WoRMS Taxon list
Search for '' returned 1,053 matching records, showing records 1-100.
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- Ammotheristus helgolandicus (Riemann, 1967) Lorenzen, 1977
- Ammotheristus subtilis (Lorenzen, 1972) Lorenzen, 1977
- Amphimonhystera anechma (Southern, 1914) Lorenzen, 1977
- Amphimonhystera bella Bussau, 1993
- Amphimonhystera circula Guo & Warwick, 2001
- Amphimonhystera galea Fadeeva, 1984
- Amphimonhystera helgolandica Riemann, 1967 accepted as Ammotheristus helgolandicus (Riemann, 1967) Lorenzen, 1977
- Amphimonhystera marisalbi Tchesunov & Mokievsky, 2005
- Amphimonhystera molloyensis Tchesunov & Mokievsky, 2005
- Amphimonhystera pallida Tchesunov & Mokievsky, 2005
- Amphimonhystera paranechma Allgén, 1935 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Amphimonhystera subtilis Lorenzen, 1972 accepted as Ammotheristus subtilis (Lorenzen, 1972) Lorenzen, 1977
- Amphimonhystrella boucheri Zhai, Geng & Sun, 2022
- Amphimonhystrella bullacauda Tchesunov & Miljutina, 2005
- Amphimonhystrella major Gagarin & Nguyen Dinh Tu, 2021
- Amphimonhystrella megastoma Timm, 1961
- Amphimonhystrella paramonovi (Long, Tu & Gagarin, 2020) Gagarin & Gusakov, 2023
- Amphimonhystrella parva Gagarin & Thanh, 2009
- Amphimonhystrella sinica Huang & Sui, 2024
- Amphimonhystrella tropica Gagarin & Gusakov, 2023
- Amphimonhystrella unita Lorenzen, 1977
- Amphimonohystera anechma (Southern, 1914) accepted as Amphimonhystera anechma (Southern, 1914) Lorenzen, 1977
- Amphimonohystera helgolandica Riemann, 1967 accepted as Amphimonhystera helgolandica Riemann, 1967 accepted as Ammotheristus helgolandicus (Riemann, 1967) Lorenzen, 1977
- Amphimonohystera subtilis Lorenzen, 1972 accepted as Amphimonhystera subtilis Lorenzen, 1972 accepted as Ammotheristus subtilis (Lorenzen, 1972) Lorenzen, 1977
- Amphimonohystrella megastoma Timm, 1961 accepted as Amphimonhystrella megastoma Timm, 1961
- Amphimonohystrella unita Lorenzen, 1977 accepted as Amphimonhystrella unita Lorenzen, 1977
- Arabanema pakistanensis Turpeenniemi, Nasira & Maqbool, 2001 accepted as Theristus pakistanesis (Turpeenniemi, Nasira & Maqbool, 2001) Fonseca & Bezerra, 2013
- Austronema spirurum Cobb, 1914
- Buccolaimus grahami Allgén, 1959 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
- Capsula galeata Bussau, 1993
- Cenolaimus sapeloensis Nichols, 1979 accepted as Xyala sapeloensis (Nichols, 1979) Blome, 2002
- Cenolaimus supersentiens Cobb, 1933 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Ceratosphaerolaimus horrendus (Sergeeva, 1981) Fadeeva, 1983 accepted as Metasphaerolaimus horrendus (Sergeeva, 1981) Jensen, 1992
- Ceratosphaerolaimus japonicus Fadeeva, 1983 accepted as Metasphaerolaimus japonicus (Fadeeva, 1983) Jensen, 1992
- Cienfuegia cachoi Armenteros, Vincx & Decraemer, 2009
- Cobbia bengalensis Datta, Bhowmik & Choudhury, 2018
- Cobbia caledonia Warwick & Platt, 1973
- Cobbia crenata Wieser, 1960 (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
- Cobbia cyatholaimoides Allgen, 1929 accepted as Cobbiacanthonchus cyatholaimoides (Allgen, 1929) Allgen, 1953 accepted as Pomponema cyatholaimoides (Allgén, 1929) Hope & Murphy, 1972
- Cobbia dentata Gerlach, 1953
- Cobbia heterospicula Wang, An & Huang, 2018
- Cobbia kamenevi Fadeeva & Malysheva, 1991
- Cobbia macrodentata Lo Russo & Pastor de Ward, 2012
- Cobbia macrostoma Timm, 1963 accepted as Sphaerotheristus macrostoma Timm, 1968
- Cobbia mawsoni Cobb, 1930 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Cobbia sabulicola Filipjev, 1918 accepted as Theristus sabulicola (Filipjev, 1918) Wieser, 1956
- Cobbia scutata Wieser, 1956 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Cobbia simplex Allgén, 1929 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Cobbia sinica Huang & Zhang, 2010
- Cobbia trefusiaeformis de Man, 1907
- Cobbia triodonta Filipjev, 1918
- Cobbia truncata Wieser, 1959
- Cobbia urinator Wieser, 1959
- Cobbia zhangi Huang & Sui, 2024
- Corononema parvum Nicholas & Stewart, 1995
- Corononema thai Nicholas & Stewart, 1995
- Corononema vulgare Phuong, Long, Thanh, Gagarin, Mokievsy & Tu, 2023
- Cylindrotheristus acidus Vitiello, 1971 accepted as Daptonema acidus Vitiello, 1971 accepted as Daptonema longissimecaudatum (Kreis, 1935) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus angulatus (Schuurmans-Stekhoven, 1950) Wieser, 1956 accepted as Daptonema angulatum (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus aquaedulcis Gagarin, 1987 accepted as Daptonema aquaedulcis (Gagarin, 1987) Gagarin, 1993
