105 [details]
Nontype (of Fungia (Cycloseris) cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) RMNH 18106 [details]
Nontype (of Fungia (Cycloseris) cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) SYUMB S-0010, geounit Taiwanese Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype (of Fungia (Cycloseris) cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) TUIO-C C-601 [details]
Nontype BMNH, geounit Chinese Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype HLD X2: 161-16 (1-3), geounit Indian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype MSI C-80, geounit Philippines Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype MTQ G58395, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 110-84, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 16-78, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 17-78, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 201-85, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 2-78, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 453-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 454-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 455-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 456-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 457-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 458-83, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 458-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 459-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 460-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 461-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 462-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 463-86, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 464-86 [details]
Nontype WAM 46-81, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 47-72, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 488-79, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 507-86, geounit Ashmore-Cartier Is. [details]
Nontype WAM 571-86, geounit Ashmore-Cartier Is. [details]
Nontype WAM 688-81, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 757-81, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Nontype WAM 985-79, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Unknown type (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) IMC mrt-43 [details]
Unknown type (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) IMC mrt-69, geounit Myanmar Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Unknown type (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) IMC, geounit Indian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Unknown type (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) IMC, geounit Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Unknown type (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) IMC, geounit Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
Unknown type (of Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815) IMC, geounit Sri Lankan Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
From editor or global species database
Biology zooxanthellate [details]
Type locality Southern Ocean [details]Unreviewed
Description Corals are circular domes up to 40 mm in diameter with a concave undersurface. Septa are straight an symmetrical. Primary septa are thick and exsert around the mouth. Colour: pale cream or greenish. Abundance: (common on flat inter-reef soft substrates. Veron, 1986 <57>)
Small, solitary, up to 5 cm, circular and dome-shaped. Colour: generally pale cream or green. Habitat: often common on sandy substrates between reefs. (Richmond, 1997) [details]
To Barcode of Life (3 barcodes)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (11 publications) (from synonym Fungia glans Dana, 1846)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (3 publications) (from synonym Fungia japonica Vaughan, 1906)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (37 publications)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (38 publications) (from synonym Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (4 publications) (from synonym Diaseris mortoni Tenison-Woods, 1880)
To Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL) (from synonym Fungia (Cycloseris) cyclolites Lamarck, 1815)
To Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL) (from synonym Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815)
To Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL)
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Cycloseris cyclolites)
To GenBank (2 nucleotides; 1 proteins)
To GenBank (2 nucleotides; 1 proteins) (from synonym Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815)
To IUCN Red List (Least Concern)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Cnidaria Collection (1 record) (from synonym Fungia japonica Vaughan, 1906)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Cnidaria Collection (108 records) (from synonym Fungia cyclolites Lamarck, 1815)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Cnidaria Collection (Holotype USNM 154426) (from synonym Fungia japonica Vaughan, 1906)
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