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WoRMS Photogallery » Hemichordata
Yoda demiankoopi Holland, Hiley & Rouse, 2022
Yoda demiankoopi Holland, Hiley & Rouse, 2022
FIGURE 7 Yoda demiankoopi n. sp. Holotype SIO-BIC H51. (A) Cross section through esophagus, dorsal nerve cord (arrow), ventral nerve cord (arrowhead), genital wing, and lateroventral fold. Azure A. (B) Cross section through prehepatic intestine (with gut contents) and lateroventral folds. Ponceau. Inset in B: gut wall stained with azure A. (C) Cross section through hepatic intestine (gut contents lost during dissection) with lateroventral fold and mid-dorsal connective tissue bulge (arrow). Inset in C: gut wall stained with azure A. (D) Unstained hepatic intestine lined with epithelial cells containing dark pigment granules. (E) Cross section through posthepatic intestine (gut contents lost during dissection) with lateroventral fold, mid-dorsal connective tissue bulge (arrow), and two conspicuous muscle bundles (arrowheads). Inset in E: gut wall stained with azure A. Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B = 2 mm; Inset B = 200 μm; C = 2 mm; Inset C = 200 μm; D = 500 μm; E = 2 mm; Inset E = 200 μm. eso, esophagus; gw, genital wing; lf, lateroventral folds

Source: Holland, N. D.; Hiley, A. S.; Rouse, G. W. (2022). A new species of deep‐sea torquaratorid enteropneust (Hemichordata): A sequential hermaphrodite with exceptionally wide lips. Invertebrate Biology. 141(3)., available online at
Author Schmidt Ocean Institute ·  PNG file - 163.23 kB - 574 x 720 pixels added on 2023-03-071 008 viewsWoRMS taxa Yoda demiankoopi Holland, Hiley & Rouse, 2022checked Swalla, Billie J. 2023-03-07
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