BeRMS source details

Walter, T. Chad. The World of Copepods. International online database.
Walter, T. Chad
The World of Copepods. International online database
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2022-02-15 20:01:09Z

Acartiidae Sars G.O., 1903 (additional source)
Amphiascopsis Gurney, 1927 (additional source)
Amphiascopsis hirsutus (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903) accepted as Metamphiascopsis hirsutus (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903) represented as Metamphiascopsis hirsutus hirsutus (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903) (basis of record)
Amphiascopsis hirtus (Gurney, 1927) accepted as Sarsamphiascus hirtus (Gurney, 1927) (basis of record)
Amphiascus Sars G.O., 1905 (additional source)
Amphiascus parvulus (Claus, 1866) (basis of record)
Amymone Müller O.F., 1785 accepted as Tegastes Norman, 1903 (source of synonymy)
Amymone sphaerica Claus, 1863 accepted as Parategastes sphaericus (Claus, 1863) accepted as Parategastes sphaericus sphaericus (Claus, 1863) (source of synonymy)
Arenopontiidae Martínez Arbizu & Moura, 1994 accepted as Arenopontiinae Martinez Arbizu & Moura, 1994 (additional source)
Bulbamphiascus Lang, 1944 (additional source)
Caligidae Burmeister, 1835 (additional source)
Carillus Goodsir, 1845 accepted as Alteutha Baird, 1846 (source of synonymy)
Carillus oblongus Goodsir, 1845 accepted as Alteutha oblonga (Goodsir, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Cetochilus helgolandicus Claus, 1863 accepted as Calanus helgolandicus (Claus, 1863) (source of synonymy)
Cletodidae Scott T., 1904 (additional source)
Cyclopidae Rafinesque, 1815 (additional source)
Cyclopinoides Lindberg, 1953 (additional source)
Dactylopus Claus, 1863 accepted as Dactylopusia Norman, 1903 (source of synonymy)
Dactylopus cinctus Claus, 1866 accepted as Amphiascopsis cinctus (Claus, 1866) (source of synonymy)
Dactylopus flavus Claus, 1866 accepted as Dactylopodella flava (Claus, 1866) (source of synonymy)
Dactylopus longirostris Claus, 1863 accepted as Amphiascus longirostris (Claus, 1863) accepted as Paramphiascopsis longirostris (Claus, 1863) (source of synonymy)
Dactylopus pygmaea Claus, 1863 accepted as Dactylopusia pygmaea (Claus, 1863) accepted as Mesochra pygmaea (Claus, 1863) represented as Mesochra pygmaea pygmaea (Claus, 1863) (source of synonymy)
Dactylopus tenuicornis Claus, 1863 accepted as Diosaccus tenuicornis (Claus, 1863) (source of synonymy)
Dactylopusia debilis (Giesbrecht, 1881) accepted as Amphiascoides debilis (Giesbrecht, 1881) (basis of record)
Dactylopusia longirostris (Claus, 1863) accepted as Amphiascus longirostris (Claus, 1863) accepted as Paramphiascopsis longirostris (Claus, 1863) (basis of record)
Dactylopusia pygmaea (Claus, 1863) accepted as Mesochra pygmaea (Claus, 1863) represented as Mesochra pygmaea pygmaea (Claus, 1863) (basis of record)
Dactylopusia tenuiremis (Brady & Robertson, 1876) accepted as Sarsamphiascus tenuiremis (Brady & Robertson, 1876) (basis of record)
Dias bifilosus Giesbrecht, 1881 accepted as Acartia (Acanthacartia) bifilosa (Giesbrecht, 1881) (source of synonymy)
Dias discaudatus Giesbrecht, 1881 accepted as Acartia (Acartiura) discaudata (Giesbrecht, 1881) (source of synonymy)
Dwightia Wilson C.B., 1924 accepted as Macrosetella Scott A., 1909 (source of synonymy)
Entomoda Lamarck, 1818 accepted as Acanthochondria Oakley, 1930 (source of synonymy)
