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<span style="color:#3a75c4; Font-size: 130%"><small>Socio-cultural </small></span><br />
The socio-cultural theme outlines the interrelatedness of communities and fisheries through focusing on ''sense of place, women in fisheries and photography.''
51.501477,3.61087~[http://www.middelburg.nl Municipality of Middelburg]~~File:Gifslogo2.png;
50.860144,0.572609~[[Socio_Cultural_Hastings|Capturing local stakeholder shared values for the cultural benefits of the Hastings marine environment and activities within it such as inshore fishing]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/1/15/Hastings.png;
51.48,-0.004318~[http://www2.gre.ac.uk/ University of Greenwich]~~File:Gifslogo2.png;
51.501477,3.61087~[http://www.middelburg.nl Municipality of Middelburg]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/thumb/0/05/Gifs.png/50px-Gifs.png;
51.501804, 3.677113~[[Arnemuiden Women|Arnemuiden]]~~File:Number_1.png;
51.395425, 3.552928~[[Breskens Women]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/8/86/Femalesymbol2.png;
51.505035, 3.676056~[[File:Tonny_Kusse.png|100px]] Mrs. Tonny Kusse [[Arnemuiden_women_tk|“my father was a fisherman,..."]]~~File:Tourism.png;
51.393712, 3.572841~[[File:Nellyvermullen.jpg|100px]] Nelly Vermullen, Breskens<br />
51.500088, 3.673390~[[File:Jeanet_Jaffari.png|100px]] Mrs. Jeanet Jaffari [[Arnemuiden_women_jj|“I want to be a member of this community..."]]~~File:Tourism.png;
:''“I am the second daughter of eight children, my father has his own boat called the ‘Breskens 10’. When I was 4 years old my father took me on board of the ship. We were at night on board sleeping with my father on the boat… putting the nets on the boat, the nets were much lighter. I was alone with my father, no brothers because they were younger than me. I had an elder sister but she was not interested on it. I did the fish cleaning on board and sorting the fish. Also I sorted the crabs and cook (boil them). I steered the boat. The fishery school was really a man school, I didn’t want to go to that school because I was too shy and being the only girl to the whole school with only boys was very intimidating even if I could go with my brother. My father taught me the skills”.''
51.501938, 3.682532~[[Arnemuiden and its social context]]~~http://www.googlemapsmarkers.com/v1/666633/
:Nelly is one of the few fisherwomen we encountered on the research, her example breaks the stereotype that women can’t fish and allows us to look into the discriminative aspects of the fishing community toward women.~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/b/b7/Catching.png;
51.399910, 3.554130~[[File:Suzannebockim.jpg|100px]] Suzanne Bockim, Breskens <br />
:''“I have been working at the fish since I was 18 years old, I started fileting with a knife and when I quit fileting I’ve been selling in the market the fish… And then I become a fishwife and I am the town crier”.''
:Suzanne is an example of women’s contribution to the fishing industry promotion. She is involved at the annual local fish festival where she demonstrates the skills required to become a good fish fileter. She has worked for many years in processing companies in Breskens.~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/8/8d/Processing.png;
51.203050, 2.895264~[[Belgium Flanders Women]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/8/8a/Femalesymbol5.png;
51.504245, 3.671628~[[Arnemuiden and its fishing history]]~~http://www.googlemapsmarkers.com/v1/755426/;
51.503363, 3.673002~[[Women's Think Tank]]~~http://www.googlemapsmarkers.com/v1/755426/;
51.233706, 2.921586~Mrs. Dini Bogaert, Fishmonger at the market from Oostende<br />
:''“For me the fishing community is at the fish market in Ostend, that is where as a normal person you can see the fish come in, see the fishermen’s wives, see the fish being sold, that is the community for me”''.
