author, (p.119): "The name [Meiodorvillea] is indicative of the meiofaunal size of the contained species and ... [details]
Not stated, but 'apalpata' refers to the lack of palps on the head. [details]
Schistomeringos, Greek for split bristle, refers to the characteristic furcate chaetae, and is feminine in gender. [details]
Jumars (1974) incorrectly gives the Hartmann-Schröder original subspecies publication date as 1962. It is 1965. [details]
Jumars (174:132) places Prionognathus boecki Malmgren 1867 (genus misspelled in Jumars as Priognathus) as indeterminable [details]
WoRMS lists Prionognathus ciliata as a synonym of Schistomeringos rudolphi (Delle Chiaje, 1828), and this was cited ... [details]
The genus Cirrosyllis was established in Hesionidae by Schmarda (1861), to include six new species: Cirrosyllis ... [details]
Verrill, 1900 stated that Staurocephalus rudolphi, delle Chiaje, 1828 was designated the type species of his ... [details]