Ophiuroidea source details

Clark, A. M. (1970). Notes on the family Amphiuridae (Ophiuroidea). Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool.). 19(1): 1-81.
Clark, A. M.
Notes on the family Amphiuridae (Ophiuroidea)
Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool.)
19(1): 1-81
This paper deals primarily with (and describes) the family Amphiuridae in Mortensen's sense, that is excluding Ophiactis and its allies, although it was necessary to include Aphiactis, mainly because of a nomenclaturial problem. The relationship between the Amphiuridae and the Amphilepididae is reviewed with the result that the Amphilepididae is reduced to the rank of a subfamily. The taxonomic weight of various characters which have been used in grouping the species of amphiurids is assessed and a modified formula for expressing oral armament concisely is introduced. The family Amphiuridae now consists of over four hundred nominal species of ophiuroids, most of them living on or burrowing in more or less muddy sand or gravel and some of them very delicate, easily losing the disc, so that a few species are known only from incomplete specimens. The family has recently (1962) been the subject of a revision by Fell, who has divided the larger genera Amphiura, Amphiodia, Amphipholis and Amphioplus into groups of more manageable size which are unfortunately rather artificial in my opinion. Hence, a summary of proposed taxonomic changes and a list of transfers of species to different genera (or families) are included at the end.
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Ailsaria Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphioplus Verrill, 1899 (source of synonymy)
Amphiacantha Matsumoto, 1917 accepted as Dougaloplus A.M. Clark, 1970 (source of synonymy)
Amphiacantha dividua Matsumoto, 1917 accepted as Ophiocomella sexradia (Duncan, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Amphiactis astarte A.H. Clark, 1949 accepted as Ophiozonella astarte (A. H. Clark, 1949) (source of synonymy)
Amphiactis canescens (Lyman, 1879) accepted as Histampica canescens (Lyman, 1879) (source of synonymy)
Amphiactis partita (Koehler, 1897) accepted as Histampica duplicata (Lyman, 1875) (additional source)
Amphichilus Matsumoto, 1917 accepted as Amphioplus (Amphichilus) Matsumoto, 1917 (source of synonymy)
Amphichilus cesareus (Koehler, 1905) accepted as Amphioplus (Amphichilus) impressus (Ljungman, 1867) (source of synonymy)
Amphichilus daleus (Lyman, 1879) accepted as Silax daleus (Lyman, 1879) (source of synonymy)
Amphichilus intermedius (Koehler, 1905) accepted as Amphioplus (Amphioplus) intermedius (Koehler, 1905) (source of synonymy)
Amphilepis diastata Murakami, 1942 accepted as Amphiura diastata (Murakami, 1942) non McClendon, 1909 (new combination reference)
Amphilepis gymnopora Hertz, 1927 accepted as Amphiura belgicae Koehler, 1900 (taxonomy source)
Amphilepis remittens Koehler, 1922 accepted as Ophiomonas remittens (Koehler, 1922) (new combination reference)
Amphinephthys Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphiura Forbes, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Amphiodia (Amphispina) Nielsen, 1932 (status source)
Amphiodia affinis (Studer, 1885) accepted as Amphioplus affinis (Studer, 1885) (new combination reference)
Amphiodia antarctica (Ljungman, 1867) accepted as Ophiophragmus chilensis (Müller & Troschel, 1843) (basis of record)
Amphiodia fuscoalba (Brock, 1888) accepted as Acrocnida fuscoalba (Brock, 1888) (source of synonymy)
Amphiodia rhabdota H.L. Clark, 1918 accepted as Ophiophragmus pulcher H.L. Clark, 1918 (additional source)
Amphioplus (Amphichilus) Matsumoto, 1917 (status source)