:Dini is a young woman who proudly promotes the inshore fishing activity. Her father does the fishing and she sells the catch at the market, an example of women contribution to the business economy.[[File:Dinibogaert.jpg|500px]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/b/bf/Trading.png;
51.232597, 2.930409~[[File:Stephaniemaes.jpg|100px]] Stephanie Maes,  Flag Manager - Oostende<br />
:''“I am the FLAG co-ordinator. A FLAG is a Fishery Local Action Group, so Europe decided that one part of the budget of the European Fisheries Fund, they wouldn’t decide which projects get to run but that local groups would get to decide. So the FLAG groups decide which projects get approved and each group needs a Secretary, so I am the Secretary and this means I prepare the meetings, we open calls. So one way I help people working on these projects is making sure people collaborate because that is important for the group. We act as a group and facilitate cooperation. On the other hand I help the group in preparing their decision, the decision making body. At the same time when projects are approved I follow up by looking for links between projects.”''<br />
:As a FLAG (Fishery Local Action Group) Manager Stephanie is a good example of women’s contribution to political endeavours in fisheries. Her role, directly involved in community participation, is to support the creation of local initiatives for fishermen. ~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/2/22/Policy.png;
51.500777, 3.672478~[[File:50254 fish-monger---poissonnier---leurster.jpg|75px]] ''Fragment over Visleuren''<br />
:“Ik ben van Belzen, een echte Erremunaer. Hier geboren en getogen. Ik weet nog goed hoe ik hier als klein ventje stond te kijken naar de visleursters en visleurders. Via deze straat gingen ze met hun lege manden naar de vismijn op het stationsplein. Daar kochten ze vis en garnalen. Meestal ging ik even kijken bij de vismijn, want daar was altijd wat te beleven. De vissersvrouwen kochten vaak samen een partij en deelden die in porties. Ze hadden een goede manier om de vis eerlijk te verdelen. Een vrouw wees een portie vis aan en een andere vrouw die omgedraaid stond, noemde willekeurig een naam voor wie de vis was. Dit ging zo door tot alle vis was verdeeld. De garnalen moesten nog worden gepeld. Dat was veel werk waar het hele gezin een avond zoet mee was en de volwassenen soms wel tot diep in de nacht. Enkele visleurders en -leursters liepen met hun volle manden naar Middelburg, Veere of Vlissingen.  [[Fragment_over_Visleuren|read more.]]
51.48,-0.004318~[http://www2.gre.ac.uk/ University of Greenwich]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/thumb/0/05/Gifs.png/50px-Gifs.png;
51.501804, 3.677113~[[Arnemuiden Women|Arnemuiden]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/1/11/Femalesymbol1.png;
51.500764, 3.668483~[[File:Capture.PNG|75px]] ''Fragment over de molen die in 1977 afbrandde''<br />
:“Ik ben mevrouw de Nooijer.  Zeg maar Grie. Ik sta hier naar de molen te kijken en dacht ineens terug aan 1977.  Ik weet het nog als de dag van gisteren. Het was een sombere zomer met  weinig zon.  Het was nacht dus het moet al 24 juni zijn geweest. Ik hoorde een hoop herrie buiten en ik liep naar mijn slaapkamerraam, om te kijken wat er aan de hand was. Ik deed het raam open en mijn ogen begonnen meteen te tranen. Wat een stank!  “De molen staat in brand,” hoorde ik mensen op straat roepen. Ik deed snel wat kleding aan en rende naar buiten. Er stond veel volk te kijken en de brandweerlieden deden wat ze konden, maar er was geen redden meer aan. De korenmolen Nooit Gedacht uit 1737 brandde volledig af. De volgende morgen ging het in het hele dorp nergens anders over. “Hoe was de brand ontstaan?”  was een veel gehoorde vraag en de vrouwen zeiden: “Tis toch zonde, eej.”  “We kunnen toch zeker nie zonder meulen?” [[Fragment_over_de_molen_die_in_1977_afbrandde|read more.]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/7/72/Audio.png;
51.500249, 3.673890~[[File:Hoogaars GIFS.jpg|100px]] ''Langstraat''<br />
:"Ja ik ben een van de Ketterij. Dat heb je goed gezien. Iedereen die zo heet stamt af van Cornelis Jacobse die zijn naam veranderde in Van de Ketterij, een verwijzing naar de keterijen oftewel de zoutketenen. Maar daar was ik niet over aan het nadenken. Ik keek deze straat af en toen bedacht ik ineens: Wat is er in deze straat toch veel gebeurd. Alleen al op het stadhuis. Er is zoveel besproken en besloten voor het wel en wee van de burgers van Arnemuiden. De archieven zitten er vol van. In al die koopmanshuizen en herbergen die hier eens stonden  - en waarvan nog slechts een kelder rest - daar moet toch ook heel wat beklonken zijn.  De kleine arbeidershuisjes zijn later neergezet. Wat een zorgen en vreugden zijn er in deze straat beleefd. Als ik bedenk wie hier allemaal doorheen hebben gelopen: In de 16de eeuw kooplieden en zeemannen uit allerlei Europese landen, die in de herbergen aten en sliepen,  later vissersvrouwen in klederdracht met zware manden met vis en kleine kinderen aan hun rokken. Er waren vrolijke optochten met Sinterklaas en Koninginnedag. En hier liepen de vele bruidsparen die gingen trouwen in het Stadhuis. Hier zijn tijdens het inkopen doen heel wat dorpsroddels uitgewisseld. En dat gebeurt nog dagelijks. [[Langstraat|read more.]]