- Cylindrotheristus calceolatus De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933 accepted as Daptonema calceolatum (De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus curticauda Tchesunov, 1980 accepted as Daptonema curticauda (Tchesunov, 1980) Tchesunov, 1990
- Cylindrotheristus curvispiculum (Gerlach, 1953) Wieser, 1959 accepted as Daptonema curvispiculum (Gerlach, 1953) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus divertens Boucher & Helleouet, 1977 accepted as Daptonema divertens (Boucher & Helléouet, 1977) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus ecphygmaticus Wieser, 1959 accepted as Daptonema ecphygmaticum (Wieser, 1959) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus elaboratus (Chitwood, 1951) Wieser, 1956 accepted as Daptonema elaboratum (Chitwood, 1951) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus fistulatus Wieser & Hopper, 1967 accepted as Daptonema fistulatum (Wieser & Hopper, 1967) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus groelandicus (Ditlevsen, 1928) accepted as Daptonema groenlandicum (Ditlevsen, 1928) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus kornoensis (Allgén, 1929) Wieser, 1956 accepted as Daptonema kornoeense (Allgén, 1929) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus longicaudatus Filipjev, 1922 accepted as Daptonema longicaudatum (Filipjev, 1922) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus maeoticus (Filipjev, 1922) Wieser, 1956 accepted as Daptonema maeoticum (Filipjev, 1922) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus miamiensis Hopper, 1969 accepted as Daptonema miamiense (Hopper, 1969) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus minutus Juario, 1974 accepted as Daptonema xyaliforme (Wieser & Hopper, 1967) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus normandicus de Man, 1890 accepted as Daptonema normandicum (de Man, 1890) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus oxycercus (de Man, 1888) Wieser, 1956 accepted as Daptonema oxycerca (de Man, 1888) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus oxyuroides (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1931) Wieser, 1956 accepted as Daptonema oxyuroides (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1931) accepted as Daptonema trabeculosum (Schneider, 1906) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus paratortus Vitiello, 1971 accepted as Daptonema paratortum (Vitiello, 1971) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus pseudotortus Vitiello, 1971 accepted as Daptonema pseudotortum (Vitiello, 1971) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus resimus (Wieser, 1959) accepted as Daptonema resimum (Wieser, 1959) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus stylosus Lorenzen, 1973 accepted as Daptonema stylosum (Lorenzen, 1973) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus tenuispiculum (Ditlevsen, 1918) accepted as Daptonema tenuispiculum (Ditlevsen, 1918) Lorenzen, 1977
- Cylindrotheristus trecuspidatus Wieser, 1959 accepted as Daptonema trecuspidatum (Wieser, 1959) Lorenzen, 1977
- Dactylaimoides coronifer Blome, 2002
- Dactylaimus aequalis Cobb, 1920 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Daptonema acanthospiculum (Allgén, 1959) Gerlach & Riemann, 1973
- Daptonema acidus Vitiello, 1971 accepted as Daptonema longissimecaudatum (Kreis, 1935) Lorenzen, 1977
- Daptonema acrilabiatum (De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933) Lorenzen, 1977
- Daptonema acrilabiatus (De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933) accepted as Daptonema acrilabiatum (De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933) Lorenzen, 1977
- Daptonema adiecta (Schulz, 1932) Wieser, 1956
- Daptonema adiectus (Schulz, 1932) accepted as Daptonema adiecta (Schulz, 1932) Wieser, 1956
- Daptonema aegypticum (Gerlach, 1964) Lorenzen, 1977
- Daptonema aegypticus (Gerlach, 1964) accepted as Daptonema aegypticum (Gerlach, 1964) Lorenzen, 1977
- Daptonema albigensis (Riemann, 1966) Hopper, 1968 accepted as Promonhystera albigensis Riemann, 1966
- Daptonema altaicum (Tsalolikhin, 1985) Coomans & Eyualem-Abebe, 2006
- Daptonema altaicus (Tsalolikhin, 1985) Coomans & Eyualem-Abebe, 2006 accepted as Daptonema altaicum (Tsalolikhin, 1985) Coomans & Eyualem-Abebe, 2006
- Daptonema alternum (Wieser, 1956) Lorenzen, 1977
- Daptonema alternus (Wieser, 1956) accepted as Daptonema alternum (Wieser, 1956) Lorenzen, 1977
- Daptonema amphorum Leduc, 2015
- Daptonema angulatum (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950) Lorenzen, 1977
- Daptonema angulatus (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950) accepted as Daptonema angulatum (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950) Lorenzen, 1977