Amphioplus (Amphichilus) cesareus (Koehler, 1905) accepted as Amphioplus (Amphichilus) impressus (Ljungman, 1867) (source of synonymy)
Amphioplus (Amphichilus) daleus (Lyman, 1882) accepted as Silax daleus (Lyman, 1879) (new combination reference)
Amphioplus (Lymanella) A.M. Clark, 1970 (basis of record)
Amphioplus (Lymanella) furcatus Mortensen, 1933 (new combination reference)
Amphioplus (Unioplus) Fell, 1962 (basis of record)
Amphioplus agassizii Verrill, 1899 accepted as Ophiochiton agassizii (Verrill, 1899) (new combination reference)
Amphioplus andreae (Lütken, 1872) represented as Amphioplus (Lymanella) andreae (Lütken, 1872) (basis of record)
Amphioplus daleus (Lyman, 1879) represented as Amphioplus (Unioplus) daleus (Lyman, 1879) accepted as Silax daleus (Lyman, 1879) (new combination reference)
Amphioplus furcatus Mortensen, 1933 represented as Amphioplus (Lymanella) furcatus Mortensen, 1933 (source of synonymy)
Amphioplus lorioli (Koehler, 1897) accepted as Amphiura (Amphiura) lorioli (Koehler, 1897) (source of synonymy)
Amphioplus nereis (Lyman, 1883) accepted as Ophiochiton nereis (Lyman, 1883) (new combination reference)
Amphioplus textilis (Koehler, 1907) (additional source)
Amphipholis andreae Lütken, 1872 accepted as Amphioplus (Lymanella) andreae (Lütken, 1872) (new combination reference)
Amphipholis andreae Lütken, 1872 accepted as Amphioplus (Lymanella) andreae (Lütken, 1872) (source of synonymy)
Amphipholis murex (Koehler, 1908) accepted as Ophiocnida loveni (Ljungman, 1867) (source of synonymy)
Amphiura (Amphiura) assimilis Lütken & Mortensen, 1899 (status source)
Amphiura (Amphiura) correcta Koehler, 1907 (source of synonymy)
Amphiura (Fellaria) A.M. Clark, 1970 (original description)
Amphiura (Ophionema) hexactis Mortensen, 1940 accepted as Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) hexactis (Mortensen, 1940) (new combination reference)
Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) Düben & Koren, 1846 (additional source)
Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) hexactis (Mortensen, 1940) (new combination reference)
Amphiura assimilis Lütken & Mortensen, 1899 represented as Amphiura (Amphiura) assimilis Lütken & Mortensen, 1899 (status source)
Amphiura ceramis H.L. Clark, 1939 accepted as Amphiura (Amphiura) lorioli (Koehler, 1897) (source of synonymy)
Amphiura cesarea Koehler, 1905 accepted as Amphioplus (Amphichilus) impressus (Ljungman, 1867) (source of synonymy)
Amphiura falcatus (Mortensen, 1933) accepted as Amphioplus (Unioplus) falcatus Mortensen, 1933 (basis of record)
Amphiura florifera Forbes, 1843 accepted as Amphiura chiajei Forbes, 1843 (status source)
Amphiura fuscoalba Brock, 1888 accepted as Amphiodia fuscoalba (Brock, 1888) accepted as Acrocnida fuscoalba (Brock, 1888) (source of synonymy)
Amphiura gastracantha Lütken & Mortensen, 1899 accepted as Dougaloplus gastracanthus (Lütken & Mortensen, 1899) (new combination reference)
Amphiura lorioli (Koehler, 1897) represented as Amphiura (Amphiura) lorioli (Koehler, 1897) (source of synonymy)
Amphiura marionensis (Bernasconi, 1968) accepted as Amphiura tomentosa Lyman, 1879 (new combination reference)
Amphiura murex Koehler, 1908 accepted as Ophiocnida loveni (Ljungman, 1867) (source of synonymy)
Amphiura neglecta (Johnston, 1835) accepted as Amphipholis squamata (Delle Chiaje, 1828) (source of synonymy)
Amphiura nereis Lyman, 1883 accepted as Ophiochiton nereis (Lyman, 1883) (new combination reference)
Amphiura notacantha Lütken & Mortensen, 1899 accepted as Dougaloplus notacanthus (Lütken & Mortensen, 1899) (new combination reference)
Amphiura pycnostoma H.L. Clark, 1911 accepted as Amphilepis pycnostoma (H.L. Clark, 1911) (new combination reference)