51.500593, 3.673558~[[File:74328 astronomical-clock-at-church-in-arnemuiden.jpg|100px]] ''Fragment over de klokken van Arnemuiden''<br />
:“ Aangenaam: Ik ben Schroevers en ik kom uit Arnemuiden. Het eerste wat ik hoor als ik me voorstel aan mensen elders in het land is : Arnemuiden? Van dat liedje?  ‘Als de klok van Arnemuiden het welkom thuis voor ons zal luiden’ Soms vragen mensen ook nog waar die klokken dan wel hangen. Nou hier dus in de kerktoren. Je kunt ze alleen niet zien. Elk uur hoor je hoe laat het is. Elk half uur hoor je 1 slag. Daarnaast luiden de klokken ook  bij een  begrafenis, huwelijk en op zondag een uur voor de kerkdiensten en 10 minuten voordat de dienst begint. Het zijn er twee en ze zijn al behoorlijk oud, uit de 16de eeuw. Ze zijn gegoten in Mechelen. Moet je nagaan wat die klokken ons konden vertellen over de geschiedenis van Arnemuiden als ze konden praten! Eerst hingen ze in de toren van de grote kruiskerk die hier ooit stond, daarna zijn ze verplaatst naar de nieuwe kerktoren. [[Markt:_Fragment_over_de_klokken_van_Arnemuiden|read more.]]
51.500279, 3.681732~[[File:Arnemuiden.png|150px]] ''Reisbeschrijving/ dagboekfragment''<br />
:“Marijs is de naam en ik sta hier zomaar een beetje te mijmeren en te dromen.  Het is toch raar dat ik nou eigenlijk sta te kijken naar wat eens een grote haven was.  Oude havenstraat heet het hier. En in de 16de eeuw was het hier een drukte van belang. Ik heb eens gelezen over een Italiaanse koopman uit Antwerpen. Hij schreef in 1567 een boek over de Lage Landen en beschreef daarin ook Arnemuiden. Hij schreef “ Arnemuiden wordt in het Frans Ramue genoemd en is de laatste stad van de Walcheren. Ze is klein en heeft geen muren. Maar haar haven is zeer bekend in heel Europa omdat er dagelijks ontelbaar veel schepen van alle natiën aankomen en wegvaren naar alle windstreken. Vaak ziet men er hele vloten uit Spanje, Portugal, Frankrijk en Engeland van dertig, veertig, vijftig of soms wel meer schepen. In deze haven zie je regelmatig vier- of vijfhonderd grote schepen die over de hele wereld varen. Ook worden hier veel nieuwe schepen gemaakt. Arnemuiden is wonderlijk goed gelegen.” Arnemuiden was toen nog maar een dorp moet je weten. [[Oude_havenstraat:_Reisbeschrijving/_dagboekfragment|read more.]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/7/72/Audio.png;
51.505035, 3.676056~[[File:Tonny_Kusse.png|100px]] Mrs. Tonny Kusse, Heritage promoter, Arnemuiden<br />
:''“My father was a fisherman, my grandfather was a fisherman, my brother is a fisherman and my husband is a fisherman. When I was young I worked in a mussels factory, now I work as a volunteer in the fishing museum, we go to events and we promote Arnemuiden. We like to spend our time this way. It started small but then we were asked to help more. We go into schools and teach children how to repair nets and how to peel shrimp”.''
