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Zhang, L.-x.; Zhou, J.-p. (1989). 山东淄博地区晚石炭世太原组的 - Fusulinids from Late Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation in Zibo area, Shandong. 古生物学报 - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica. 28(6): 803-818.
Zhang, L.-x.; Zhou, J.-p.
山东淄博地区晚石炭世太原组的 - Fusulinids from Late Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation in Zibo area, Shandong
古生物学报 - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica
28(6): 803-818
Available for editors  PDF available
The fusulinids described and illustrated in this paper Wire collected by the writers in the spring of 1984 from the Late Carboniferous. Taiyuan Formation in Zibo, Shandong. This formation is composed of shales, sandstones, aluminous shales, coal seams and four layers of fustilinid-bearing hmestone with a total thickness of 169.86m, disconformably overlain by the lower Permian Shanxi Formation and conformabty underlain by the Upper Carboniferous Penchi Formation. These fusulinids comprise 36 species and subspecies (including 5 new species), According to the Verticall distribution, of fusulinid faunas, 2 zones and 5 subzones may be recognized in ascending order as follows: Ⅱ. Triticites boshanensis zone Ⅰ. Pseudoschwagerina zone 5. Pseudoschwagerina gerontica subzone; 4. Schwagerina boshanensis subzone; 3. Triticites shandongensis subzone; 2. Pseudoschwagerina uddeni subzone; 1. Rugosofusulina complicata subzone; Ⅰ. Pseudoschwagerina zone This zone is composed of three layers of grey and dark grey thickbedded fusulinid-bearing limestone (L 19, L 21, L 25). The fusulinids are all characterized by the large shell, two-layered wall, coarsely alveolar keriotheca, small chomata and strongly fluted septa, as in Schwagerina, Rugosofusulina, Quasifusulina, etc. 1. Rugosofusulina complicata subzone This subzone represents the lowest fusulinid subzone of the Taiyuan formation in Zibo, which is characterized by the presence of Rugasofulina compticata(Schellwien) in association with Rugosofusulina intermedia (Schellwien), R. pseudoiaponica Dutkevich, R. gigantea Zhang et Zhou sp, nov., R. sp., Schwagerina richthofeni speciosa Lee,S. paragregaria (Rauser), S. nathorsti laxa (Lee), S leei. Sheng, S. moelleri:(Schellwien),S, cervicalis Lee, S. postcallosa gensh, S. of. guembeli Dunbar et Skinner, etc. 2. Pseudoschwagerina uddeni subzone This subzone is characterized by the presence of Pseudoschwagerina uddeni Beede et Kniker in association with Schwagerina cervicalis Lee, S. postcallosa Bensh, S. compensis Thompson, Quasifusulina arca (Lee), Q. sp., Boultonia willsi Lee, etc. 3.Triticites shandongensis subzone This subzone is characterized by the presence of Triticites shandongensis Zhang et Zhou sp. nov., in association with Quasifusulina cayeuxi (Deprat), Schwagerina nathorsti (Staff et Wedekind), S. amushanensis Sheng, Pseudofusulina uralica sphaerica Beljaev, Triticites subnathorsti Lee, Boultonia willsi Lee, etc., 4. Schwagerina boshanensis subzone This subzone is characterized by the presence of Schwagerina boshanensis Zhang et Zhou sp. nov., in which Schwagerina is the important element, with 7 species among the 12 species in this subzone, namely, Schwagerina flexa Zhang et Zhou sp. nov., S. valida exigua (Schellwien), S. quasibicornis Zhang Z. C. et Xia, S. richthofeni (Schellwien), S. richthofeni speciosa Lee, S. nobilis (Lee), S, leei Sheng, Rugosofusulina complicata (Schellwien), R. intermedia (Suleimanov), Pseudofusulina uralica sphaerica Beljaev, etc. 5. Pseudoschwagerina gerontica s,ubzone This subzone is characterized by the presence of Pseudoschwagerina gerontica Dunbar et Skinner in association with Quasifusulina longissima Moeller, Q cayeuxi(Deprat), Q. arca (Lee), Q. concava Rui et Hou, Q. sp., Schwagerina crassiuscula Rui et Hou, etc. Ⅱ. Triticites boshanensis zone This zone is the uppermost part of the Taiyuan formation, composed of grey thick-bedded limestone with shales. In this zone, the fusulinids are characterized by the minute shell, little shell volutions, thin alveolar keiictheca, very developed Chomata in all of the volutions. The Pseudoschwagerina zone of the. Taiyuan Formation in Zibo is. equivalent to the second (Pseudoschwagerina huabeiensis-Pseudofulutina firma) zone to fourth (Sphaeroschwagerina subrotunda-Robustoschwagerina sp.) zone of the Taiyuan Formation in southeastern Shanxi, with the Sphaeroschwagerina zone in the Datun coal field of northern Jiangsu.The Triticites boshanensis lone may correspond to the Schwagerina andresensis-S.biformis zone of the Taiyuan Formation in southeastern Shanxi. This zone bears a strong resemblance to the middle to upper parts of Wolfcampian in U. S. A. It can also be correlated with Asselian,,in Central Asia and the South Ural area of U. S. S.R. Description of New Species Rugosofusulina Rauser, 1937 Rugosofusulina gigantea Zhang et Zhou sp. nov. (Pl.