Amphiura scabriuscula Lütken, 1859 accepted as Ophiocnida scabriuscula (Lütken, 1859) (source of synonymy)
Amphiuridae Ljungman, 1867 (identification resource)
Axiognathus Thomas, 1966 accepted as Amphipholis Ljungman, 1866 (source of synonymy)
Diamphiodia Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphiodia Verrill, 1899 (source of synonymy)
Dougaloplus A.M. Clark, 1970 (original description)
Dougaloplus dividua (Matsumoto, 1917) accepted as Ophiocomella sexradia (Duncan, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Dougaloplus sexradia (Duncan, 1887) accepted as Ophiocomella sexradia (Duncan, 1887) (basis of record)
Gymnodia Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphiodia Verrill, 1899 (source of synonymy)
Hemilepis Ljungman, 1872 accepted as Amphiura Forbes, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Histampica A.M. Clark, 1970 (original description)
Icalia Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphiura Forbes, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Monamphiura Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphiura Forbes, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Monopholis Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphipholis Ljungman, 1866 (source of synonymy)
Nullamphiura Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphiura Forbes, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Nullamphiura felli Skwarko, 1963 † accepted as Amphiura felli (Skwarko, 1963) † (source of synonymy)
Nullopholis Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphipholis Ljungman, 1866 (source of synonymy)
Ophiactis lorioli Koehler, 1897 accepted as Amphiura (Amphiura) lorioli (Koehler, 1897) (source of synonymy)
Ophiochiton agassizii (Verrill, 1899) (basis of record)
Ophiocnidella Ljungman, 1872 accepted as Ophiocnida Lyman, 1865 (source of synonymy)
Ophiodictys pectorale (Lyman, 1880) (source of synonymy)
Ophiodictys uncinatus Koehler, 1922 accepted as Ophiodictys pectorale (Lyman, 1880) (source of synonymy)
Ophionema Lütken, 1869 accepted as Amphiura (Ophionema) Lütken, 1869 (source of synonymy)
Ophionema hexactis Mortensen, 1940 accepted as Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) hexactis (Mortensen, 1940) (new combination reference)
Ophionephthys magellanica Mortensen, 1936 accepted as Amphioplus (Amphioplus) magellanicus (Mortensen, 1936) (source of synonymy)
Ophiopeltis Düben & Koren, 1846 accepted as Amphiura Forbes, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Ophiophragmus affinis Duncan, 1887 accepted as Amphioplus relictus (Koehler, 1898) accepted as Amphioplus (Lymanella) depressus (Ljungman, 1867) (source of synonymy)
Ophiophragmus andreae (Lütken, 1872) accepted as Amphioplus (Lymanella) andreae (Lütken, 1872) (new combination reference)
Ophiophragmus gibbosus Ljungman, 1867 accepted as Amphioplus (Lymanella) gibbosus Ljungman, 1867 (source of synonymy)
Pandelia Fell, 1962 accepted as Amphiura Forbes, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Silax Fell, 1962 (additional source)
Triodia A.M. Clark, 1970 accepted as Triplodia Turner & Hallan, 2011 accepted as Silax Fell, 1962 (original description)
Triodia abdita A.M. Clark, 1970 accepted as Triplodia abdita (A.M. Clark, 1970) accepted as Silax abditus (A.M. Clark, 1970) (original description)
Mozambican Exclusive Economic Zone for Ophionephthys africana Balinsky, 1957 
Port Natal for Ophiophragmus gibbosus Ljungman, 1867 
 Editor's comment

Gender of specific name was changed to match gender of genus [details]

 Type locality

Port Natal (Durban) [details]

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