:The picture shows Tonny and her husband. Her active role in the promotion of traditional life in Arnemuiden makes her a great example of women participation in cultural activities. This activity contributes to the definition of Arnemuiden as a fishing community, it provides a sense of belonging and helps to maintain the new generation close to their roots. ~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/b/b9/Tourism.png;
51.500088, 3.673390~[[File:Jeanet_Jaffari.png|100px]] Mrs. Jeanet Jaffari, Member of the Women’s Think-Tank in Arnemuiden<br />
:''“I want to be a member of this community and I still love to live here and I want to see that people from outside see that it is a nice place to live, of course you have more economic activities here, but also let people from this village know that they are living in a special place, because they are totally unaware. They know about maybe their grandfather’s history and that is it. When I was a girl, I was 12 years old and I went  to school in  Middelburg, I was a little ashamed to say I was from Arnemuiden, they wanted to know if I spoke Dutch in dialect which was unfashionable then although now it is fashionable. People looked down on you then, we are fishermen, we had a bad name ‘fish- heads’. Now the winds are changing. Now it is a nice place to live with a nice history, a nice environment and a good community”.'' [[Arnemuiden_women_jj|read more.]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/b/b9/Tourism.png;
51.501938, 3.682532~[[Arnemuiden and its social context]]~~http://www.googlemapsmarkers.com/v1/755426/;
47.800436, -4.279167~[[Concarneau-Le_Guilvinec_Women|Concarneau-Le Guilvinec]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/d/df/Femalesymbol3.png;
47.882931, -3.920051~[[Concarneau-Le_Guilvinec_Women|Concarneau-Le Guilvinec]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/d/df/Femalesymbol3.png;
47.870098, -3.910781~[[File:Charlotte_Delzenne.jpg|100px]] Charlotte Delzenne, Merchant Navy captain and trainer at The European Maritime Training Centre<br />
:''“I teach fishermen to navigate properly. I either teach them when they are very young and with a basic level, as it was the case 2 years ago. I teach them about navigation, safety, stability and all that. I might also train at higher levels when they consider getting diplomas and improve professionally”.''
:Charlotte represents the educational contribution of women to the industry. After acquiring experience on board she has now the responsibility to instil in young fishermen the requirements for fishing as a profession.~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/6/6b/Education.png;
48.096366, -4.331463~[[Douarnenez_Women|Douarnenez]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/0/07/Femalesymbol4.png;
48.100780, -4.344766~[[File:Françoise Pencalet.jpg|100px]] Françoise Pencalet, Maritime Historian<br />
:''“My grandfather was a sardine fisherman, and my father was a spine lobster fisherman in Mauritania..I spent a fortnight with the crew on board...I saw my father’s activity from another angle, and for my history training, I decided to draft my thesis based on this and published a book…my sister has made a movie on spiny lobster with my father’s recordings in the seventies…Through our work we have tried to enhance our father’s work, depending on our skills. Mine was in the field of history, and my sister, in the field of cinema”.''
:This historian specialised in fishing history and wrote a book on the development and decline of the lobster industry. She is the daughter of a retired fisherman and her position has allowed her to contribute toward the historical heritage of fishing in the region.~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/b/b9/Tourism.png;
48.091378, -4.325025~[[File:Veronique Le Berre.jpg|100px]] Veronique Le Berre,  Associate Partner<br />
:''“My name is Véronique Lebert and I am a fisherman´s wife. I am his partner and co-worker. We have this statute of husband & wife business partnership [French status called “conjoint collaborateur”]. My husband is the fisherman and I sell the fish at the market of Treboul, every day, depending on fishing days.”''
:Véronique is an associate partner of her husband. In France direct sales are permitted to small boat owners and wives can form a partnership with their husband allowing them to have a pension and to consider selling the fish as a professional career. This is an example of how political recognition of women’s activities in fisheries can facilitate and improve the fisherman and his family’s economic condition.~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/b/bf/Trading.png;
50.107852, -5.550372~[[Newlyn_Women|Newlyn]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/4/4a/Femalesymbol6.png;
50.111518, -5.545520~[[File:Elizabeth Stevenson.jpg|100px]] Elizabeth Stevenson, Company Director<br />
:"“In 1971 I started working in the family business, 9th August 1971, so 42 years I have been in the business. In 1988 I became partners of W Stevenson & Sons, a few years ago I became a shareholder of W Stevenson & Sons Ltd. I have been a member of the Board of the Cornish Fish Producers Association for a long time and as a result of that I was an Executive Member of the of National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations and was asked to put myself forward to be Chairman of that, so I was Chairman of the NFFO in 2000, there was an election and I became the first woman chairman, I did two years as Chairman of that then two years as President of that. I have been a Board Member of the Seafish Industry Authority. Seafish is a government quango, I was a government appointee on that. I have been a member of the training association, Seafood Cornwall, I have represented at one time England, Wales and Northern Ireland in Brussels at fuel discussions with other EU nations a couple of times, I have met lots of fishermen, representatives, ministers, prime ministers, royal family all those sorts of things, I am very proud of that. I laid a wreath at the Cenotaph on remembrance Sunday with the members of the Navy, at the televised event on behalf of the fishing industry. I was standing in a row with the Lord West and few of the others and Commonwealth Representatives and the Queen on the right, that was one of the things I am most proud of.”"
