Foraminifera source details

Gaillot, J.; Vachard, D. (2007). The Khuff Formation (Middle East) and time-equivalents in Turkey and South China: biostratigraphy from Capitanian to Changhsingian times (Permian), new foraminiferal taxa, and palaeogeographical implications. Coloquios de Paleontologia. 57: 37-223.
Gaillot, J.; Vachard, D.
The Khuff Formation (Middle East) and time-equivalents in Turkey and South China: biostratigraphy from Capitanian to Changhsingian times (Permian), new foraminiferal taxa, and palaeogeographical implications
Coloquios de Paleontologia
57: 37-223
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
Abstract : A detailed biostratigraphic and microfacies study of the late Middle permian to Early Triassic Khuff Formation was undertaken in three reference regions in the Zagros area (iran), United Arabian Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia. Comparisons done with traditional Lopingian reference sections, as such as Hazro (eastern Taurus, Turkey), and Laren and Tsonteng sections (Guangxi, southern China), allow subdivision of the permian part of the Khuff deposits into six main biozones: (1) the late Midian is characterized by Shanita amosi associated with Dunbarela nana; (2) the early Wuchiapingian is characterized by the FAD of Paraglobivalvulina mira and Pseudotristix solida during a first flooding event, strongly restructuring the Middle Permian habitats; (3) the "middle" Wuchiapingian is defined locally with the appearance of the genus Paradagmarita with numerous regional markers and corresponds to maximal connection with an open marine system; (4) the late Wuchiapingian is characterized by an assemblage dominated by the biseriamminid Charliella altineri sp. nov. and the ozawainellid Neomillerella mirabilis gen. nov. sp. nov.; (5) the early Changhsingian corresponds to a "Biseriamminid bloom" event with Paradagmacrusta callosa gen. nov. sp. nov. as the main marker; and (6) the late Changhsingian is dominated by large miliolids such as Crassiglomella and Glomomidiellopsis uenoi. During the Late Permian, different foraminiferal morphogroups colonized and flourished in the various habitats of the inner carbonate shelf of the Arabian Platform, depending mainly on salinity, energy, depth, and presence of shallow meadows of gymnocodiaceans. A palaeoecological analysis will be presented in a second part of this work, together with the study of algae. The Late Permian foraminifers of the Khuff platform are typical of very shallow to restricted environments, and cannot cross through deep basins because of its shallow stenobath character. Hence, their geographical distribution can be used to reconstruct the continuity of the inner carbonate ramps. Numerous foraminifer genera were discovered in the different regions. Some biseriamminoid taxa are especially useful to identify the degree of connection and thus the approximative distance between carbonate platforms and/or tectonostratigraphic terranes. Hence, relationships are confirmed between the Taurus and Zagros but, surprinsingly, they are demonstrated between Zagros, southern China and some Japanese terranes. The best palaeobiogeographical markers are Paradagmarita, Floritheca, Partisania and Paradagmaritopsis. The new taxa described here are: (a) 2 subfamilies, Paradagmarininae and Paraglobivalvulininae; (b) 17 genera, Floritheca, Neomillerella, Labioglobivalvulina, Retroseptellina, Labiodagmarita, Paradagmaritella, Paradagmacrusta, Paremiratella, Septigordius, Brunsispirella, Crassispirella, Crassiglomella, Uralogordius, Neodiscopsis, Glomomidiellopsis, Nestellorella, and Aulacophloia; (c) 30 species: Floritheca variata, Neomillerella mirabilis, Globivalvulina parascaphoidea, G. neglecta, Charliella altineri, Labioglobivalvulina baudi, L. fortis, Paremiratella robusta, Labiodagmarita vasleti, Louisettita extraordinaria, Paradagmarita simplex, P. zaninettiae, P. planispiralis, Paradagmaritella brevispira, Paradagmaritella surmehensis, Paradagmacrusta callosa, Paremiratella robusta, Palaeonubecularia iranica, Hoyenella laxa, Crassispirella hughesi, Glomomidiellopsis uenoi, G. tieni, G. lysitiformis, Neodiscopsis canutii, Rectostipulina syzranaeformis, Langella massei, Partisania sigmoidalis, Cryptomorphina hazroensis, Pachyphloia enormis, and Aulacophloia martiniae; and (d) 9 emended genera: Septoglobivalvulina, Louisettita, Hoyenella, Neodiscus, Tauridia, Polarisella, Pachyphloides/Cryptoseptida and Ichthyofrondina.
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Afusulinana † (original description)
