Hydrozoa source details

Bouillon, J.; Gravili, C.; Pagès, F.; Gili, J.-M.; Boero, F. (2006). An introduction to Hydrozoa. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 194. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle: Paris, France. ISBN 2-85653-580-1. 591 + 1 cd-rom pp.
Bouillon, J.; Gravili, C.; Pagès, F.; Gili, J.-M.; Boero, F.
An introduction to Hydrozoa. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 194.
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle: Paris, France. ISBN 2-85653-580-1. 591 + 1 cd-rom pp.
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Acaulidae Fraser, 1924 (basis of record)
Agalma okeni Eschscholtz, 1825 accepted as Agalma okenii Eschscholtz, 1825 (basis of record)
Allorathkea macrogastrica (Xu & Huang, 1990) (new combination reference)
Balellidae Stechow, 1922 (basis of record)
Bonneviellidae Broch, 1909 (basis of record)
Boreohydridae Westblad, 1947 (basis of record)
Bythotiaridae Maas, 1905 (additional source)
Clathrozoellidae Peña Cantero, Vervoort & Watson, 2003 (additional source)
Clausophyidae Bigelow, 1913 (additional source)
Eucodoniidae Schuchert, 1996 (additional source)
Eudendriidae L. Agassiz, 1862 (additional source)
Guillea Bouillon et al., 2000 (redescription)
Halimedusidae Arai & Brinckmann-Voss, 1980 (basis of record)
Hydractinia minuta (Mayer, 1900) accepted as Lizzia blondina Forbes, 1848 (basis of record)
Hydridae Dana, 1846 (additional source)
Hydroidolina (additional source)
Krampella Russell, 1957 (taxonomy source)
Mitrocomium Haeckel, 1879 accepted as Lovenella Hincks, 1868 (additional source)
Mitrocomium cirratum Haeckel, 1879 accepted as Lovenella cirrata (Haeckel, 1879) (new combination reference)
Orchistomatidae Bouillon, 1984 (additional source)
Paracorynidae Picard, 1957 (basis of record)
Protohydridae Allman, 1888 (basis of record)
Pseudorathkea Xu & Huang, 1990 accepted as Allorathkea Schmidt, 1972 (source of synonymy)
Pseudosolanderiidae Bouillon & Gravier-Bonnet, 2006 (original description)
Pseudosolanderiidae Bouillon & Gravier-Bonnet, 2006 (basis of record)
Rhizorhagium michaeli (Berrill, 1948) accepted as Pachycordyle michaeli (Berrill, 1948) (basis of record)
Russelliidae Kramp, 1957 accepted as Heterotentaculidae Schuchert, 2010 (additional source)
Siphonophora accepted as Siphonophorae (additional source)
Siphonophorae (additional source)
Staurophora mertensii Brandt, 1835 accepted as Staurostoma mertensii (Brandt, 1835) (additional source)
Stylasteridae Gray, 1847 (additional source)
Teclaiidae Bouillon et al., 2000 (additional source)
Toxorchis Haeckel, 1879 accepted as Staurodiscus Haeckel, 1879 (source of synonymy)
Tricyclusidae Kramp, 1949 (additional source)
Zhangiella Bouillon, Gravili, Pages, Gili & Boero, 2006 (original description)


Colony forming upright pinnate shoots, mono- or polysiphonic, branched or unbranched, arising from creeping ... [details]


Medusa with cylindrical manubrium , with 4 simple lips; 4 radial canals, 4 groups of perradial tentacles and 4 ... [details]


Hydroid colony stolonal or erect, branching; hydrothecae bell- or cup-shaped, radially symmetrical, sometimes ... [details]


Medusa: marginal bulbs with large adaxial nematocyst pads; four similar perradial tentacles with abaxial stalked ... [details]


Freshwater Olindiidae medusae with closed ecto-endodermal statocysts in the velum which form centripetal tubes; ... [details]


Cuninidae with nine ore more tentacles and peronial strands; manubrial pouches equal in number to tentacles, but ... [details]