Entomoda cornuta (Müller O.F., 1776) accepted as Lernentoma cornuta (Müller O.F., 1776) accepted as Chondracanthus cornutus (Müller O.F., 1776) accepted as Acanthochondria cornuta (Müller O.F., 1776) (source of synonymy)
Eudactylinidae Wilson C.B., 1932 (additional source)
Horsiella Gurney, 1920 accepted as Leptocaris Scott T., 1899 (source of synonymy)
Horsiella trisetosa Kunz, 1935 accepted as Leptocaris trisetosus (Kunz, 1935) represented as Leptocaris trisetosus trisetosus (Kunz, 1935) (source of synonymy)
Ichthyophorba Lilljeborg, 1853 accepted as Centropages Krøyer, 1849 (source of synonymy)
Ichthyophorba hamata Lilljeborg, 1853 accepted as Centropages hamatus (Lilljeborg, 1853) (source of synonymy)
Lernentoma cornuta (Müller O.F., 1776) accepted as Chondracanthus cornutus (Müller O.F., 1776) accepted as Acanthochondria cornuta (Müller O.F., 1776) (basis of record)
Mesamphiascus angustipes (Gurney, 1927) accepted as Sarsamphiascus angustipes (Gurney, 1927) (basis of record)
Mesamphiascus imus (Brady, 1872) accepted as Bulbamphiascus imus (Brady, 1872) (basis of record)
Mesamphiascus parvus (Sars G.O., 1906) accepted as Sarsamphiascus parvus (Sars G.O, 1906) (basis of record)
Mesamphiascus varians (Norman & Scott T., 1905) accepted as Sarsamphiascus varians (Norman & Scott T., 1905) (basis of record)
Mesochrella Kunz, 1951 accepted as Psyllocamptus Scott T., 1899 (source of synonymy)
Mesochrella gelatinosa Kunz, 1951 accepted as Psyllocamptus gelatinosus (Kunz, 1951) (source of synonymy)
Miraciidae Dana, 1846 (additional source)
Monstrilla germanica (Timm, 1893) accepted as Cymbasoma germanicum (Timm, 1893) (basis of record)
Oithonidae Dana, 1853-1855 (additional source)
Pararenosetella psammae Noodt, 1955 accepted as Glabrotelson psammae (Noodt, 1955) Huys, 2009 (source of synonymy)
Pennellidae Burmeister, 1835 (additional source)
Protoleptastacus Noodt, 1952 accepted as Psammotopa Pennak, 1942 (source of synonymy)
Protoleptastacus phyllosetosus Noodt, 1952 accepted as Psammotopa phyllosetosa (Noodt, 1952) (source of synonymy)
Protopsammotopa Geddes, 1968 (additional source)
Pseudowestwoodia pygmaea Scott T. & Scott A., 1895 accepted as Diarthrodes pygmaeus (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895) (source of synonymy)
Psyllocamptus gelatinosus (Kunz, 1951) (basis of record)
Robertgurneya Lang, 1948 (additional source)
Schisturus Oken, 1815 accepted as Clavella Oken, 1815 (source of synonymy)
Schisturus cornutus (Müller O.F., 1776) accepted as Acanthochondria cornuta (Müller O.F., 1776) (source of synonymy)
Schizopera Sars G.O., 1905 (additional source)
Setella Dana, 1846 accepted as Dwightia Wilson C.B., 1924 accepted as Macrosetella Scott A., 1909 (source of synonymy)
Setella norvegica Boeck, 1865 accepted as Microsetella norvegica (Boeck, 1865) (source of synonymy)
Sphyriidae Wilson C.B., 1919 (additional source)
Stenhelia Boeck, 1865 (additional source)
Stenocaris Sars G.O., 1909 (additional source)
Sterope Goodsir, 1845 accepted as Alteutha Baird, 1846 (source of synonymy)
Sterope interrupta Goodsir, 1845 accepted as Alteutha interrupta (Goodsir, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Tachidiidae Sars G.O., 1909 (additional source)
Tegastidae Sars G.O., 1904 (additional source)
Thaumaleus Krøyer, 1849 accepted as Cymbasoma Thompson I.C., 1888 (additional source)
Thaumaleus germanicus Timm, 1893 accepted as Monstrilla germanica (Timm, 1893) accepted as Cymbasoma germanicum (Timm, 1893) (source of synonymy)
Thyone Philippi, 1840 accepted as Porcellidium Claus, 1860 (source of synonymy)
Tripaphylus musteli (Beneden, 1851) (additional source)