WoRMS Taxon list
Search for 'Ampithoe' returned 214 matching records, showing records 1-100.
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- Ampithoe Leach, 1814
- Ampithoe (Pleonexes) Spence Bate, 1857 accepted as Pleonexes Spence Bate, 1857
- Ampithoe (Pleonexes) neglectus Lincoln, 1976 accepted as Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 accepted as Pleonexes helleri (Karaman, 1975)
- Ampithoe (Pleonexes) poipu J.L. Barnard, 1970 accepted as Pleonexes poipu (J. L. Barnard, 1970)
- Ampithoe (Pleonexes) pomboi Mateus & Alfonso, 1974 accepted as Ampithoe pomboi (Mateus & Alfonso, 1974)
- Ampithoe africana K.H. Barnard, 1926
- Ampithoe akuolaka J.L. Barnard, 1970
- Ampithoe albomaculata Krøyer, 1846 accepted as Ampithoe rubricata (Montagu, 1808)
- Ampithoe alluaudi Chevreux, 1901
- Ampithoe annenkovae Gurjanova, 1938 accepted as Sunamphitoe annenkovae (Gurjanova, 1938)
- Ampithoe annulata O. Costa & A. Costa, 1840 (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
- Ampithoe aorangi J.L. Barnard, 1972 accepted as Sunamphitoe aorangi (J.L. Barnard, 1972)
- Ampithoe aptos (J.L. Barnard, 1969)
- Ampithoe aquilina A. Costa, 1857 accepted as Hyale aquilina (Costa, 1857) accepted as Allorchestes aquilina (Costa, 1857) accepted as Parhyale aquilina (Costa, 1857)
- Ampithoe armorica H. Milne Edwards, 1830 accepted as Neobule armorica (H. Milne Edwards, 1830)
- Ampithoe atauro Hughes, 2015
- Ampithoe auriculata Rabindranath, 1972 accepted as Pleonexes auriculata (Rabindranath, 1972)
- Ampithoe australiensis Spence Bate, 1863
- Ampithoe aztecus Saussure, 1858 accepted as Hyalella azteca (Saussure, 1858)
- Ampithoe babirussa Costa, 1853 accepted as Hyale babirussa (Costa, 1853)
- Ampithoe bicuspis Heller, 1867 accepted as Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 accepted as Pleonexes helleri (Karaman, 1975)
- Ampithoe bicuspis Krøyer, 1838 accepted as Parapleustes bicuspis (Krøyer, 1838)
- Ampithoe bizseli Özaydinli & Coleman, 2012
- Ampithoe boecki Della Valle, 1893
- Ampithoe boiana Peart, 2007
- Ampithoe brasiliensis Dana, 1853 accepted as Cymadusa brasiliensis (Dana, 1853)
- Ampithoe brevipalma Kim & Kim, 1988
- Ampithoe brevipes Dana, 1852 accepted as Peramphithoe brevipes (Dana, 1852) accepted as Peramphithoe femorata (Krøyer, 1845) accepted as Sunamphitoe femorata (Krøyer, 1845)
- Ampithoe brevitarsis Grube, 1861 accepted as Dexamine brevitarsis (Grube, 1861) accepted as Tritaeta gibbosa (Spence Bate & Westwood, 1862)
- Ampithoe buczinskii Kalichevsky, 1906 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
- Ampithoe caddi Poore & Lowry, 1997
- Ampithoe cavimana Sivaprakasam, 1970 accepted as Cymadusa cavimana (Sivaprakasam, 1970)
- Ampithoe changbaensis Shin & Coleman, 2021
- Ampithoe chilensis Nicolet, 1849 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
- Ampithoe cinerea Haswell, 1879
- Ampithoe compressa Liljeborg, 1853 accepted as Nototropis swammerdamei (H. Milne Edwards, 1830)
- Ampithoe compta S.I. Smith, in Verrill & Smith, 1874 accepted as Cymadusa compta (S.I. Smith in Verrill & Smith, 1874)
- Ampithoe cookana Peart, 2007
- Ampithoe corallina Stout, 1912 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
- Ampithoe costata H. Milne Edwards, 1830 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
- Ampithoe crassicornis A. Costa, 1853 accepted as Cymadusa crassicornis (A. Costa, 1853)
- Ampithoe crenulata Krøyer, 1838 accepted as Pontogeneia inermis (Krøyer, 1838)
- Ampithoe cuniculus Stebbing, 1874 accepted as Amphitholina cuniculus (Stebbing, 1874)
- Ampithoe dalli Shoemaker, 1938
- Ampithoe dentata Say, 1818 accepted as Crangonyx serratus (Embody, 1911)
- Ampithoe dentimana Mateus & Mateus, 1986
- Ampithoe desmarestii Spence Bate, 1863 accepted as Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826
- Ampithoe divisura Shoemaker, 1938 accepted as Pleonexes divisura (Shoemaker, 1933)
- Ampithoe djakonovi Gurjanova, 1938
- Ampithoe elongata A. Costa, 1853 accepted as Cymadusa elongata (A. Costa, 1853) accepted as Cymadusa crassicornis (A. Costa, 1853)
- Ampithoe eoa Brüggen, 1907 accepted as Sunamphitoe eoa (Brüggen, 1907)