Arenovidalina angulata (Lin, 1984) † accepted as Multidiscella angulata (Lin, 1984) † (new combination reference)
Arenovidalina beauchampi (Pinard & Mamet, 1998) † accepted as Rectogordius beauchampi (Pinard & Mamet, 1998) † (new combination reference)
Arenovidalina oliviformis (Han, 1982) † accepted as Multidiscus oliviformis Han, 1982 † (new combination reference)
Arenovidalina paraoliviformis (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Arenovidalina recta (Kireeva, 1958) † accepted as Rectogordius rectus (Kireeva, 1958) † (new combination reference)
Arenovidalina schuberti (Lange, 1925) † (new combination reference)
Arenovidalina sverdrupensis (Pinard & Mamet, 1998) † accepted as Rectogordius sverdrupensis (Pinard & Mamet, 1998) † (new combination reference)
Arenovidalina umbilicata (Kireeva, 1958) † accepted as Rectogordius umbilicatus (Kireeva, 1958) † (new combination reference)
Aulacophloia Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Aulacophloia martiniae Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Brunsispirella Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † accepted as Okimuraites Vdovenko, Rauzer-Chernousova, Reitlinger & Sabirov, 1993 † (original description)
Brunsispirella guvenci (Altiner, 1978) † accepted as Multidiscella guvenci (Altiner, 1978) † (new combination reference)
Caligelloidea Reitlinger in Rauzer-Chernousova & Fursenko, 1959 nomen transl. Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Calvezina grandecamerata (Sosnina, 1965) † (new combination reference)
Charliella altineri Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Charliella migrans (Nestell & Nestell, 2006) † (new combination reference)
Crassiglomella Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Crassiglomella guangxiensis (Lin, 1978) † (new combination reference)
Crassispirella Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † accepted as Crassispirellina Gaillot, Vachard & Le Coze, 2019 † (original description)
Crassispirella hughesi Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † accepted as Crassispirellina hughesi (Gaillot & Vachard, 2007) † (original description)
Cryptomorphina Sellier de Civrieux & Dessauvagie, 1965 † (status source)
Cryptomorphina hazroensis Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Floritheca Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Floritheca variata Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Frondina conicula (Wang in Zhao et al., 1981) † (new combination reference)
Frondina decorosa (Wang in Zhao et al., 1981) † (new combination reference)
Frondina lauta (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Frondina laxa (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Frondina paraconica (Miklukho-Maklay, 1954) † (new combination reference)
Frondina quasiconica (Lin, 1978) † (new combination reference)
Frondinidae Gaillot & Vachard, 1987 † (original description)
Frondinodosaria cuspidatula (Gerke, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Frondinodosaria damotteae (Güvenç, 1967) † (new combination reference)
Frondinodosaria eximia (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † accepted as Paravervilleina eximia (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Frondinodosaria suchonensis (K. Miklukho-Maklay, 1968) † (new combination reference)
Fusulinata † (original description)
Globivalvulina neglecta Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Globivalvulina parascaphoidea Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Globivalvulinidae Reitlinger, 1950 † (original description)
Glomomidiellopsis Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Glomomidiellopsis lysitiformis Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Glomomidiellopsis tieni Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Glomomidiellopsis uenoi Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Gourisina Reichel, 1946 † (status source)
