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Parameter Aliases Type Default Description
geoservice - text geonames The geocoding service to use to make translations between addresses and coordinates.
width - <validator-type-dimension> auto Allows setting the width of the map. By default pixels will be assumed as unit, but you can explicitly specify one of these units: px, ex, em, %.
height - <validator-type-dimension> 350 Allows setting the height of the map. By default pixels will be assumed as unit, but you can explicitly specify one of these units: px, ex, em, %.
centre center <validator-type-mapslocation> no The location on which the map should be centered
zoom - whole number 14 <maps-googlemaps3-par-zoom>
type - text roadmap The map type to initially show.
types - list of texts roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain The map types that will be available via the type control.
layers - list of texts empty Special layers to load onto the map.
controls - list of texts pan, zoom, type, scale, streetview The controls to place on the map.
zoomstyle - text default The style of the zoom control.
typestyle - text default The style of the type control.
autoinfowindows - yes/no no Automatically open all info windows after the page has loaded.
resizable - yes/no no <maps-googlemaps3-par-resizable>
kmlrezoom - yes/no no Rezoom the map after the KML layers have been loaded.
poi - yes/no yes Show points of interest.
markercluster - yes/no no <maps-googlemaps3-par-markercluster>
tilt - whole number 0 Tilt for the Map when using Google Maps.
imageoverlays - <validator-type-mapsimageoverlay-list> empty <maps-googlemaps3-par-imageoverlays>
kml - list of texts empty KML files to load onto the map.
gkml - list of texts empty KML files hosted by Google to load onto the map.
fusiontables - list of texts empty IDs of Google Fusion Tables which should be loaded onto the map.
searchmarkers - text empty <maps-googlemaps3-par-searchmarkers>
enablefullscreen - yes/no no Enable fullscreen button
staticlocations locations, points <validator-type-mapslocation-list> empty A list of locations to add to the map together with the queried data. Like with display_points, you can add a title, description and icon per location using the tilde "~" as separator.
showtitle show title yes/no yes Show a title in the marker info window or not. Disabling this is often useful when using a template to format the info window content.
hidenamespace hide namespace yes/no no Show the namespace title in the marker info window
template - text no A template to use to format the info window contents.
activeicon - text empty Icon to be displayed instead of default marker, when active page is equal to query result
pagelabel - yes/no no When set to "yes", all markers will have an "inlineLabel" with a link to the page containing the coordinates for the marker
title - text empty Allows setting text that will be displayed in the pop-ups of all markers that do not have a specific title.
When used together with label, the title will be bold and underlined.
label text text empty Allows setting text that will be displayed in the pop-ups of all markers that do not have a specific label.
icon - text empty Allows setting the icon used for all markers.
visitedicon - text empty The filename of an image to be used for marker icons after the original markers have been clicked
lines - <validator-type-mapsline-list> empty Lines to display
polygons - <validator-type-mapspolygon-list> empty Polygons to display
circles - <validator-type-mapscircle-list> empty Circles to display
rectangles - <validator-type-mapsrectangle-list> empty Rectangles to display
wmsoverlay - <validator-type-wmsoverlay> no Use a WMS overlay
maxzoom - whole number no The maximum zoom level
minzoom - whole number no The minimum zoom level
copycoords - yes/no no Show a dialog from which the coordinates of a location when clicking something
static - yes/no no Make the map static