rostrum  obtuse elongated broadly rounded
eyes  normally developped reduced
antennal scale precense  present reduced absent
antennal scale suturation  without apical suture with apical suture not applicable
antennal scale outer margin  smooth serrated not applicable
antennal scale outer margin setation  setose without setae not applicable
antennal scale terminal spine  with spine without spine not applicable
labrum  symmetric assymetric produced anteriorly
mandible lacinia mobilis  well developed reduced or absent
mandible spines between lacinia mobilis and proces  present absent reduced to single spine
mandible molar process  well developped reduced
maxillule endopod  reduced with two articles
1st maxiliped exopod  absent well developped small unarticulated
2nd thoracopod shape  as maxilliped as gnathopod
2nd thoracopod exopod  well developped absent
3th thoracopod shape  forming pereopod forming gnathopod
4th thoracopod shape  forming a pereopod forming a gnathopod
3-8 thoracopod endopod carpus propodus  distinct fused
3-8 thoracopod carpopropodus  devided into a few subsegments segmentation increases posteriorly devided into several subsegments not applicable non segmented
3-8 thoracopod propodus  two-three subsegments two subsegments unsegmented not applicable segmentation increases posteriorly
marsupium  2 pairs 3 pairs 7 pairs
pleopods second pair  biramous exopod elongated rudimentary
pleopods third pair  biramous exopod elongated reduced
pleopods fourth pair  biramous modified exopod modified endopod
pleopods fifth pair  biramous reduced
female pleopods  uniramous or greatly reduced biramous 1st biramous, remaining reduced
uropod endopod devision  undevided distal articulation
uropod endopod inner margin  inner margin robust setae setose all around
uropod endopod statocyst  present absent
uropod exopod devision  complete with proximal articulation with distal articulation
uropod exopod setation  setose around entire margin outer margin with slender and robust setae outer margin entire outer margin with robust setae
telson cleft  apex entire apex cleft lateral margins constricted | Remaining taxa: Aberomysini Bacescu & Iliffe, 1986
Boreomysinae Holt & Tattersall, 1905
Erythropini Hansen, 1910
Gastrosaccinae Norman, 1892
Heteromysini Norman, 1892
Lepidomysidae Clarke, 1961
Leptomysini Czerniavsky, 1882
Mancomysini Bacescu & Iliffe, 1986
Mysidellinae Czerniavsky, 1882
Mysini Haworth, 1825
Petalophthalmidae Czerniavsky, 1882
Rhopalophthalminae Hansen, 1910
Siriellinae Czerniavsky, 1882
Stygiomysidae Caroli, 1937