Copepoda source details

Põllumäe, A.; Kotta, I.; Kotta, J. (2006). Port biological sampling as a tool for monitoring invasive species in high-risk areas of bioinvasions, in: Ojaveer, H.; Kotta, J. (Ed.) (2006). Alien invasive species in the north-eastern Baltic Sea: population dynamics and ecological impacts. Estonian Marine Institute Report Series, 14: pp. 35-41
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Muuga harbour (Port of Tallinn, Gulf of Finland) for Acartia bifilosa (Giesbrecht, 1881) 
Muuga harbour (Port of Tallinn, Gulf of Finland) for Argulus foliaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Muuga harbour (Port of Tallinn, Gulf of Finland) for Centropages hamatus (Lilljeborg, 1853) 
Muuga harbour (Port of Tallinn, Gulf of Finland) for Ectinosoma curticorne Boeck, 1873 
Muuga harbour (Port of Tallinn, Gulf of Finland) for Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880) 
Muuga harbour (Port of Tallinn, Gulf of Finland) for Limnocalanus macrurus Sars G.O., 1863 
Muuga harbour (Port of Tallinn, Gulf of Finland) for Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus, 1857) 
Muuga harbour (Port of Tallinn, Gulf of Finland) for Pseudocalanus minutus elongatus (Boeck, 1865) 
Muuga harbour (Port of Tallinn, Gulf of Finland) for Temora longicornis (Müller O.F., 1785) 

Evade normannii [details]