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Cythere Mueller, 1785

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  1. Subgenus Cythere (Cythere) Müller, 1785
    1. Species Cythere (Cythere) concentrica (Williamson, 1847) Jones, 1849 † represented as Cythere concentrica (Williamson, 1847) Jones, 1849 †
  2. Species Cythere acerosella Chapman, 1941
  3. Species Cythere acuta Baird, 1850
  4. Species Cythere acuticarinata Capeder, 1902 †
  5. Species Cythere acuticosta Egger, 1858 †
  6. Species Cythere alata Hejjas, 1894 †
  7. Species Cythere alba Baird, 1835
  8. Species Cythere alveolivalva Smith, 1952
  9. Species Cythere americana Sharpe, 1908
  10. Species Cythere amygdaloides Cornuel, 1846 †
  11. Species Cythere antarctica Scott, 1912
  12. Species Cythere apalachicolensis Puri, 1954 †
  13. Species Cythere areolata Brady, 1866
  14. Species Cythere attrita Brady, 1868
  15. Species Cythere avirostris Seguenza, 1880 †
  16. Species Cythere baccata Jones & Sherborn, 1889 †
  17. Species Cythere bairdiana Jones, 1849 †
  18. Species Cythere bicarinata Capeder, 1902 †
  19. Species Cythere bidentata Capeder, 1902 †
  20. Species Cythere blucinensis Prochazka, 1893 †
  21. Species Cythere bornemanni Speyer, 1863 †
  22. Species Cythere bradiana Jones, 1884 †
  23. Species Cythere bradii Folin, 1869
  24. Species Cythere bradyi Seguenza, 1880 †
  25. Species Cythere brevicula Reuss, 1856 †
  26. Species Cythere candida Terquem, 1878
  27. Species Cythere catenata Brady, 1866
  28. Species Cythere cephaloidea Hu & Tao, 2008
  29. Species Cythere cerebralis Brady, 1868
  30. Species Cythere chalmersi Scott, 1905
  31. Species Cythere charlesworthiana Jones & Sherborn, 1887 †
  32. Species Cythere cingulata Brady, 1911
  33. Species Cythere circumdentata Seguenza, 1884
  34. Species Cythere clathrata (Reuss, 1850)
  35. Species Cythere coelacantha (Reuss, 1850) Reuss, 1867 †
  36. Species Cythere colletti Scott, 1905
  37. Species Cythere complanata Bosquet, 1854 †
  38. Species Cythere concentrica (Williamson, 1847) Jones, 1849 †
  39. Species Cythere connata Terquem, 1878
  40. Species Cythere conoidea Terquem, 1878
  41. Species Cythere conspicua Terquem, 1878
  42. Species Cythere contracta Brady, 1870
  43. Species Cythere cordiformis Terquem, 1878
  44. Species Cythere cornugera Terquem, 1878
  45. Species Cythere cornuta M'Coy, 1844 †
  46. Species Cythere corrosa Jones & Sherborn, 1888 †
  47. Species Cythere costata Mertens, 1956 †
  48. Species Cythere crassimarginata Winchell, 1862 †
  49. Species Cythere crenulosa Terquem, 1878
  50. Species Cythere cribrata Capeder, 1902 †
  51. Species Cythere crispata Brady, 1868
  52. Species Cythere cristata Terquem, 1878
  53. Species Cythere cuboidea Brady, 1870
  54. Species Cythere curvistriata Brady, 1870
  55. Species Cythere deflexa Brady, Crosskey & Robertson, 1874 †
  56. Species Cythere deleta Terquem, 1878
  57. Species Cythere dentaculata Annapurna & Rama Sarma, 1987
  58. Species Cythere denticulata Capeder, 1900 †
  59. Species Cythere discrepans Müller, 1894
  60. Species Cythere dissimilis Brady, 1868
  61. Species Cythere donnani Scott, 1905
  62. Species Cythere drammensis Sars, 1869
  63. Species Cythere dumontiana Bosquet, 1852 †
