WoRMS taxon details
original description
Duchassaing de Fonbressin, P.; Michelotti, G. (1864). Spongiaires de la mer Caraibe. <em>Natuurkundige verhandelingen van de Hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen te Haarlem.</em> 21(2): 1-124, pls I-XXV. page(s): 90; pl XX fig 1 [details]
original description
(of Thalyseurypon conulosa Hechtel, 1965) Hechtel, G.J. (1965). A systematic study of the Demospongiae of Port Royal, Jamaica. <em>Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History.</em> 20: 1-103. page(s): 44-45; fig 9, pl VI fig 1 [details]
basis of record
Hooper, J. N. A. (2002 [2004]). Family Microcionidae Carter, 1875. Pp. 432–468. <em>In: </em>Hooper, J.N.A.; Van Soest, R.W.M. (2002 [2004]). <em>Systema Porifera. A Guide to the Classification of Sponges.</em> (2 volumes). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publ., New York. 1708+XLVIII. ISBN 978-1-4615-0747-5 (eBook electronic version). [details] Available for editors [request]
basis of record
Hooper, J.N.A. (2002). Family Microcionidae Carter, 1875. pp. 432-468. <i>In</i>: Hooper, J.N.A. & Van Soest, R.W.M. (eds.) Systema Porifera. Guide to the classification of sponges. Volume 1 (Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers: New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow). [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Van Soest, R.W.M. (1981). A checklist of the Curaçao sponges (Porifera Demospongiae) including a pictorial key to the more common reef-forms. <em>Verslagen en Technische Gegevens Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoölogie (Zoölogisch Museum) Universiteit van Amsterdam.</em> 31: 1-39. page(s): 17 [details]
additional source
Rützler, K.; van Soest, R.W.M.; Piantoni, C. (2009). Sponges (Porifera) of the Gulf of Mexico. <i>in</i>: Felder, D.L. and D.K. Camp (eds.), Gulf of Mexico–Origins, Waters, and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A & M Press, College Station, Texas. 285–313. [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Alcolado, P.M.; Busutil, L. (2012). Inventaire des spongiaires néritiques du Parc National de La Guadeloupe (Inventario de las esponjas neríticas del Parque Nacional de Guadalupe). <em>Serie Oceanológica.</em> 10, 62-76. page(s): 69 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Laubenfels, M.W. de. (1936). A Discussion of the Sponge Fauna of the Dry Tortugas in Particular and the West Indies in General, with Material for a Revision of the Families and Orders of the Porifera. <em>Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication.</em> 467 (Tortugas Laboratory Paper 30) 1-225, pls 1-22. page(s): 123-124 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Pulitzer-Finali, G. (1986). A collection of West Indian Demospongiae (Porifera). In appendix, a list of the Demospongiae hitherto recorded from the West Indies. <em>Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale Giacomo Doria.</em> 86: 65-216. page(s): 149; fig 48 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Van Soest, R.W.M.; Stone, S.M.; Boury-Esnault, N.; Rützler, K. (1983). Catalogue of the Duchassaing & Michelotti (1864) collection of West Indian sponges (Porifera). <em>Bulletin Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam.</em> 9 (21): 189-205. page(s): 200 [details]
additional source
Wiedenmayer, F. (1977). Shallow-water sponges of the western Bahamas. <em>Experientia Supplementum.</em> 28: 1-287, pls 1-43. page(s): 144-145 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Zea, S. (1987). Esponjas del Caribe Colombiano. (Catálogo Cientifico: Bogotá, Colombia): 1-286. , available online at http://ISBN 958-9068-05-7 [details] Available for editors [request]
Van Soest, R.W.M. (1984). Marine sponges from Curaçao and other Caribbean localities. Part III. Poecilosclerida. <i>In</i>: Hummelinck, P.W. & Van der Steen, L.J. (Eds), Uitgaven van de Natuurwetenschappelijke Studiekring voor Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen. No. 112. <i>Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands</i>. 66 (199): 1-167. page(s): 127-128 [details]
Lectotype MSNT Por. 57, geounit Eastern Caribbean [details]
Paralectotype MSNG CE.38.762, geounit Eastern Caribbean [details]
Paratype MSNG 38762, geounit Eastern Caribbean [details]
From editor or global species database
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