Siphonophores with a relatively large pneumatophore and without nectosome; pneumatophore with apical pore; siphosome ... [details]


Olindiidae medusa with 4 radial canals and several blind centripetal canals, nematocyst knobs on oral lips; ... [details]


Medusa with a distinct gastric peduncle; lateral cirri (difficult to observe and often destroyed after fixation); ... [details]


Eirenidae medusae with broad gastric peduncle; mouth with complexly folded, large lips; 8 adradial statocysts; ... [details]


Eirenidae medusa with 8 statocysts; without cirri; without marginal warts; gonads restricted to subumbrella, not ... [details]


Olindiidae medusae with slight peduncle or peduncle absent; 4 simple radial canals; no centripetal canals; folded ... [details]


Colony usually erect, monosiphonic or polysiphonic, branched or unbranched, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza, ... [details]


Medusa with four straight radial canals; four perradial marginal tentacles; marginal cirri; mouth simple, ... [details]


Eirenidae medusa with lateral cirri at the base of some or of all marginal tentacle bulbs; with excretory ... [details]


Hydroid colony stolonal, hydrotheca short, collar-shaped, on short pedicel; hydranth elongated, large, with ... [details]


Colony either with erect, branched or unbranched hydrocaulus, monosiphonic or polysiphonic or stolonal (Ophinella); ... [details]


Protiaridae medusae with gonad entirely surrounding manubrium; with gastric mesenteries; four radial canals; four ... [details]


Medusa with small manubrium; no gastric peduncle; four to eight, sometimes up to 12 radial canals; gonads completely ... [details]


Colonies mostly stolonal, with perisarc terminating at hydranth base; hydranth thick, clavate; tentacles filiform, in ... [details]


Hydroid colony forming massive, calcareous exoskeleton (= coenosteum) of varied shape; coenosteum with an internal ... [details]


Medusae 8 marginal bulbs; 24 moniliform tentacles, 2 per each marginal bulb and 8 adradial tentacles without ... [details]


Malagazziidae medusae with eight radial canals; eight gonads on radial canals; mouth with 8 lips. Polyp stage with ... [details]


Australomedusidae medusae with cruciform manubrium, 4 simple lips, no oral tentacles; 8 radial canals; 8 groups of ... [details]


Eirenidae medusae with short gastric peduncle; with marginal cirri; without excretory pores; gonads restricted to ... [details]


Colonies erect, monosiphonic or polysiphonic, arising from creeping, rootlike, or disc-shaped hydrorhiza; hydrocauli ... [details]


Rathkeidae medusae with eight simple radial canals; mouth arms divided once or dichotomously several times and ... [details]


Rhopalonematidae without gastric peduncle; gonads globular, on very distal parts of the 8 radial canals; only 8 ... [details]


Medusa with 4 or more main primary radial canals, some or all branching one or more times, primary canal and ... [details]


Hydroid colony stolonal; hydrotheca cylindrical, tapering distally, on a short pedicel; operculum pyramidal, formed ... [details]


Hydroid colony erect, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza, shoots unbranched or with stem and pinnately arranged ... [details]


Hydroid colony erect, branched or unbranched, mono- or polysiphonic; hydrocaulus bearing hydrocladia usually in ... [details]


Hydroid phase is not known. Medusa with four simple radial canals, tentacles hollow, manubrium with four simple ... [details]


Colony forming upright shoots or stolonal, arising from a creeping hydrorhiza, commonly monopodial, with terminal ... [details]


Campanulariidae forming stolonal or branched colonies; hydrotheca very deep and large, tulip-shaped, with flared ... [details]


Australomedusidae medusae with cruciform manubrium with 4 simple lips; 4 radial canals; 4 groups of marginal ... [details]


could belong to Protiaropsis according to Bouillon et al. (2006) [details]


could be a juvenile Protiaropsis anonyma according to Bouillon et al. (2006) [details]


Presumably congeneric with Halitiara [details]


Probably a synonym of Limnocnida indica [details]


probably a synonym of L. tanganyicae [details]

 Type locality

La Parguerra, Puerto Rico, depth 1-3 m.  [details]