  64. Species Cythere duperrei Brady, 1869
  65. Species Cythere elegantissima Lienenklaus, 1894 †
  66. Species Cythere ellipsoidea Brady, 1878
  67. Species Cythere excavata M'Coy, 1844 †
  68. Species Cythere exfoveolata Neviani, 1928 †
  69. Species Cythere fabacea Brady, 1886
  70. Species Cythere fabacea Terquem, 1878
  71. Species Cythere favus Brady, 1868
  72. Species Cythere fidicula Brady & Robertson, 1870
  73. Species Cythere flavida Müller, 1785
  74. Species Cythere flexuosa Terquem, 1878
  75. Species Cythere florealis Capeder, 1902 †
  76. Species Cythere floscardui Brady, 1880
  77. Species Cythere foliacea Seguenza, 1880 †
  78. Species Cythere fontinensis Terquem, 1885 †
  79. Species Cythere formae Capeder, 1900 †
  80. Species Cythere fragilis Prochazka, 1893 †
  81. Species Cythere francisca Ulrich & Bassler, 1904 †
  82. Species Cythere fudingensis Zheng, 1987
  83. Species Cythere fumata Brady, 1868
  84. Species Cythere fungoides (Brady, 1866) Brady, 1880
  85. Species Cythere galeiformis Terquem, 1878
  86. Species Cythere geniculata Terquem, 1878
  87. Species Cythere gibberosa Terquem, 1878
  88. Species Cythere gibberula M'Coy, 1844 †
  89. Species Cythere golikovi Schornikov, 1974
  90. Species Cythere gyriplicata Jones & Sherborn, 1887 †
  91. Species Cythere hardingi Puri & Hulings, 1976
  92. Species Cythere harknessiana Jones & Holl, 1868 †
  93. Species Cythere haworthi Ulrich & Bassler, 1906 †
  94. Species Cythere hibbertii M'Coy, 1844 †
  95. Species Cythere hieroglyphica Terquem, 1878
  96. Species Cythere histrix (Reuss, 1850) †
  97. Species Cythere holdsworthi Scott, 1905
  98. Species Cythere hollii (Jones, 1887) Bassler & Kellett, 1934 †
  99. Species Cythere hornelli Scott, 1905
  100. Species Cythere howei Puri, 1954 †
  101. Species Cythere humilis Seguenza, 1880 †
  102. Species Cythere ikeyanoriyukii Yamaguchi & Goedert, 2010 †
  103. Species Cythere impressa M'Coy, 1844 †
  104. Species Cythere impressa Terquem, 1885 †
  105. Species Cythere imthurni Scott, 1905
  106. Species Cythere incisa Speyer, 1863 †
  107. Species Cythere incompta Reuss, 1854 †
  108. Species Cythere inconstans Brady, 1868
  109. Species Cythere intermedia Muenster, 1830
  110. Species Cythere interposita Seguenza, 1880 †
  111. Species Cythere intorta Terquem, 1878
  112. Species Cythere intricata Terquem, 1878
  113. Species Cythere jonesiana Bosquet, 1852 †
  114. Species Cythere jugleri Reuss, 1856 †
  115. Species Cythere keeni Mckenzie et al., 1979 †
  116. Species Cythere kelaarti Scott, 1905
  117. Species Cythere knoxi Scott, 1905
  118. Species Cythere kutorgiana Jones, 1850 †
  119. Species Cythere laciniata Namias, 1901 †
  120. Species Cythere lacrymalis Jones & Sherborn, 1887 †
  121. Species Cythere lactea Brady, 1866
  122. Species Cythere lacunosa (Reuss, 1850) †
  123. Species Cythere laesa Jones & Sherborn, 1887 †
  124. Species Cythere lamellicosta Triebel, 1950
  125. Species Cythere laqueata Brady, 1886
  126. Species Cythere latibrosa Scott, 1912
  127. Species Cythere latidentata Bornemann, 1855 †
  128. Species Cythere lepida Brady & Norman, 1889
  129. Species Cythere limbricularis Terquem, 1878
  130. Species Cythere lineatopunctata Chapman & Sherborn, 1893 †