Hemigordiellina regularis (Lipina, 1949) † accepted as Olgaorlovella regularis (Lipina, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella ammodisciformis (Zolotova, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella amplificata (Kristan-Tollmann, 1970) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella asymmetrica (Zolotova, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella bipartita (Zolotova, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella fatrica (Michalík, Jendrejáková & Borza, 1979) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella hemigordiformis (Cherdynzev, 1914) † accepted as Brunsiella concava (Spandel, 1901) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella hoae (Kristan-Tollmann, 1970) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella hubeiensis (Lin, 1978) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella kamaensis (Baryshnikov, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella lampangensis (Kobayashi, Martini, Rettori & Zaninetti, 2006) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella laxa Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Hoyenella minima (Michalík, Jendrejáková & Borza, 1979) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella nyei (Crespin, 1958) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella paucispira (Michalík, Jendrejáková & Borza, 1979) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella spirollinoformis (Wang, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella succincta (Zheng & Lin, 1978) † (new combination reference)
Hoyenella triphonensis (Baud, Zaninetti & Brönnimann, 1971) † (new combination reference)
Ichthyofrondina arpaensis (G. Pronina, 1989) † (new combination reference)
Ichthyofrondina guangxiensis (Lin, 1978) † (new combination reference)
Ichthyofrondina nessenensis (Bozorgnia, 1973) † (new combination reference)
Ichthyofrondina ornata (Miklukho-Maklay, 1954) † (new combination reference)
Ichthyofrondina parvula (Pronina in Kotlyar et al., 1989) † (new combination reference)
Ichthyofrondina primitiva (Sellier de Civrieux & Dessauvagie, 1965) † (new combination reference)
Ichthyolaria kanyoensis (Kobayashi, 1997) † (new combination reference)
Ichthyolaria kolymica (Miklukho-Maklay, 1960) † (new combination reference)
Ichthyolaria natella (Gerke, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Irregularinoidea Zadorozhnyy & Yuferev, 1984 nom. transl. Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Labiodagmarita Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Labiodagmarita vasleti Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Labioglobivalvulina Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Labioglobivalvulina baudi Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Labioglobivalvulina fortis Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Langella inculta (Lin, 1984) † (new combination reference)
Langella lepida (Lin, 1984) † (new combination reference)
Langella massei Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Langella palmosa (Lin, 1985) † (new combination reference)
Langella progresa (Lin, 1985) † (new combination reference)
Langella pulchra (Lange, 1925) † (new combination reference)
Langella quasiperforata (Lin, 1984) † (new combination reference)
Langella sumatrensis (Lange, 1925) † (new combination reference)
Langella venosa (Lange, 1925) † (new combination reference)
Langella xintanensis (Lin, 1984) † (new combination reference)
Langellinae Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Lituotubelloidea Miklukho-Maklay, 1963 nom. transl. Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 emend. Hance et al., 2011 † (original description)
Louisettita extraordinaria Gaillot & Vachard, 2007 † (original description)
Midiella abadehensis (Okimura & Ishii, 1981) † (new combination reference)
Midiella changxingensis (Wang in Zhao et al., 1981) † (new combination reference)
Midiella guangdongensis (Hao & Lin, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Midiella ovata (Grozdilova, 1956) † accepted as Praeneodiscus ovatus (Grozdilova, 1956) † accepted as Uralogordiopsis ovatus (Grozdilova, 1956) † accepted as Uralogordiopsis ovata (Grozdilova, 1956) † (new combination reference)
Midiella ovata subsp. minima (Grozdilova, 1956) † (new combination reference)
Midiella plectogyraeformis (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Multidiscus abriolensis (Luperto, 1966) † (new combination reference)
Multidiscus depressus (Luperto, 1966) † (new combination reference)
Multifarina Lin, 1984 † accepted as Pseudotristix K. V. Miklukho-Maklay, 1960 † (source of synonymy)

Gaillot and Vachard (2007, p. 103): "Test large, entirely streptospiral or initially streptospiral with a ... [details]


Gaillot and Vachard (2007, p. 94): "Large Miliolida test composed of a spherical proloculus followed by an ... [details]


Diagnosis: Test small to medium-sized (H.= 0.100-0.440 mm), tapering to cylindrical. Chambers reniform. Septa ... [details]


Diagnosis: Test similar to Langella, but with more embracing chambers, and septal, and wall thicknesses slight and ... [details]


Secondary junior homonym of Langella lepida (Lin, 1984). [details]