- Ampithoe eremitis Peart, 2007
- Ampithoe erythraea Kossmann, 1880 accepted as Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826
- Ampithoe falklandi Spence Bate, 1863 accepted as Sunamphitoe femorata (Krøyer, 1845)
- Ampithoe falsa K.H. Barnard, 1932 accepted as Sunamphitoe falsa (K.H. Barnard, 1932)
- Ampithoe fastidiosa Mateus & Mateus, 1991
- Ampithoe femorata Krøyer, 1845 accepted as Peramphithoe femorata (Krøyer, 1845) accepted as Sunamphitoe femorata (Krøyer, 1845)
- Ampithoe ferox (Chevreux, 1902)
- Ampithoe filicornis Dana, 1853 accepted as Cymadusa filicornis (Dana, 1853)
- Ampithoe filigera Stimpson, 1856 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
- Ampithoe filosa (Savigny, 1816) accepted as Cymadusa filosa Savigny, 1816
- Ampithoe fissicauda Dana, 1852 accepted as Iphimedia fissicauda (Dana, 1852) accepted as Paramoera fissicauda (Dana, 1852)
- Ampithoe flindersi Stebbing, 1888 accepted as Cymadusa flindersi (Stebbing, 1888)
- Ampithoe fresnellii Audouin, 1826 accepted as Dulichiella fresnelii (Audouin, 1826)
- Ampithoe fucorum Dana, 1852 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
- Ampithoe fulvocincta M. Sars, 1858 accepted as Halirages fulvocincta (M. Sars, 1858) accepted as Halirages fulvocinctus (M. Sars, 1858)
- Ampithoe gammaroides (Spence Bate, 1857) accepted as Pleonexes gammaroides Spence Bate, 1857
- Ampithoe gammaroides Spence Bate, 1857 sensu G.O. Sars, 1894 accepted as Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 accepted as Pleonexes helleri (Karaman, 1975)
- Ampithoe gayi Nicolet, 1849 accepted as Melita gayi (Nicolet, 1849)
- Ampithoe gazella Costa, 1853 accepted as Hyale gazella (Costa, 1853)
- Ampithoe geographe Peart, 2007
- Ampithoe grandimana Boeck, 1861 accepted as Sunamphitoe grandimana (Boeck, 1861) accepted as Sunamphitoe pelagica (H. Milne Edwards, 1830)
- Ampithoe grandimanus Haswell, 1879 accepted as Ampithoe cinerea Haswell, 1879
- Ampithoe grubiformis Reid, 1951
- Ampithoe guaspare J.L. Barnard, 1979
- Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 accepted as Pleonexes helleri (Karaman, 1975)
- Ampithoe hiana Peart, 2007 accepted as Ampithoe waialua J.L. Barnard, 1970
- Ampithoe hinatore J.L. Barnard, 1972
- Ampithoe hirsutimanus Ortiz & Lemaitre, 1997
- Ampithoe hirsutus (Ledoyer, 1978) accepted as Plumithoe hirsutus (Ledoyer, 1978)
- Ampithoe hughesae Myers, 2014
- Ampithoe humeralis Stimpson, 1864 accepted as Peramphithoe humeralis (Stimpson, 1864) accepted as Sunamphitoe humeralis (Stimpson, 1864)
- Ampithoe hyalos Peart, 2007
- Ampithoe inaequipes A. Costa in Hope, 1851 accepted as Maera inaequipes (A. Costa in Hope, 1851) accepted as Quadrimaera inaequipes (A. Costa in Hope, 1851)
- Ampithoe inda H. Milne Edwards, 1830 accepted as Cymadusa inda (H. Milne Edwards, 1830) accepted as Cymadusa indica (H. Milne Edwards, 1840)
- Ampithoe inda H. Milne Edwards, 1830 sensu Nayar, 1959 accepted as Ampithoe alluaudi Chevreux, 1901
- Ampithoe indentata Stout, 1913 accepted as Ampithoe pollex Kunkel, 1910
- Ampithoe indica H. Milne Edwards, 1840 accepted as Cymadusa indica (H. Milne Edwards, 1840)
- Ampithoe inermis Krøyer, 1838 accepted as Pontogeneia inermis (Krøyer, 1838)
- Ampithoe intermedia Walker, 1904 accepted as Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826
- Ampithoe japonica Stebbing, 1888 accepted as Ampithoe lacertosa Spence Bate, 1858
- Ampithoe jurinei H. Milne Edwards, 1830 accepted as Gossea microdentopa Spence Bate, 1863 accepted as Gossea microdeutopa Spence Bate & Westwood, 1862 accepted as Apherusa jurinei (H. Milne Edwards, 1830)
- Ampithoe kaneohe J.L. Barnard, 1970 accepted as Pleonexes kaneohe (J.L. Barnard, 1970)
- Ampithoe kaneohe kaneohe J.L. Barnard, 1970 accepted as Pleonexes kaneohe kaneohe (J.L. Barnard, 1970) represented as Pleonexes kaneohe (J.L. Barnard, 1970)
- Ampithoe kaneohe navosa (Myers, 1985) accepted as Pleonexes kaneohe navosa Myers, 1985 accepted as Pleonexes navosa Myers, 1985
- Ampithoe katae Peart, 2007
- Ampithoe kava Myers, 1985 accepted as Pleonexes kava (Myers, 1985)
- Ampithoe kergueleni Stebbing, 1888
- Ampithoe koreana Kim & Kim, 1988
- Ampithoe kuala Myers, 1985