The ICZM Process - a Roadmap towards Coastal Sustainability - Introduction

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Analysis and Futures  

Setting the Vision  

Designing the Future  

Realising the Vision  


Welcome to the ICZM Process

ICZM Process diagram/EstablishmentICZM Process diagram/Setting the visionICZM Process diagram/Analysis and FutureICZM Process diagram/Designing the FutureICZM Process diagram/Realizing the VisionICZM-process revised-Diagram-Simple-WEB-June-12.jpg
About this image
The primary target participants in the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Process are the practitioners and partnerships tasked with the implementation of the Process, and in particular those involved in the preparation of ICZM plans, strategies and/or programmes for coastal areas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. It is also intended that the implementation of the ICZM Process will contribute to a wider discussion on the sustainable development of coastal zones.

A unique and groundbreaking international legal instrument - the Protocol to the Barcelona Convention on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, now drives ICZM in the Mediterranean.
The "ICZM Protocol" was developed to provide a common legal framework for the Contracting Parties - the 21 Mediterranean states and the EU - to promote and implement ICZM in the Mediterranean. The Protocol entered into force in March 2011. The entry into force of the Protocol in 2011, including its ratification by EU, means that the Protocol has now become part of EU law and has binding effects.

The design of the ICZM Process to assist the implementation of the ICZM Protocol is being coordinated by the Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC). in Split, Croatia, and is based on over 30 years of practical ICZM experience in the Mediterranean. PAP/RAC is a component organisation of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), part of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Twenty-one Mediterranean countries and the European Union are Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, which is being implemented by the MAP. PAP/RAC has built a global reputation for its expertise in ICZM.

In designing the process, PAP/RAC is working closely with the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and UNESCO-IHP partners in the framework of the GEF funded Strategic Partnership in the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem "MedPartnership" to ensure effective integration with river catchment and water basin management.

Structure of the ICZM Process

The ICZM Process is intended for guidance - the 'how' of implementing the ICZM Protocol – adaption to individual local circumstances will dictate changes to this process within the overall framework. The Process is structured into 5 sections representing the key stages of the ICZM Process represented on the diagram.

Just click on the "Establishment" tab or diagram box to start your journey. 

Each stage is summarised into:

• Description of the stage • Overall aim • Likely outputs

Each stage will be continuously developed with a more detailed breakdown of the individual tasks, including:

• Tools & techniques • Integrative issues • Integrating climate change • Outputs of the detailed tasks • Examples

The ICZM Process - towards coastal sustainability

The ICZM Process is designed to deliver the "Four Orders of Outcome for ICZM". Olsen, S.B. (2003): Frameworks and indicators for assessing progress in integrated coastal management initiatives. Ocean & Coastal Management 46, 347-361.

Four Orders of Outcome for ICZM

The Four Orders of Outcome provide a roadmap towards sustainable development and uderpin the approach to ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea.

The First Order creates an enabling framework - creating the preconditions required to successfully implement the ICZM strategy, plan or programme.

The Second Order analyses changes in behaviour that occur during implementation: changes in the behaviour of target user groups, changes in the behaviour of key institutions, and changes in how and where financial investments are made.

The Third Order measures practical results and benefits. These Third Order Outcomes, e.g., improved water quality, justify financial investments and motivates the stakeholders and institutions to make the changes in their behaviour that sustained success requires.

The Fourth Order looks at the appropriate balance between environment and human society – that elusive ambition of the sustainable development of coastal zones.

A Sustainable Coast...

'Sustainability' is a much used, but rarely defined term. In the case of the Mediterranean, a sustainable coast is one that is:
Iczm verticalbar1.jpg

- Resilient - resilient to future uncertainties of climate change, including rising sea levels, warming and drought; resilient to extreme storms, earthquakes and erosion; resilient to human processes, including the pressure of tourism and urban development on the coast.

- Productive - productive financially in traditional, modern and future economic sectors; supporting the economic aspirations of the coastal community; providing a competitive asset to the local economy, high in natural and economic values - increasing GDP and alleviating poverty.

- Diverse - ecologically diverse: a rich mosaic of marine and terrestrial ecosystems; diverse rural and urban landscapes, old and new; a diverse economy - providing a diverse, but distinctly Mediterranean experience.

- Distinctive - retaining the cultural distinctiveness of coastal areas, including their architecture, customs and landscapes, recognising the Mediterranean as the “cradle of civilisation” - providing a distinctive marketing image on which to attract investment.

- Attractive - retaining the attractiveness of the coast, not only to visitors, but also to investors and local people to promote a self-sustaining cycle of sustainable growth.

- Healthy - free from pollution from land and marine-based sources, clean fresh and marine waters and the air - providing a healthy environment for people, natural resources such as fisheries, and wildlife.

Use this as a check-list to help set up your plan, strategy or programme. Have you addressed these criteria in a balanced way, in a way that maximises mutual benefits and minimises the risk of detrimental consequences?

Expert view - "...keep it simple"

Brian Shipman

"Coastal issues are complex, but your strategy, your plan or your programme should not be. Just remember that ICZM is as much a social as a technical process, and resources will always be limited. So here are a few practical tips to smooth your way:

Keep it simple and fit for purpose - don’t over complicate

Where possible, work with what you have, commission new work/research and data collection only where absolutely required

• The Process should be adaptive to local circumstances and resources

• Communication is the key – enabling stakeholders to visualise the problems, potential futures, and to find solutions

• No ICZM process should be strictly linear; all stages are iterative and will overlap depending on individual workplans

• ICZM is primarily a social process, so there is no substitute for full stakeholder participation.

And finally - I have paraphrased a quotation by our colleagues in the Global Water Partnership (GWP) - the ICZM Process is designed not just to produce a plan or a strategy for a coastal area. In the end ICZM’s success or failure depends on its ability to catalyse change. This is what matters - not the specific process, nor the form of a strategy or plan document, but whether or not it results in positive action.'

Begin your journey here: ICZM_Process_diagram/Establishment