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WoRMS Photogallery » Chromista - Bacillariophyceae (diatoms)
Meunier (1910, pl. 35)
Meunier (1910, pl. 35)
Description 1 – 2. Pleurosigma sp. 3. Pleurosigma fasciola var. tenuirostris 4 – 7. Pleurosigma sp. 8 – 10. Pleurosigma vitreum? 11 – 12. Pleurosigma sp. 13. Pleurosigma fasciola (synoniem van Gyrosigma fasciola) 14 – 18. Pleurosigma sp. 19 – 20. Pleurosigma angulatum var. quadratum? 21 – 26. Pleurosigma sp. 27. Pleurosigma speciosum? 28 – 31. Pleurosigma sp. 32 – 35. Rhoicosigma 36 – 37. Scoliopleura latestriata 38 – 39. Navicula crabro? (synoniem van Diploneis crabro) 40 – 41. Navicula kariana 42 – 43. Navicula elliptica (synoniem van Diploneis elliptica) 44 – 46. Navicula sp.? 47 – 49. Stauropsis majuscula 50 – 54. Amphora sp. 55 – 56. Epithemia sp. 57 – 58. Amphora sp. 59 – 60. Amphora ovalis 61. Amphora complanata 62. Amphora sp. 63 – 65. Cymbella amphicephala 66 – 67. Encyonema ventricosum 68 – 70. Licmophora lyngbyei (synoniem van Licmophora abbreviata) Author A. Meunier JPG file - 5.64 MB - 2 749 x 3 765 pixels added on 2008-08-0514 088 viewsWoRMS taxa Epithemia F.T. Kützing, 1844 Navicula J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822 Pleurosigma W. Smith, 1852 Pleurosigma angulatum (Queckett) W.Smith, 1852 Amphora C.G. Ehrenberg ex F.T. Kützing, 1844 Diploneis crabro (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1854 accepted as Pinnularia crabro Ehrenberg, 1844 Scoliopleura A. Grunow, 1860 Gyrosigma fasciola (Ehrenberg) J.W.Griffith & Henfrey, 1856 accepted as Ceratoneis fasciola Ehrenberg, 1839 Pleurosigma speciosum W.Smith Amphora ovalis (Kützing) Kützing, 1844 Encyonema Kütz., 1833 Pleurosigma fasciola (Ehrenberg) W.Smith, 1852 accepted as Gyrosigma fasciola (Ehrenberg) J.W.Griffith & Henfrey, 1856 accepted as Ceratoneis fasciola Ehrenberg, 1839 Diploneis elliptica (Kützing) Cleve, 1894 Licmophora abbreviata C.Agardh, 1831 Licmophora lyngbyei (Kützing) Grunow ex Van Heurck, 1867 Cymbella amphicephala Näegeli, 1849 Navicula elliptica Kützing, 1844 accepted as Diploneis elliptica (Kützing) Cleve, 1894 Stauropsis A. Meunier, 1910 accepted as Meuniera P.C. Silva in G.R. Hasle & E.E. Syvertsen, 1996 Navicula crabro (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1849 accepted as Diploneis crabro (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1854 accepted as Pinnularia crabro Ehrenberg, 1844 Navicula kariana Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880From reference Meunier, A. (1910). Microplankton des Mers de Barents et ...
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