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Porifera taxon details

Clathria (Microciona) atrasanguinea (Bowerbank, 1862)

167617  (

Clathria atrasanguinea (Bowerbank, 1862) · alternative representation (subgenus assignment)
Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862 · unaccepted (genus transfer)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
(of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Bowerbank, J.S. (1862). On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Spongiadae. Part II. <em>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.</em> 152(2): 747-829, pls XXVII-XXXV. [details] OpenAccess publication

(of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at
page(s): 138-141 [details] OpenAccess publication
Type locality contained in Celtic Seas  
type locality contained in Celtic Seas [from synonym] [view taxon] [details]
de Voogd, N.J.; Alvarez, B.; Boury-Esnault, N.; Cárdenas, P.; Díaz, M.-C.; Dohrmann, M.; Downey, R.; Goodwin, C.; Hajdu, E.; Hooper, J.N.A.; Kelly, M.; Klautau, M.; Lim, S.C.; Manconi, R.; Morrow, C.; Pinheiro, U.; Pisera, A.B.; Ríos, P.; Rützler, K.; Schönberg, C.; Turner, T.; Vacelet, J.; van Soest, R.W.M.; Xavier, J. (2024). World Porifera Database. Clathria (Microciona) atrasanguinea (Bowerbank, 1862). Accessed at: on 2025-02-08
2005-07-10 18:05:41Z
2010-04-05 14:14:43Z

original description (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Bowerbank, J.S. (1862). On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Spongiadae. Part II. <em>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.</em> 152(2): 747-829, pls XXVII-XXXV. [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at
page(s): 138-141 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Carter, H.J. (1880). Sponges. (Including list of Sponges dredged by the Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society, Falmouth Excursion, 1879. Depth 15-20 Fathoms). <em>Midland Naturalist. London & Birmingham.</em> 55-60, 190-195. [details] 

additional source Hooper, J.N.A.; Kelly, M.; Kennedy, J.A. (2000). A new <i>Clathria</i> (Porifera: Demospongiae: Microcionidae) from the Western Indian Ocean. <em>Memoirs of the Queensland Museum.</em> 42 (2): 427-444. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Lévi, C. (1965). Spongiaires récoltés par l'expédition israélienne dans le sud de la Mer Rouge en 1962. <i>In</i>: Israel South Red Sea Expedition, 1962, Report 13. <em>Sea Fisheries Research Station Haifa Bulletin.</em> 39, 3-27. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Van Soest, R.W.M. (1993). Distribution of sponges on the Mauritanian continental shelf. <i>In</i>:Wolff,W.J., van der Land, J., Nienhuis,P.H. & de Wilde, P.A.W.J. (Eds), Ecological Studies in the Coastal Waters of Mauritania. <em>Hydrobiologia.</em> 258: 95-106.
page(s): 103 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Le Mao, P.; Godet, L.; Fournier, J.; Desroy, D.; Gentil, F.; Thiébaud, E.; Poutinet, L.; Cabioch, L: Retière, C.; Chambers, P. (2020). Atlas de la faune marine invertébrée du golfe Normano-Breton Volume 5 - Autres espèces -. Éditions de la Station biologique de Roscoff, ISBN 82951802971. 308 pp. , available online at http://hal-02490465
page(s): 33 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

basis of record (of Plumohalichondria atrasanguinea (Bowerbank, 1862)) Hanitsch, R. (1890). Third Report on the Porifera of the L.M.B.C.District. <em>Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society.</em> 4: 192-238, pls X-XV.
page(s): 207-209 [details] OpenAccess publication