:Elizabeth is a remarkable woman whose work experience allows her to represent the fishing industry in political, economic and socio-cultural arenas.~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/5/52/Administration.png;
52.945539, 0.876925~[[Wells-next-the Sea_Women|Wells-next-the Sea]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/1/10/Femalesymbol7.png;
52.951124, 0.832980~[[File:Mary Linley.jpg|100px]] Mary Linley, Crab Dresser, Wells-Next the sea.<br />
:"“In the 1960s, after school we used to go home and dress crabs, a crab still’s a crab after all these years. My brothers go to sea and get the crabs and we dress them and then they are taken to the store for sale”."
:Mary is one of the few ladies from the older generation in Wells who have dressed crabs throughout her life. Working in her family business with her two brothers and sisters in law, this skilful lady is an example of economic contribution to the local economy.~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/8/8d/Processing.png;
52.931571, 1.302134~[[Cromer_Women|Cromer]]~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/9/9f/Femalesymbol8.png;
52.932503, 1.295396~[[File:Hilary Cox.jpg|100px]] Hilary Cox, IFCA Representative<br />
:"“I am Hilary Cox, a Councillor for Norfolk County. My ward is Cromer on the coast and five villages just inside inland, I am chairman of the Eastern IFCA which is an outside organisation through the county council. It was the Eastern Sea Fisheries but became the IFCA a couple of years ago with wider stakeholders, a more informed authority with greater powers. In the fishing industry for myself I am married to a fisherman of 55 years, crabs and lobsters, a local Cromer fisherman… As an IFCA we have to provide consideration to conversation, social and economic issues that sustain a viable fishery”."
:As a woman Hillary Cox represents the knowledge of social issues in fisheries and in this position she is able to assume a political stance.~~http://www.coastalwiki.org/w/images/2/22/Policy.png
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!colspan="6"|[[Women and social cohesion in coastal communities|'''Women and social cohesion in coastal communities (1-8)''']]
<div class="NavHead"><span style="color:#3a75c4; Font-size: 130%"><small>Sense of place</small></span></div>
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The content is currently in development.
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<div class="NavHead"><span style="color:#3a75c4; Font-size: 130%"><small>Women in fisheries</small></div>
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!colspan="8"|[[Women and social cohesion in coastal communities|Women and social cohesion in coastal communities (1-8)]]
| '''Catching''' ||  
| '''Catching''' ||  
|| {{#info:This refers to the activity of fish or aquatic animal capture. The use of the term in this research does not involve farm fish. Only 2% of the female participants have fished on board of a boat. In all the cases this activity was encouraged and taught by their fathers.}}  
|| {{#info:This refers to the activity of capturing fish or aquatic animals. The use of the term in this research does not include farmed fish. Only 2% of the female participants in the research have fished on board a boat. In all cases this activity was encouraged and taught by their fathers. <small>''Please see [http://www.gifsproject.eu/images/pdf/GIFS_Toolkit.pdf The 21st Century Catch Toolkit], pp.83-87 for details''</small>.}}  
| '''Trading''' ||  
| '''Trading''' ||  
|| {{#info:15% of the total interviewed women work in the commercialisation of fish contributing to the fishing industry through their participation in the fish trading activity, which involves: buying at the auction, transporting and distribution of fish, selling fish over the phone as well as at fishmongers - oftentimes their own.}}     
|| {{#info:15% of the total women interviewed contributed to the fishing industry through their participation in fish trading which involves: buying at auction, transportation and distribution of fish, selling fish over the phone as well as at fishmongers - often their own. <small>''Please see [http://www.gifsproject.eu/images/pdf/GIFS_Toolkit.pdf The 21st Century Catch Toolkit], pp.83-87 for details''</small>.}}     
| '''Processing''' ||  
| '''Processing''' ||  
|| {{#info:Fish processing involves gutting, boning, filleting, cooking and packing fish. 15% of women who were interviewed worked in processing plants.}}
|| {{#info:Fish processing involves gutting, boning, filleting, cooking and packing fish. 15% of women who were interviewed worked in processing plants. <small>''Please see [http://www.gifsproject.eu/images/pdf/GIFS_Toolkit.pdf The 21st Century Catch Toolkit], pp.83-87 for details''</small>.}}