  131. Species Cythere lineolata (Roemer, 1838) Egger, 1901 †
  132. Species Cythere lobulata Chapman, 1904 †
  133. Species Cythere longecarenata Namias, 1901 †
  134. Species Cythere lubbockiana Brady, 1880
  135. Species Cythere lutea Müller, 1785
  136. Species Cythere lyriformis Egger, 1858 †
  137. Species Cythere mackenziei Puri & Hulings, 1976
  138. Species Cythere macra Brady, 1869
  139. Species Cythere magellanica Brady, 1870
  140. Species Cythere maia (Benson, 1959)
  141. Species Cythere mamillata Brady, 1866
  142. Species Cythere margaritifera Terquem, 1878 †
  143. Species Cythere marginatostriata (Seguenza, 1880) Bold, 1966 †
  144. Species Cythere margollei Brady, 1870
  145. Species Cythere marsupia Capeder, 1902 †
  146. Species Cythere megaphyma Reuss, 1854 †
  147. Species Cythere melobesioides Brady, 1869
  148. Species Cythere meyni Reuss, 1855 †
  149. Species Cythere microtuberculata Seguenza, 1880 †
  150. Species Cythere modiolaris Reuss, 1856 †
  151. Species Cythere monacantha Brady, 1886
  152. Species Cythere monilifera Bosquet, 1852 †
  153. Species Cythere moravica Prochazka, 1893 †
  154. Species Cythere morkhoveni Keij, 1975
  155. Species Cythere morrisiana (Jones, 1850) Bassler & Kellett, 1934 †
  156. Species Cythere multicava Scott, 1894
  157. Species Cythere nebulosa Bosquet, 1852 †
  158. Species Cythere nishinipponica Okubo, 1976
  159. Species Cythere nitida Lilljeborg, 1853
  160. Species Cythere nitidula Ulrich & Bassler, 1904 †
  161. Species Cythere nodosa Sars, 1866
  162. Species Cythere nodulifera Brady, 1869
  163. Species Cythere numerata Terquem, 1878
  164. Species Cythere obliqua Prochazka, 1893 †
  165. Species Cythere oblonga (M'Coy, 1844) Bassler & Kellett, 1934 †
  166. Species Cythere ohioensis (Herrick, 1888) Bassler & Kellett, 1934 †
  167. Species Cythere ohioensis Herrick, 1888 †
  168. Species Cythere oliviformis Terquem, 1878 †
  169. Species Cythere omotenipponica Hanai, 1959
  170. Species Cythere oolithica Terquem, 1885 †
  171. Species Cythere orbicularis M'Coy, 1844 †
  172. Species Cythere oviformis Prochazka, 1893 †
  173. Species Cythere papillosa Sharpe, 1908
  174. Species Cythere parkeri Brady, 1866
  175. Species Cythere parmula (Richter, 1867) Bassler & Kellett, 1934 †
  176. Species Cythere pectunculata Chapman, 1901
  177. Species Cythere peregrina Scott, 1912
  178. Species Cythere perplexa Reuss, 1869 †
  179. Species Cythere perrensis Brady, 1869
  180. Species Cythere petricosa Terquem, 1878 †
  181. Species Cythere phylloides Chapman, 1901
  182. Species Cythere plicatula (Reuss, 1850) Bosquet, 1852 †
  183. Species Cythere plicosa Reuss, 1869 †
  184. Species Cythere polymorpha Hejjas, 1894 †
  185. Species Cythere polytrema Chapman, 1912
  186. Species Cythere postcaudispinosa Chapman, 1941
  187. Species Cythere postcultrata (Chapman, 1916) Dingle, 1981 †
  188. Species Cythere prawoslawlevi Schweyer, 1949 †
  189. Species Cythere proxima Terquem, 1878 †
  190. Species Cythere pusilla M'Coy, 1844 †
  191. Species Cythere quadridens Scott, 1912
  192. Species Cythere quadrispinata Deroo, 1966 †
  193. Species Cythere recurata Jones & Sherborn, 1887 †
  194. Species Cythere redcarensis Blake, 1876 †