Ⅰ, figs. 6, 7) Shell very large, subcyllndrical, with a gently arcuate axis; median portion with one side vaulted and the other side slightly depressed; polar ends bhmtly pointed. Holotype possessing 6 volutions about 12.1 mm long and 3.2mm wide, Witha form ratio of about 3.8:1. Two inner volutions coiled more togjtly; outer volutions loose. Spirotheca compoSed of tectum and rather coarsely alveolar keriotheca; outer volutions with "rugose" spirotheca. Thickness: of spirotheca in first to sixth volutions about 0.026, 0.038, 0.052, 0.065, 0.078, 0.078mm respectively. Septa Strongly fluted irregularly from pole to pole; septal folds high and narrow, reaching almost to tops of chambers. Axial fillings weak, only developed in the juvenarium. Chomata weak, present on proloculus. Proloculus large, about 0.26 mm in outer diameter. Remarks This new species resembles Rugosofusulina ruogiangensis Sun et Zhang, but in the latter, all volutions are rather loosely coiled, the spirotheca is rather thick, the phrenotheca is developed, and the axial fillings are not observable. It differs from Rugosofusulina complicata (Lee), but in the latter, the shell is small with a smaller form ratio, and all volutions are coiled more fightly. Schwagerina Moeller, 1877 Schwagerina boshanensis Zhang et Zhou sp. nov. (Pl. Ⅱ, figs. 14—16) Shell large, elongate-fusuliform, with one sider of the median portion vaulted and the other side slightly, depressed; polar extremities sharply point ed. Holotype containing 5 1/2 volutions, about 10.5 mm in length and 2.37 mm in width, with a form ratio of 4.4:1. Width of successive volutions about 0.36, 0.68, 1.1, 1.58, 2.1 and 2.37 mm respectively. Spirotheca relatively thick, composed of tectum and a coarsely alveolar keriotheca. Thickness of spirotheca in first to fifth volutions about 0.026, 0.039, 0.052, 0.065, 0.078 mm respectively. Septa highly and narrowly fluted; septal folds irregular, reaching almost to tops of chambers. Chomata small, only seen in the proloculus. Tunnel indistinct. Proloculus spherical, about 0.21 mm in outer diameter. Remarks Schwagerina boshanensis Zhang et Zhou sp. nov. most closely resembles S. richthofeni (Schellwien), but the new species is more compactly coiled, with a larger form ratio, thin spirotheca, and more strongly and highly fluted septa. In general shape, the new species is similar to S. erucaria(Schwager), but in the latter, all volutions are rather loosely coiled, with a smaller form ratio, and weak axial fillings. Schwagerina flexa Zhang et Zhou sp. nov. (Pl. Ⅱ, fig. 9) Shell of medium size, subcylindrical, with one side of the median portion vaulted and the other side slightly depressed; lateral slope steep; axis with crankles; polar bluntly pointed. Holotype containing 6 volutions; three inner volutions tightly coiled, with sharply pointed poles; last volution loosely expanded, about 7 mm long and 1.4 mm wide, with a form ratio of about 5:1. Width of successive volutions about 0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.7, 1.0 and 1.4 mm respectively. Spirotheca relatively thin, composed of a tectum and a coarsely alveolar keriotheca. Thickness of spirotheca about 0.018mm in the first volution, and 0.056mm in the outer ones. Septa strongly fluted; septal folds regular in the median, with part of them almost reaching to tops of chambers. Chomata small, only seen in the first volution. Proloculus small, about 0.08 mm in outer diameter. Remarks Schwagerina flexa sp. nov. most closely resembles S. bicornis Chen, but differs from the latter in having less dense axial fillings, sharply pointed poles and rather loosely coiled volutions, with a smaller form ratio. Tritieites Girty, 1904 Triticites boshanensis Zhang et Zhou sp. nov. (Pl.Ⅰ, fig. 9; Pl. Ⅳ, figs. 13—17, 25) Shell small, fusiform; median portion vaulted; lateral slopes convex; polar ends bluntly pointed. Holotype possessing 4 volutions, with three inner volutions tightly coiled, and one outer volution loosely expanded, about 1.74 mm long and 0.58 mm wide, with a form ratio of about 3:1. Width of successive volutions about 0.12, 0.21, 0.36 and 0.58 mm respectively. Spirotheca relatively thin, composed of a tectum and a coarsely alveolar keriotheca. Thickness of spirotheca about 0.01 mm in the first volution, and 0.026mm in outer ones. Septa almost plane in the juvenarium, but rather strongly and very regularly fluted in the outer ones, septal folds reaching more than two-thlrds the height of respective chambers. Chomata very developed. Tunnel narrow in inner volutions, but broader and higher in outer ones. Proloculus small and spherical, about 0.08 mm in outer diameter. Remarks This new species is similar to Triticites chinensis Chen, but the latter has a large number of volutions, and a large shell, with all volutions loosely coiled. It differs from Triticites parvus Chen in having a small shell and vaulted median portion, with plane septa in the juvenarium and very developed chomata. Triticites shandongensis Zhang et Zhou sp. nov. (Pl. Ⅳ, figs. 19, 21, 22) Shell small, fusiform; median portion vaulted; polar ends bluntly pointed. Holotype possessing 4 volutions about 2.1mm long and 0.75mm wide, with a form ratio about 2.8:1. Spirotheca thinner, composed of tectum and a coarsely alveolar keriotheca; thickness of spirotheca about 0.014 mm in the first volution, and O.026mm in the outer ones. Septa strongly fluted; septal folds wuth a broadly vaulted portion in the median and a narrowly and highly vaulted portion in the outer volutions, reaching almost to tops of chambers. Chomata developed in the juvenarium. Tunnel narrow. Proloculus small and spherical, aboun 0.12m in outer diameter. Remarks This new species differs from Triticites boshanensis Zhang et Zhou sp, nov., in which the shell is small, all volutions are tightly coiled, the septa are plane in the juvenarium, and the chomata are very developed. It differs from Triticites zhangi Chen et Wang, in which the shell is large, the septa are plane in the median portion, and the two inner volutions are tightly coiled.
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