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Administrative Port: Finistère
County: Bretagne

Brest has always been marked by its maritime past: the Naval Academy was founded here in 1752, the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle was built there, and every four years in July, Brest hosts a major international festival of the sea, boats and sailors. [1]


Background information
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 1 0
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 2 0
Fishing Fleet Vessel type 3 2
Fishing Fleet Vessels total 2
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Demersal (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Pelagic (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Shellfish (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) Main species (tonnes)
Landings Total Landings (tonnes) All species (tonnes) 25305,0799
Landings Values Demersal
Landings Values Pelagic
Landings Values Shellfish
Landings Values All species 49174,92007
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Regular)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen (Part-time)
Landings Number of fishermen Number of fishermen Total
Landings Major fish species
Landings Landing points
Landings Location of auctions Quai Jean Voisin - 62200 Boulogne-sur-Mer,Tèl. 03 21 99 62 51 / 03 21 99 62 65 - Fax 03 21 99 62 03
Governance and organisation Governance
Governance and organisation FLAG
Governance and organisation Location of fishermen's organisations CRPMEM de Haute Normandie, 26, Quai Galliéni 76200 DIEPPE

CRPMEM du Nord/Pas de Calais/Picardie, 12, rue Solférino 62200 BOULOGNE-SUR-MER

Branding Brand labels
Fish as food Fish selling Vente directe : Etals sur les quais, Paniers de la mer
Fish as food Fish processing
Fish as food Restaurants/hotels
Tourism & Education Tourism & Fishing A l'étude
Tourism & Education Festivals Fête de la mer, Fête du hareng, Fête de la Beurière
Tourism & Education Fishing museums La maison de la Beurière (ancienne maison de pêcheurs, fonds documentaires sur le patrimoine maritime), 16 rue du Mâchicoulis - 62200 Boulogne-sur-Mer ,Tèl. 03 21 30 14 52 - Fax 03 21 10 76 80
Tourism & Education Aquariums Nausicaa, Boulevard Sainte-Beuve - 62200 Boulogne-sur-Mer
Tourism & Education Monuments Quartier Saint-Pierre : ancien quartier de pêcheurs, Les géants - Batisse et Zabelle : les personXges mythiques de la marine boulonnaise, Le calvaire des marins, La maison de la Beurrière en face de Xusicaá reconstitue l'habitat typique des marins pêcheurs de Boulogne
Tourism&Education Fishing training School 6 rue Georges Honoré BP 1, 62200 Boulogne-sur-mer, 03 91 90 00 90,