  195. Species Cythere reniformis Baird, 1835
  196. Species Cythere reussella Coryell, 1963 †
  197. Species Cythere reussites Coryell, 1963 †
  198. Species Cythere rostrata Seguenza, 1880 †
  199. Species Cythere ruperti Brady, 1886
  200. Species Cythere sanrikuensis Tsukagoshi & Ikeya, 1987 †
  201. Species Cythere scabrocuneata Brady, 1880
  202. Species Cythere scalaris Jones & Sherborn, 1887 †
  203. Species Cythere schornikovi Tsukagoshi & Ikeya, 1987
  204. Species Cythere schwarzi Chapman, 1907 †
  205. Species Cythere scintillulata Brady, 1880
  206. Species Cythere sclerochilus Tressler & Smith, 1948
  207. Species Cythere scutulum (M'Coy, 1844) Bassler & Kellett, 1934 †
  208. Species Cythere scutulum M'Coy, 1844 †
  209. Species Cythere secata Capeder, 1900 †
  210. Species Cythere securifer Brady, 1880
  211. Species Cythere semilunaris Brady & Norman, 1889
  212. Species Cythere semiovata Scott, 1890
  213. Species Cythere setosa Baird, 1850
  214. Species Cythere shorellii Brady, 1870
  215. Species Cythere sicula (Reuss, 1850) Lienenklaus, 1895 †
  216. Species Cythere sigillum Capeder, 1902 †
  217. Species Cythere signata Terquem, 1878 †
  218. Species Cythere silicula Brady, 1870
  219. Species Cythere simplex (Cornuel, 1846) Deroo, 1957 †
  220. Species Cythere simplexia Hu, 1982 †
  221. Species Cythere solandi Brady, 1870
  222. Species Cythere speciosa Jones & Sherborn, 1888 †
  223. Species Cythere sphenoides Reuss, 1854 †
  224. Species Cythere spinifera Chapman & Sherborn, 1893 †
  225. Species Cythere spinigera Terquem, 1878 †
  226. Species Cythere spiniplicata Ulrich & Bassler, 1904 †
  227. Species Cythere spinosa Richter, 1864 †
  228. Species Cythere spinosissima Capeder, 1900 †
  229. Species Cythere subaequalis Seguenza, 1880 †
  230. Species Cythere subcuneata Brady, 1886
  231. Species Cythere subflavescens Brady, 1867
  232. Species Cythere sublacunosa Jones, 1870 †
  233. Species Cythere suboblonga Neviani, 1928 †
  234. Species Cythere subpunctata Muenster, 1830
  235. Species Cythere subquadrata Brady, 1870
  236. Species Cythere subsagittula Egger, 1858 †
  237. Species Cythere subsigmoidea Brady, 1869
  238. Species Cythere subtrigona Seguenza, 1880 †
  239. Species Cythere subtuberculata Chapman, 1898 †
  240. Species Cythere tenella Jones, 1884 †
  241. Species Cythere tenuimargo Reuss, 1856 †
  242. Species Cythere tenuiplicata Hejjas, 1892 †
  243. Species Cythere terquemites Coryell, 1963 †
  244. Species Cythere texturata Reuss, 1855 †
  245. Species Cythere thalassica Scott, 1894
  246. Species Cythere thompsoni Scott, 1905
  247. Species Cythere transenna Jones & Sherborn, 1889 †
  248. Species Cythere trapezia Brady, 1878
  249. Species Cythere trapezioides Jones & Sherborn, 1888 †
  250. Species Cythere triangularis Tressler & Smith, 1948
  251. Species Cythere triangulata Blake, 1876 †
  252. Species Cythere triauricula Hejjas, 1894 †
  253. Species Cythere tricornis Bornemann, 1855 †
  254. Species Cythere trigonata Seguenza, 1880 †
  255. Species Cythere tuberculata Terquem, 1878 †
  256. Species Cythere ukrainica Schneider, 1953 †
  257. Species Cythere uncifalcata Smith, 1952
  258. Species Cythere uranipponica Hanai, 1959
  259. Species Cythere urupensis Schornikov, 1974
