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Polychaeta distribution - Placedetails

MRGID http://marineregions.org/mrgid/8623
Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishFalkland IslandsGetty thesaurus of geographic names   
EnglishFalklandsGetty thesaurus of geographic names   
SpanishIslas MalvinasGetty thesaurus of geographic names   
PlaceType Dependent State 
Latitude 51° 47' 46.5" S (-51.79626°)  
Longitude 59° 26' 26.3" W (-59.44063°)  
Precision 132246 meter 
Min. Lat 52° 20' 35" S (-52.3431°)  
Min. Long 61° 8' 53" W (-61.1481°)  
Max. Lat 51° 14' 58" S (-51.2495°)  
Max. Long 57° 43' 59.5" W (-57.7332°)  
Source Getty thesaurus of geographic names, available online at http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/tgn
Part of  South America (Continent)  [view hierarchy]   
Administrative part of  United Kingdom (Nation)  [view hierarchy]   
in any subarea
of Falkland Islands (22)
Bispira mariae sensu Pratt, 1901
Clymenella minor Arwidsson, 1911
Desdemona trilobata Banse, 1957
Dilepidonotus falklandicus Hartman, 1967
Eteone spathocephala Ehlers, 1897 accepted as Eteone aurantiaca Schmarda, 1861
Falklandiella annulata Hartman, 1967 accepted as Orbiniella annulata (Hartman, 1967)
Goniada norvegica falklandica Pratt, 1901 accepted as Goniada gigantea (Verrill, 1885)
Goniadella falklandica Hartmann-Schröder, 1986
Harmothoe (Evarnella) impar notialis Monro, 1930 accepted as Harmothoe magellanica (McIntosh, 1885)
Micromaldane shackletoni Darbyshire, 2013
Nephtys serratus Hartman, 1953 accepted as Nephtys imbricata Grube, 1857
Nereis (Perinereis) falklandica Ramsay, 1914 accepted as Perinereis falklandica (Ramsay, 1914)
Nicon ehlersi Hartman, 1953 accepted as Nicon maculata Kinberg, 1865
Ninoe falklandica Monro, 1936
Onuphis (Nothria) heterodentata Fauchald, 1982 accepted as Onuphis pseudoiridescens Averincev, 1972
Onuphis (Nothria) lithobiformis Fauchald, 1982 accepted as Onuphis pseudoiridescens Averincev, 1972
Paradexiospira falklandicus Pixell, 1913 accepted as Protolaeospira (Dextralia) falklandica (Pixell, 1913)
Pista corrientis McIntosh, 1885
Pista mirabilis McIntosh, 1885
Sabella pusilla Johansson, 1922
Salmacina dysteri falklandica Monro, 1930 accepted as Salmacina falklandica Monro, 1930
Terebella bilineata Baird, 1865
Edit history Last edited on 2005-01-01 00:00:00 by db_admin
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