Integrating Climate Change into the ICZM planning process - Designing the Future

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Analysis and Futures  

Setting the Vision  

Designing the Future  

Realising the Vision  


CC ICZM Process/EstablishmentCC ICZM Process/Analysis and FutureCC ICZM Process/Setting the visionCC ICZM Process/Designing the FutureCC ICZM Process/Realizing the VisionICZM pegaso 3 5.png
About this image

Formulating ICZM strategies, Plans and Programmes

At this stage, plans, strategies and programmes will now have specific climate related elements. These will include measures related to sea level rise, such as sea defences, changes in land use regulations etc., as well as measures derived in the areas of agriculture, health, water and ecosystems, mostly in conjunction with national policies in these areas. Specific to climate change will be issues relating to funding. External funds should be available from the Global Adaptation Fund, which is being set up and which will set out some guidelines for the documentation that needs to be provided for projects that are requesting funding. Much of the information recommended here to be collected as part of the ICZM should be of great value in preparing such proposals, although further data may be required. As the term indicates, this is an activity for the plan stage, although the strategy will have identified the preferred “trajectory”, along with the elements that have to be included within it.

Establishing Management structure