basis of record (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Lévi, C. (1960). Les démosponges des côtes de France: 1. Les Clathriidae [The Demospongiae of the French coasts: 1. The Clathriidae. <em>Cahiers de Biologie Marine.</em> 1 (1): 47-87. (look up in IMIS)
page(s): 72-73 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Lévi, C. (1965). Spongiaires récoltés par l'expédition israélienne dans le sud de la Mer Rouge en 1962. <i>In</i>: Israel South Red Sea Expedition, 1962, Report 13. <em>Sea Fisheries Research Station Haifa Bulletin.</em> 39, 3-27.
page(s): 18-19; note: Misapplication [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Topsent, E. (1892). Diagnoses d'éponges nouvelles de la Méditerranée et plus particulièrement de Banyuls. <em>Archives de Zoologie expérimentale et générale.</em> (2) 10 (Notes et Revue 6) xvii-xxviii.
page(s): XVII [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Bowerbank, J.S. (1874). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 3. (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-367, pls I-XCII., available online at
page(s): 63, Pl. XXIV 14-19 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Dendy, A. (1922). Report on the Sigmatotetraxonida collected by H.M.S.'Sealark' in the Indian Ocean. <i>In</i>: Reports of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, Vol. 7. <em>Transactions of the Linnean Society of London.</em> 18 (1): 1-164, pls 1-18.
page(s): 60; note: Misapplication [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Descatoire, A. (1969). Peuplements sessiles de l'Archipel de Glénan de l'infralittoral rocheux. I. - Inventaire: Spongiaires. <em>Vie et Milieu (B, Océanographie).</em> 20 (1B): 177-209.
page(s): 197 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Hiscock, K.; Stone, S.M.K.; George, J.D. (1984). The marine fauna of Lundy. Porifera (sponges): a preliminary study. <em>Report Lundy Field Society.</em> 34: 16-35.
page(s): 27 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Laubenfels, M.W. de. (1936). A comparison of the shallow-water sponges near the Pacific end of the Panama Canal with those at the Caribbean end. <em>Proceedings of the United States National Museum.</em> 83 (2993): 441-466.
page(s): 448-449; note: Misapplication [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source (of Clathria atrasanguinea (Bowerbank, 1862)) Van Soest, R.W.M. (2001). Porifera, <b><i>in</i></b>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification</i>. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 85-103. (look up in IMIS) [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Clathria atrasanguinea (Bowerbank, 1862)) Van Soest, R.W.M. (1993). Affinities of the Marine Demospongiae Fauna of the Cape Verde Islands and Tropical West Africa. <em>Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg.</em> 159: 205-219. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source (of Clathria atrasanguinea (Bowerbank, 1862)) Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. <em>Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France.</em> 307 pp., available online at [details] 

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Hayward, P.J. & J.S. Ryland (Eds.). (1990). The marine fauna of the British Isles and North-West Europe: 1. Introduction and protozoans to arthropods. <em>Clarendon Press: Oxford, UK.</em> 627 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Van Soest, R.W.M. (2001). Porifera, <b><i>in</i></b>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification</i>. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 85-103. (look up in IMIS) [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Ackers, R.G.; Moss, D.; Picton, B.E. (1992). Sponges of the British Isles (‘Sponges V'). <em>A Colour Guide and Working Document. Marine Conservation Society.</em> 1-175.
page(s): 87 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Borojevic, R.; Cabioch, L.; Lévi, C. (1968). Inventaire de la faune marine de Roscoff. Spongiaires. <em>Éditions de la Station Biologique de Roscoff.</em> pp. 1-44., available online at
page(s): 24 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Boury-Esnault, N. (1971). Spongiaires de la zone rocheuse de Banyuls-sur-Mer. II. Systématique. <em>Vie et Milieu.</em> 22(2): 287-349.
page(s): 326; note: with a short description [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Burton, M.; Rao, H.S. (1932). Report on the shallow water marine sponges in the collection of the Indian Museum. Part I. <em>Records of the indian Museum.</em> 34(3): 299-356.
page(s): 344; note: Misapplication [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Burton, M. (1926). Cambridge Expedition to the Suez canal, III. Report on the sponges. <em>Transactions of the Zoological Society.</em> 22: 71-83.
note: Misapplication [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Thomas, P.A. (1985). Demospongiae of the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay. <em>In: Recent Advances in Marine Biology. New Delhi, James, P.S.B.R. (ed.). Today Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers.</em> 205-365.
page(s): 273; note: Misapplication [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Bibiloni, M-A. (1981). Estudi faunistic del litoral de Blanes (Girona). II Sistemàtica d'esponges. <em>Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural.</em> 47: 5-59.
page(s): 30 & 54; fig5E [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Solórzano, M.R. (1990). Poríferos del litoral gallego: estudio faunístico, distribución e inventario. <em>Phd Thesis Unversidad de Santiago de Compostela.</em> 1036 pp.
page(s): 886-888; Lám. 112 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

source of synonymy (of Microciona atrasanguinea Bowerbank, 1862) Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. <em>Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France.</em> 307 pp., available online at [details] 
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 


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