  260. Species Cythere valentinei Tsukagoshi & Ikeya, 1987 †
  261. Species Cythere vallebiajae Neviani, 1928 †
  262. Species Cythere variolata Egger, 1858 †
  263. Species Cythere ventricristata Brady, 1886
  264. Species Cythere venusta Scott, 1894
  265. Species Cythere venustula Jones & Sherborn, 1887 †
  266. Species Cythere vesiculata Coryell, 1963 †
  267. Species Cythere walfordiana Jones & Sherborn, 1888 †
  268. Species Cythere willeyi Scott, 1905
  269. Species Cythere willisi Scott, 1905
  270. Species Cythere witti Bold, 1987
  271. Species Cythere woodwardiana Jones & Sherborn, 1887 †
  272. Species Cythere wrightiana Jones & Holl, 1868 †
  273. Species Cythere yuniangae Hu & Tao, 2008
  274. Species Cythere zurcheri Brady, 1870
  275. Species Cythere hystrix (Reuss, 1850) † accepted as Acanthocythereis hystrix (Reuss, 1850) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  276. Species Cythere kingi (Reuss, 1854) Geinitz, 1861 † represented as Bairdia kingi Reuss, 1854 †
  277. Species Cythere rhomboidea Brady, 1866 (temporary name, Junior objective synonym (homonym) of Cythere rhomboidea Fischer, 1855)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent + fossil
Müller, O.F. (1785). Entomostraca seu Insecta Testacea, quae in aquis Daniae et Norvegiae reperit, descripsit et iconibus illustravit Otho Fridericus Müller. The Entomostraca or Insecta Testacea, which he finds in the waters of Denmark and Norway, were described and illustrated by icons by Otho Friedrich Müller. <em>F.W. Thiele, Lipsiae & Havniae.</em> 134 pp., index, pls. 1-21. [details]  OpenAccess publication 
Brandão, S.N.; Antonietto, L.S; Nery, D.G.; Pereira, J.S.; Praxedes, R.A.; Santos, S.G.; Karanovic, I. (2024). World Ostracoda Database. Cythere Mueller, 1785. Accessed through: Marine Species Traits editorial board (2024) Marine Species Traits at: on 2024-09-25
Marine Species Traits editorial board (2024). Marine Species Traits. Cythere Mueller, 1785. Accessed at: on 2024-09-25
2004-12-21 15:54:05Z
2006-09-11 06:44:08Z
Martinez, Olga
2010-02-26 19:31:58Z
2010-03-31 07:32:52Z
2014-08-13 09:29:31Z
2020-01-28 15:18:55Z
2021-08-10 14:07:29Z
2024-01-17 17:38:29Z

original description Müller, O.F. (1785). Entomostraca seu Insecta Testacea, quae in aquis Daniae et Norvegiae reperit, descripsit et iconibus illustravit Otho Fridericus Müller. The Entomostraca or Insecta Testacea, which he finds in the waters of Denmark and Norway, were described and illustrated by icons by Otho Friedrich Müller. <em>F.W. Thiele, Lipsiae & Havniae.</em> 134 pp., index, pls. 1-21. [details]  OpenAccess publication 

basis of record Horne, D.J.; Bruce, A.; Whittaker, J.E. (2001). Ostracoda, <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 244-251 (look up in IMIS[details]   

subsequent type designation Brady, G. S. & Norman, A. M. (1889). A monograph of the marine and freshwater Ostracoda of the North Atlantic and of north western Europe. Section I. Podocopa. <em>Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society.</em> 4(2):63-270., available online at
page(s): 125; note: Apud Morkhoven (1963. Post-Paleoxoic Ostracoda). [details]  OpenAccess publication 
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 