| '''Tourism/Heritage''' ||
| '''Tourism/Heritage''' ||
|| {{#info:The preservation of the fishing legacy in the towns is one of the greatest contributions of women to this sector. The 13% of the interviewed women who worked in that activity appeared to do so proudly in many cases voluntarily for the preservation of the fishing heritage amongst young people and tourists, thereby contributed to the cultural heritage of their towns and society.}}
|| {{#info:The preservation of the fishing legacy in the towns is one of the greatest contributions of women to this sector. Many of the 13% of women interviewed, who worked in this activity, demonstrated pride in their role, and in many cases worked voluntarily for the preservation of the fishing heritage amongst young people and tourists, thereby contributing to the cultural heritage of their towns and society. <small>''Please see [http://www.gifsproject.eu/images/pdf/GIFS_Toolkit.pdf The 21st Century Catch Toolkit], pp.83-87 for details''</small>.}}
| '''Education''' ||
| '''Education''' ||
|| {{#info:Women are actively involved in the education of fishermen and communities. 15% of the women interviewed are related to transference of knowledge, skill or tradition of fishing.}}
|| {{#info:Women are actively involved in the education of fishermen and communities. 15% of the women interviewed worked in relation to transference of knowledge, skills or the traditions of fishing. <small>''Please see [http://www.gifsproject.eu/images/pdf/GIFS_Toolkit.pdf The 21st Century Catch Toolkit], pp.83-87 for details''</small>.}}
| '''Policy''' ||
| '''Policy''' ||
|| {{#info:The support to the fishing industry received from women working in policy manifests in the highest percentage of the research on women in GIFS. 18% of the total women interviewed are involved in regulatory activities related to fishing.}}  
|| {{#info:Women participate dynamically in regulatory activities relating to the fishing industry. 18% of women surveyed were supporting the industry through participation in policymaking processes. <small>''Please see [http://www.gifsproject.eu/images/pdf/GIFS_Toolkit.pdf The 21st Century Catch Toolkit], pp.83-87 for details''</small>.}}  
| '''Administration/Management''' ||
| '''Administration/Management''' ||
|| {{#info:Women working in the coordination of effort for businesses success and supportive institutions of the fishing industry. 13% of the women interviewed worked in the supervision or control of an activity in support of the fishermen interests.}}  
|| {{#info:Women working in the coordination of efforts for businesses success and supportive institutions of the fishing industry. 13% of the women interviewed worked in the supervision or control of an activity in support of the fishermen’s interests <small>''Please see [http://www.gifsproject.eu/images/pdf/GIFS_Toolkit.pdf The 21st Century Catch Toolkit], pp.83-87 for details''</small>..}}
| '''Household''' ||
|| {{#info:The carer role represents the traditional division of labour between men and women; it means that women are responsible for the children and home while the men are out at sea. 17% of the women interviewed contributed to the industry through their work in the household. <small>''Please see [http://www.gifsproject.eu/images/pdf/GIFS_Toolkit.pdf The 21st Century Catch Toolkit], pp.83-87 for details''</small>.}}
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<div class="NavHead"><span style="color:#3a75c4; Font-size: 130%"><small>Photography</small></div>
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<div class="NavHead"><span style="color:#3a75c4; Font-size: 130%"><small>GIFS Case studies</small></div>
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| '''Arnemuiden''' ||
| '''Audiotour''' ||
|| {{#info:On several places in the village of Arnemuiden audiopoints were placed providing more information about the village's past}}
| '''Household''' ||
|<span style="color:#3a75c4; Font-size: 130%"><small>Hastings</small>||
|| {{#info:The carer work represents the traditional division of labor between man and women, it means that women are responsible for the children and home while the men are out at sea. 17% of the interviewed women contribute to the industry through her work in the household.}}

Latest revision as of 10:26, 18 December 2014

Overview Background information Economics Education Fishing Past&Present Governance Socio - Cultural Tourism

The socio-cultural theme outlines the interrelatedness of communities and fisheries through focusing on sense of place, women in fisheries and photography.

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